I'll give both sides credit for their influences. Can't go wrong with the Ministry of Silly Walks, and props are also in order for their adaptation of headgear from
Van wrote:Is it any wonder then that I loathe most of humankind?
Are you kidding me?
That's fucking hilarious, and high theater. They learned that from the colonial British, never the folks to shun absurdity. It was like the changing of the guard at Buckingham palace with some gangster ghetto theme thrown in as garnish.
you just know there are some NFL talent scouts booking their flights to wagah as we speak. Gotta be some pretty good place kicking and punting talent there.
smackaholic wrote:you just know there are some NFL talent scouts booking their flights to wagah as we speak. Gotta be some pretty good place kicking and punting talent there.
Rack the training staff of both sides for preventing pulled hammys.
I say the injuns get the nod for best overall kick height, all though one of the pakis got some pretty good height. The paks edge them out in the menacing sneer department, imo and also score points for the syncronized ghetto head shake.
These dudes get my vote for the next super bowl halftime show. Maybe they could also do a punting competition. I'll be that tall injun dude with the insanely high kick could get about a minute and a half of hang time. If the super bowl is in a dome, they'd have to move it out to the parking lot for sure.
You should conduct a ceremony for the closing of your left arse cheek against your right one, Pickle. With a bit of thought and the right choreography from your friends - possibly an archway of black penises having the last droplets of 'Pickle Juice' shaken from them - it would make quite a spectacular bi-annual event.
Nishlord wrote:You should conduct a ceremony for the closing of your left arse cheek against your right one, Pickle. With a bit of thought and the right choreography from your friends - possibly an archway of black penises having the last droplets of 'Pickle Juice' shaken from them - it would make quite a spectacular bi-annual event.
Nishlord wrote:You should conduct a ceremony for the closing of your left arse cheek against your right one, Pickle. With a bit of thought and the right choreography from your friends - possibly an archway of black penises having the last droplets of 'Pickle Juice' shaken from them - it would make quite a spectacular bi-annual event.
I'm not at all surprised by your comments....coming from the last true british person living amongst the third world filth in Nottingham.
You might be happy to hear that I got a personal thank you note from Nick Griffin for my contributions to the BNP.
Somebody has to help save the UK from it's mud invasion and I'm more than happy to send a few sterling pounds your way.