The domain is no longer held by Katy. Wishing to free herself of this bullshit, she offered it up to the first taker. I was first. I took.
I didn't shell out cash, so I don't own.
Here's the deal.
Upon accepting the transfer of the domain, one is met with:

Hence the "Sixty Days".
I think Katy would have been willing to completely turn the page on this issue and transfer it to PSUFAN regardless of whatever that policy means :D No I did not read it.
But was hesitant to do so as she was concerned her personal information would be available to certain administrators.
I set up an account on GoDaddy. Meanwhile Katie updated information with the domain so that her PI and my PI was obfuscated.
Katy was very reasonable, very sweet, and very concerned about some emails she received. She just wants to put all this behind her and move on. I say all parties involved make that so.
So PSUFAN.... I have something of yours.