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Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:57 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
Greatest challenge internet history.
Vegas Odds have mvscal as a 1,000 to 1 Favorite.
Let the popcorn eating begin.

Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:02 am
by Lillian Vernon
Well, since you erased many of my posts here, the whole catalog is certainly not available, but I would say since nobody ever heard of Jimmy Rimjob until tonight and Lillian Vernon is an internet legend, :lv: it's not really a fair fight for Jimmy.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:25 am
by Lillian Vernon
Excuse me, Mr. Impatient. I'm busy answering deranged PM's from AP at the moment.
Lillian is my regular nic here now anyway since I refuse to register as Red Rover. All my anonymous trolls have been banned or had all their posts erased since the Jimmy Rimjob types you are embracing and calling your own aren't allowed here. Please don't try to claim Jimmy Rimjob's posts would be acceptable here.
I think the fact that I have forced you to acknowledge and embrace Jimmy Rimjob publicly puts me over the finish line before it even begins. :D
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:27 am
...either that, or he doesn't really give a fuck about Johnny rimjob.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:37 am
by Lillian Vernon
It's JIMMY, not Johnny Rimjob. Make sure you get it right, since mvscal is so proud of his epic troll who made his name asking guys if they'd like to lick his asshole.

Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:37 am
by Van
I gotta say, for someone who was just giving LV shit about bringing .net crap here, it seems pretty bizarre that mvscal is now doing an about face and inviting a .net battle to be brought here.
Here's a better idea: mvscal as mvscal, against Just here. Besides LV, nobody gives a maize scented watery turd about the goings on at .net, and that includes LV vs Jimmy Rimjob.
Flush that garbage. LV is free to post here now, so let's quit the dancing. No more excuses. Have at it, right here, starting from scratch.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:43 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
Van wrote:
Here's a better idea: mvscal as mvscal, against Just here. Besides LV, nobody gives a maize scented watery turd about the goings on at .net, and that includes LV vs Jimmy Rimjob.
Flush that garbage. LV is free to post here now, so let's quit the dancing. No more excuses. Have at it, right here, starting from scratch.
Why are you trying to ruin this completely entertaining challenge?
Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:46 am
by Lillian Vernon
That's what was happening already, Jimmy Rimjob is just a part of that, and let's remember, It was not me who outed him as Jimmy Rimjob.
And if I am not as prompt with my responses as mvscal might require due to his mentally disordered impatience, AP is becoming more angry and deranged in his PM's, so keep in mind, I am in the heat of two separate battles here.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:52 am
by Van
Pikkkle, I'd rather see a real show. I want to see mvscal vs LV, not 22 post/throw-away troll Jimmy Rimjob vs LV. Jimmy Rimbjob won't bring anything to the table, and I'm already thoroughly tired of LV's incessant spamming of this board with her .net related blatherings. Now her new kick is to drop Jimmy Rimbjob related posts all over this board.
At some point, it'd be nice to see her:
1-Never mention AP again.
2-Never mention RF again.
3-Never post another stupid photoshop of either of them again.
4-Quit referencing what goes on at .net between herself and <fill in the blank>
5-Take off that thong and bra and post some real shots.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:53 am
by Jimmy Rimjob
What's going on in here?
Who wants to lick my dirtpipe and sniff my genitals?
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:01 am
by Jimmy Rimjob
mvscal wrote:Jimmy Rimjob wrote:What's going on in here?
Who wants to lick my dirtpipe and sniff my genitals?
Is that all you've got, cunt? Great stuff.
~tick, tock~
I take it your answer is no.
I will just sit back and ride out your latest meltdown.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:05 am
by Lillian Vernon
mvscal wrote:Jimmy Rimjob wrote:What's going on in here?
Who wants to lick my dirtpipe and sniff my genitals?
Is that all you've got, cunt? Great stuff.
~tick, tock~
Not me, ask the admins.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:10 am
by Van
mvscal wrote:Van wrote: Here's a better idea: .
How about you sitting down and shutting the fuck up? That would be the "better idea" since this doesn't concern you.
You made it everyone's business by posting it, dumbshit.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:11 am
by Jimmy Rimjob
The details of my identity are inconsequential.

Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:14 am
by Jimmy Rimjob
mvscal, anytime you're ready

Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:18 am
by Jimmy Rimjob
This isn't a beatdown as much as it is your meltdown. It's your party and you can cry if you want to, toots.

Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:24 am
by Lillian Vernon
While you are busy going back and forth with your pride and joy of an alter ego, Jimmy Rimjob, I will be busy memorializing my conversation with AP tonight and posting it at TTP. I will link to it when I am finished.
Have fun with Jimmy Rimjob, I can see you two are getting along swimmingly. :D
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:24 am
by Jimmy Rimjob
You think I'm Katy?

Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:31 am
by Jimmy Rimjob
You're providing plenty of funny by starting this piece of shit thread to clarify something a troll accused you of.
MVSCAL, from the top to a bottom.
This board will grieve for this once epic poster's fall into the depths of moronic self pant shitting.
Mvscal, RIP.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:34 am
by Lillian Vernon
Rack whoever the fuck this is
I'm about half way done with the AP saga, which will only add more hilarity to this already side-splitting thread. :D
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:24 am
by Lillian Vernon
Sorry, as I stated earlier, I was busy memorializing another epic meltdown from AP just like the last time I posted those pics at .net... though a more abbreviated version, it's the exact same scenario that went down back then. I post pics. AP starts PM'ing me, trying to win favor because he met my brother. It doesn't go well for him, so he attacks me for posting pictures.
http://thetrollingprofessionalsii.netbo ... .php?t=302
Only the difference is, nobody knew he was a crossdresser yet the first time. Notice how he considers posting pics "a dream?" Creepy.
What he fails to understand, is he sent his out unsolicited, looking for attention. I posted them in response to an inquiry as to whether or not a picture was me.
I will accept your apology for accusing me of lying.
And I will apologize for not being capable of giving you my undivided attention in this matter.
Now back to Jimmy Rimjob. :D
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:36 am
by SunCoastSooner
I read this thread and yawned...
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:38 pm
Yep. Good thing LV posts a few lol icons in her posts, that's our only indication that she's working on the funnay.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:16 pm
by Van
Exactly how many more times is LV going to attempt to validate her existence via mentions of AP and all the 'hilarious' things she has going on with him? Now she's even informing us that she'll be posting more AP crap on another board, as if that has any relevancy to this board.
LV, see if you can unlatch your maw from living vicariously through AP and mvscal nutsack long enough to carve out your
own identity here. So far, all you've been is a really stupid and cloying
ass. Take away those ass pics and you've brought nothing but embarrassment to yourself on this board. Throwing more AP logs on the fire doesn't help you, it merely makes you seem even more pathetic. Attempting to draw attention to yourself by dangling the carrot of more AP pics, that's just pitiable.
Oh, and mvscal...
I didn't bring it up, idiot. She did.
Bullshit. Check the author of this thread. It's you. You just gave her crap about bringing stupid .net garbage here, and now you're perpetuating it.
Don't like the reactions your stupid thread idea received? Too bad. Don't post such lame, hypocritical threads. Once you post something here, it's fair game. Tell me you knew.
mvscal, what the fuck
happened to you, anyway? You've been vaging it up something fierce lately. Watching your act on these boards these past couple months, it's been like watching General Patton crying over his spilt tapioca at Fresh Choice.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:28 pm
by Van
R-Jack wrote:Van wrote:Exactly how many more times is LV going to attempt to validate her existence via mentions of AP and all the 'hilarious' things she has going on with him?
About as many times Katy can profess friendship to her and claim to not be down with information whoring?

Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:55 pm
by Lillian Vernon
When was the last time I even mentioned AP?
Like I can help it if the psycho starts PM'ing me out of nowhere?
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:57 pm
by Goober McTuber
Lillian Vernon wrote:When was the last time I even mentioned AP?
About 10½ hours ago in this thread, you fucking moron.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:29 pm
Lillian Vernon wrote:When was the last time I even mentioned AP?
Jesus GOD, imbecile. You've mentioned him 55 times in this thread - and you're probably LYING, at that. We all know that AP would be in here flailing if that were the case. As things stand, he's kicking your ass - and he's not even
posting in this thread.
Forget about calling out mvscal - let's see if you can handle AP's furious PM assault to begin with.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:09 pm
by Mr T
Katy wrote:But alas, I'm pretty much pulling up stakes for Mag7. Call me run, I don't give a fuck.
I'm not comfortable with infowhores, never have been, never will be.
Trolls aren't really the problem here, it's those who are drunk with power and their newfound internet relevance.
Pull my keys to my forums please. I have no desire to continue posting here whatsoever.
Adios, fuckheads. Enjoy life here and best wishes to all.
As for the domain, Otis is transferring it over to PSUFAN as PSUFAN is a decent dude.
Katy has left the building...
Who does she plan on fucking at mag7?
BTW, what the fuck is Mag7?
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:27 pm
by jiminphilly
Mr T wrote:
BTW, what the fuck is Mag7?
According to google, mag7 is the following:
Color me confused but I didn't think Katy was the carpet-munching type.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:25 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
If you're not interested in this challenge just stay the fukkk out of the thread.
Let the challenge popcorns getting cold.

Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:31 pm
by Van
I know exactly what I'm talking about. Rather than let the .net crap die and rather than continue to rip her about it for bringing it here - which is what you were doing in the other thread - you did a complete 180. You created a whole new thread of .net tardliness, just to keep it going.
You could've just ripped her a new one, without resorting to this crap. Instead, you became a hypocrite, and now you're pandering to the very thing you criticized her for in the other thread.
Yeah, let's have LV trot out her horrible takes from .net, and let's compare them to your throw-away troll takes from .net. That idea doesn't bring .net tardliness here, not at all.
Jesus, mvscal, you've become a fucking idiot.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:53 pm
by Diogenes
Stanley Pickkkle wrote:Van,
If you're not interested in this challenge just stay the fukkk out of the thread.
Let the challenge popcorns getting cold.

I hate to break the news, douche, but not even your moronic anti-American hero gives a shit what you have to say.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:07 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:00 am
by Lillian Vernon
PSUFAN wrote:Lillian Vernon wrote:When was the last time I even mentioned AP?
Jesus GOD, imbecile. You've mentioned him 55 times in this thread - and you're probably LYING, at that. We all know that AP would be in here flailing if that were the case. As things stand, he's kicking your ass - and he's not even
posting in this thread.
Forget about calling out mvscal - let's see if you can handle AP's furious PM assault to begin with.
I guess you didn't click on the post I linked to with the PM's, idiot.
When was the last time I mentioned AP BEFORE he started PM'ing me last night was my point, retard.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:35 am
Seems we had a dust-up a little bit back because AP is ALL you talked about...with 14 unfunny trolls.
You'll forever be the poster in my mind that found a way to banish the funnay from the AP panties scenario. I still am powerful amazed by that accomplishment.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:09 am
by Lillian Vernon
Just wait till you see the red teddy pic.

Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:00 am
by Goober McTuber
PSUFAN wrote:Seems we had a dust-up a little bit back because AP is ALL you talked about...with 14 unfunny trolls.
You'll forever be the poster in my mind that found a way to banish the funnay from the AP panties scenario. I still am powerful amazed by that accomplishment.
So was that some kind of smooth hand-off from Otis that took place here about an hour ago? Shit was parked at for a time? Bizarre.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:39 am
by smackaholic
PSUFAN wrote:Seems we had a dust-up a little bit back because AP is ALL you talked about...with 14 unfunny trolls.
You'll forever be the poster in my mind that found a way to banish the funnay from the AP panties scenario. I still am powerful amazed by that accomplishment.
sorry, well, no, I'm not sorry, but, that well will NEVER run dry.
Re: The Jimmy Rimjob Challenge
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:21 am
by Lillian Vernon
Goober McTuber wrote:PSUFAN wrote:Seems we had a dust-up a little bit back because AP is ALL you talked about...with 14 unfunny trolls.
You'll forever be the poster in my mind that found a way to banish the funnay from the AP panties scenario. I still am powerful amazed by that accomplishment.
So was that some kind of smooth hand-off from Otis that took place here about an hour ago? Shit was parked at for a time? Bizarre.
Well, maybe you losers should have considered getting rid of that fat hoosier KC Scott and all would be well.