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If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:42 am
by Rootbeer
will it get moved to another forum?
Just trying to understand the layout. I haven't posted here for a few years, and I'd like to know the depth and breadth of the field before I start throwing touchdowns IYKWIM
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:59 am
by fix
A Rootbeer sighting?
Frost that!
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:00 pm
by smackaholic
post it here.
this place needs all the traffic it can get.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:24 pm
by smackaholic
I suspect it is about harry and his "no negro dialect" comments.
Almost as good as biden and his dumbass 'clean niggah' comments.
Sure will be fun to watch the dems wiggle over this one.
Can somebody 'splain to me how this clown got to the top of the congress food chain along with the even more ridiculous skeletor bitch?
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:24 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:I suspect it is about harry and his "no negro dialect" comments.
Almost as good as biden and his dumbass 'clean niggah' comments.
Sure will be fun to watch the dems wiggle over this one.
Can somebody 'splain to me how this clown got to the top of the congress food chain along with the even more ridiculous skeletor bitch?
He's a Mormon. Born in a small rural town, in bumfuck nowhere, full of inbred family members.
Reid, not Rooty, that is.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:43 pm
by smackaholic
Mikey wrote:smackaholic wrote:I suspect it is about harry and his "no negro dialect" comments.
Almost as good as biden and his dumbass 'clean niggah' comments.
Sure will be fun to watch the dems wiggle over this one.
Can somebody 'splain to me how this clown got to the top of the congress food chain along with the even more ridiculous skeletor bitch?
He's a Mormon. Born in a small rural town, in bumfuck nowhere, full of inbred family members.
Reid, not Rooty, that is.
So, on top of being a general all around dumbfukk, he's an inbred mormon 'neck?
Let me ask this one more time, dems, How in the fukk does this guy become HNIC of the senate? How the hell does he even make it any higher than local dog catcher?
Just to show my bipartisan spirit, I've asked myself the same question about more than a few republicans, but, none of them seem as ridiculous as dumbfukk harry and skeletor lady.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:51 pm
by Tom In VA
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
It will turn into one. We're political animals. I mean even the "pile ons" not related to today's issues or social issues are in fact - political.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:05 pm
Here are the current first 10 threads in CdS:
-If I start a non-political thread in CdS
-OK-- all you "sunbelters"---
-Welcome to 2010
-Thomas Hooker Munich style lager
-What is a liberal progessive?
-is anyone here against capital punishment?
-Remember Topanga from Boy Meets World?
-Smilie Addition
-Whatever happened to your Health Care debate?
Currently you have 3 polithreads among them. I think I'm that not enough, or is 3/10 too many?
Listen, here is the rule of thumb spelled out for the simple-minded and/or those cursed with Utah residency - start whatever thread you want in here and rest assured it's ok unless your nick is Lillian Vernon or Pitkkle.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:06 pm
by Diego in Seattle
At least Biden is smarter than Mr. Potatoe Head.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:10 pm
by Wolfman
At least Biden is smarter than Mr. Potatoe Head.
He is ?? How so ?
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:54 pm
by Cuda
Diego in Seattle wrote:At least Biden is smarter than Mr. Potatoe Head.
try spending a little less time around pre-schoolers and maybe you won't reason like them quite so much
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:03 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:Mikey wrote:smackaholic wrote:I suspect it is about harry and his "no negro dialect" comments.
Almost as good as biden and his dumbass 'clean niggah' comments.
Sure will be fun to watch the dems wiggle over this one.
Can somebody 'splain to me how this clown got to the top of the congress food chain along with the even more ridiculous skeletor bitch?
He's a Mormon. Born in a small rural town, in bumfuck nowhere, full of inbred family members.
Reid, not Rooty, that is.
So, on top of being a general all around dumbfukk, he's an inbred mormon 'neck?
Let me ask this one more time, dems, How in the fukk does this guy become HNIC of the senate? How the hell does he even make it any higher than local dog catcher?
Just to show my bipartisan spirit, I've asked myself the same question about more than a few republicans, but, none of them seem as ridiculous as dumbfukk harry and skeletor lady.
I've been wondering the the same thing myself. Apparently he has mad backroom negotiating skillz. Or something.
Daschle was a complete failure as a Dem leader. I think they should give Al Franken a try. At least he might shake a few things up.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:06 pm
by Dinsdale
Rootbeer wrote:I haven't posted here for a few years
Of course you haven't.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:45 pm
by smackaholic
Diego in Seattle wrote:At least Biden is smarter than Mr. Potatoe Head.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:57 pm
by Rootbeer
Dinsdale wrote:Rootbeer wrote:I haven't posted here for a few years
Of course you haven't.
I know, right. Most of the board thinks we're the same person so we should probably avoid being seen together in the same thread.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:04 pm
by Rootbeer
PSUFAN wrote:Here are the current first 10 threads in CdS:
-If I start a non-political thread in CdS
-OK-- all you "sunbelters"---
-Welcome to 2010
-Thomas Hooker Munich style lager
-What is a liberal progessive?
-is anyone here against capital punishment?
-Remember Topanga from Boy Meets World?
-Smilie Addition
-Whatever happened to your Health Care debate?
Currently you have 3 polithreads among them. I think I'm that not enough, or is 3/10 too many?
Listen, here is the rule of thumb spelled out for the simple-minded and/or those cursed with Utah residency - start whatever thread you want in here and rest assured it's ok unless your nick is Lillian Vernon or Pitkkle.
This board is full of political threads, posts, opinions, banter, debate, and general political douchbaggery. Tell me you new. I was just poking the board with a stick to see if it would twitch. I didn't mean to pop one of your righteous indignation boils. I'll use a blunted stick next time.
For the record my current* political stance is this: politicians look out for their own and for their contributors. If you are neither, you are screwed. Your only option is this: a. bite on some leather while they rip your paycheck through your arsehole; b. kick the bums out. ALL of them. Don't give me that, "but my politician is good". No he/she is not. They're all self-serving, self-perpetuating, public leeches. ALL. OF. THEM.
Other than that, how have you been, anonymous internet friend?
*subject to change at my whim
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:07 pm
by Rootbeer
BTW, someone give me an avatar that is non-offensive.
My posts suck out loud these days so they might as well suck with an avatar in tow.
Hit me*!
* - looks in orcinus' general direction
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:17 pm
by poptart
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:13 am
by Rootbeer
Funny, poptart, but I hope when people think of moi, they are not thinking about dogs humping stuffed cartoon characters.
I fancy myself more of a Lane Meyer type. Remember in Better Off Dead when the asian guys pull up next to Lane and say, "Truly a sight to behold. A man beaten. The once great champ, now, a study in moppishness. No longer the victory hungry stallion we've raced so many times before, but a pathetic, washed up, aged ex-champion."
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:17 am
by Dr_Phibes

Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:22 am
by Rootbeer
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:12 am
by Tom In VA
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:38 am
by Tom In VA
L-R: mvscal, Rootbeer ...
Rootbeer: I was poking it with a stick.
I don't know. If poli threads aren't cool maybe movie resets from 80's "teen angst" type films will do.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:49 am
by Tom In VA
CAPTION: Rootbeer drives by to rattle the cage of T1B.
There's an avatar too if you want.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:35 am
by KC Scott
Rootbeer wrote:
I fancy myself more of a Lane Meyer type.
Dude..... dude? Doooooood.....
You forget you posted your mug back at TNW along with your office buddy - You look just like Fez off that 70's Show
If Fez had just killed a possum and decided to use it as a hat
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:51 am
by Rootbeer
mvscal wrote:Rootbeer wrote:This board is full of political threads, posts, opinions, banter, debate, and general political douchbaggery.
Do you need a hankey? Or were you attempting to make some kind of point?
I will respond to you if/when you become relevant.

Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:59 am
by Rootbeer
R-Jack wrote:
True story. The brat pack, Hamm and Haim, gave an anti-drug rally at my wife's Junior High School. The night after the rally, they were busted in the hotel for drug use. I don't think Rootbeer is synonymous with drug use. Or hypocrisy.
Okay maybe hypocrisy.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:00 am
by Rootbeer
KC Scott wrote:Rootbeer wrote:
I fancy myself more of a Lane Meyer type.
Dude..... dude? Doooooood.....
You forget you posted your mug back at TNW along with your office buddy - You look just like Fez off that 70's Show
If Fez had just killed a possum and decided to use it as a hat
Get real I'm not using my real picture.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:09 am
by Katy
Welcome back, Rootbeer. :D
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:11 am
by Rootbeer
mvscal wrote:Well maybe it isn't quite the answer you were looking for, but if you start a shit thread in the CdS, it will certainly end up in a different forum.
Sorta like this....
You moved my thread to TROTS? Why? Did I sprain your vagina that badly with a single sentence?
Are you settling some long lost cyber dispute between us?
Are you racking up bode$ to spend at the oneboard online store? If you move ten threads do you get a coffee cup in the shape of a maxi pad? You should, you big internet fight winner, you.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:17 am
by Rootbeer
Katy wrote:Welcome back, Rootbeer. :D
Thanks, but I'm not sure I'm "back". mvscal just runn3d me with his sw00t, 5\/\/007 m0d skeeeellllzzzz.
I bet if I call him a melting snowman he'll ban me for life. He's kinda sensitive like that. Doesn't take criticism real well. He's fragile. On the inside, I mean. On the outside he's like all tough black leather and rhinestones. Like, mean rhinestones though. Rhinestones that look like bullet holes! And shark's teeth! Yeah. But on the inside he's like an infant Carol Carpenter.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:28 am
by Katy
Rootbeer wrote:Katy wrote:Welcome back, Rootbeer. :D
Thanks, but I'm not sure I'm "back". mvscal just runn3d me with his sw00t, 5\/\/007 m0d skeeeellllzzzz.
I bet if I call him a melting snowman he'll ban me for life. He's kinda sensitive like that. Doesn't take criticism real well. He's fragile. On the inside, I mean. On the outside he's like all tough black leather and rhinestones. Like, mean rhinestones though. Rhinestones that look like bullet holes! And shark's teeth! Yeah. But on the inside he's like an infant Carol Carpenter.
You're a $$ poster and I hope you stay. It's nice seeing old faces that have been gone for awhile.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:30 am
by Rootbeer
mvscal wrote:Rootbeer wrote:mvscal wrote:Well maybe it isn't quite the answer you were looking for, but if you start a shit thread in the CdS, it will certainly end up in a different forum.
Sorta like this....
You moved my thread to TROTS? Why?
Because it sucks. So do you. Try having something that even vaguely resembles a take next time.
If I understand you correctly, I should have a take that doesn't suck, thereby raising the bar, yes? I should make a personal goal of getting racked, and thereafter checking the scoreboard? Should I bring the juice and get the jungle blowing up? I'm all about all that stuff. I'm loaded with witty catch phrases that don't mean anything. For example, the blim flam in this thread is vumpitty bizzle. I'm gonna give myself a tongue for that one. That was some straight-up solid-gold bizzle on my part.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:39 am
by War Wagon
Not sure I've ever seen a thread get trots'd after 30 some posts and then rescued. That was quick.
Power struggle going on here and mv with an itchy trigger finger.
Rootbeer reminds me of Dog, but I saw no reason for this thread to be shitcanned.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:21 am
by Rootbeer
War Wagon wrote:Not sure I've ever seen a thread get trots'd after 30 some posts and then rescued. That was quick.
Power struggle going on here and mv with an itchy trigger finger.
Rootbeer reminds me of Dog, but I saw no reason for this thread to be shitcanned.
Well now this is just one heck of a swell welcome wagon, and I do 'preciate ya.
edit- wait a minute who's Dog? Is that a compliment?
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:31 am
by Rootbeer
mvscal wrote: honestly, you strike me as a whiny, takeless cunt who would most likely be more comfortable at stucknut discussing the aroma of ball sacks with your fellow rim-jobbing gimps.
Honestly, I haven't read you in well over two years, but what I remember from 2007 is not a single interesting or thought-provoking opinion from you. You were always caustic and ugly in print, but that's no feat and no reason to celebrate. Now you have m0d powers to help you get over which must help tremendously since you couldn't argue your way out of a stiff wind two years ago.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:42 am
by Rootbeer
Rootbeer wrote:mvscal wrote: honestly, you strike me as a whiny, takeless cunt who would most likely be more comfortable at stucknut discussing the aroma of ball sacks with your fellow rim-jobbing gimps.
Honestly, I haven't read you in well over two years, but what I remember from 2007 is not a single interesting or thought-provoking opinion from you.
My integrity got the better of me and I read your last 50 posts or so. You have some good opinions. I recant my earlier statement and adjourn this banter until you say something I dislike. Fare thee well.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:32 am
by Kierland
mvscal wrote:Well maybe it isn't quite the answer you were looking for, but if you start a shit thread in the CdS, it will certainly end up in a different forum.
Sorta like this....
Sweet. Can you do that again?
You can't?

Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:43 pm
by Cuda
Rootbeer wrote: You were always caustic and ugly in print, but that's no feat and no reason to celebrate. .
My interweb goals have just been crushed. Now I gotta come up with a whole new act. Please tell me being caustic & ugly in print was once something to aspire to. I'd hate to think it was all wasted.
Re: If I start a non-political thread in CdS
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:19 pm
by Rootbeer
Cuda wrote:Rootbeer wrote: You were always caustic and ugly in print, but that's no feat and no reason to celebrate. .
My interweb goals have just been crushed. Now I gotta come up with a whole new act. Please tell me being caustic & ugly in print was once something to aspire to. I'd hate to think it was all wasted.
Cuda, you've developed into a solid internet personality and poster. I rack in your general direction, friend.