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Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:14 pm
by Mikey
...where your life and/or others' lives depended on you making a quick decision under pressure and acting on it?
The ultimate high profile example of this, Sully Sullenberger, is retiring this week.
Just wondering if anybody (besides Marty) around here has found themselves in a similar situation.
The only example I can think of personally was when I avoided a huge freeway pileup, that was suddenly happening all around me, by punching it and heading for daylight instead of following "normal" instinct and slamming on the brakes. When I looked in the rear view mirror about 1/4 mile later there was nobody behind me.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:21 pm
by Goober McTuber
Nice of you to stop and render aid, you selfish prick.
I remember this one time I was banging a bar skank and right when I was about to bust a nut I remembered she wasn’t on the pill, so I pulled out and finished off in her mouth. Saved my ass, I guess.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:27 pm
by Mikey
Sort of hard to turn around on the freeway. But, I guess being from flyover country you wouldn't know anything about freeways.
I did pull off and call the Highway Patrol from a pay phone at the next exit (this was before cell phone), but they were already on it.
BTW that was pretty quick thinking on your part. Did you remember to get to the doc's first thing in the morning for your booster shot?
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:01 pm
by Goober McTuber
No booster shots. We just always watched for symptoms.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:54 pm
by Derron
Goober McTuber wrote: so I pulled out and finished off in her mouth. Saved my ass, I guess.
You WERE fucking her in the ass right ?
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:58 pm
by Derron
Mikey wrote:
The ultimate high profile example of this, Sully Sullenberger, is retiring this week.
Another great pilot taken out of the work force by FAA's stupid rule of "retire at 60".
Give me the gray haired old boy up front any day over some kid trying to build time and move up to the next class of aircraft.
BTW, I got a copy of the recreation Sully did and it has a coupe of the " not in the books" things he did to make that landing the huge success it was.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:00 pm
by Goober McTuber
Derron wrote:Goober McTuber wrote: so I pulled out and finished off in her mouth. Saved my ass, I guess.
You WERE fucking her in the ass right ?
No. Of all the women I ever got busy with, only one ever let me put it in her ass. And she made me stop rather quickly.
Nothing wrong with pussy. Oh wait, why am I even trying to explain this to someone who has a total obsession for COCK.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:08 pm
by Derron
Goober McTuber wrote:Derron wrote:Goober McTuber wrote: so I pulled out and finished off in her mouth. Saved my ass, I guess.
You WERE fucking her in the ass right ?
No. Of all the women I ever got busy with, only one ever let me put it in her ass. And she made me stop rather quickly.
Nothing wrong with pussy. Oh wait, why am I even trying to explain this to someone who has a total obsession for COCK.
You are trying to convince everyone that you are NOT obsessed with cock by posting some fucking horse shit story about you banging some skank, when we all know you are as fucking queer as they come, so stop trying to act normal.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:57 am
Give me the gray haired old boy up front any day
More homo innuendo from Derron - yet again.
Derron, stop treating this place like a public john in the Castro.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:05 am
by Derron
PSUFAN wrote:Give me the gray haired old boy up front any day
More homo innuendo from Derron - yet again.
Derron, stop treating this place like a public john in the Castro.
PSUFAN = Dude who can get homo smack from a pile of rocks...must have to think where the next is coming from..
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:07 am
by Diego in Seattle
Derron wrote:Mikey wrote:
The ultimate high profile example of this, Sully Sullenberger, is retiring this week.
Another great pilot taken out of the work force by FAA's stupid rule of "retire at 60".
Give me the gray haired old boy
Not always.
Santa Monica Farmers Market
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:43 am
by mvscal
Mikey wrote:...where your life and/or others' lives depended on you making a quick decision under pressure and acting on it?
There was this one time after a bad chorizo and egg burrito at work...personally, I didn't think it was that bad but I emerged from the shitter and thought I was the Omega Man. There were only a few Morlocks from Facilities to contend with in the parking garage, but I was able to make a more or less clean, peanut streaked get away.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:45 am
by Tom In VA
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:58 am
by R-Jack
Diego in Seattle wrote:Derron wrote:
Give me the gray haired old boy
Not always.
nothing to add really.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:01 am
by Jerkovich
Years ago, when I was a paid pilot, I nearly piled up on a small runway . 0400, planned take off time, and the dickheads in Oakland were holding me. 4 IN THE MORNING?!? Finally at 0445 I was cleared. Tiered and now grumpy, once on top I set the GPS/autopilot for my destination to pick up my already pissed off boss. He had an early morning appointment with attorneys who were looking to grill him. Unfortunately, I over shot the airport by 20 or so miles. When I turned back in, my decent was hot, therefore a little out of the normal approach. I got to the runway, over shot the thresh hold, by a lot. and floated to the center. For some dumb ass reason, I was determined to land. I skidded to the end of the runway and nearly piled off into the creek bed below.
It cost me two set of tires.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:02 am
R-Jack wrote:Diego in Seattle wrote:Derron wrote:
Give me the gray haired old boy
Not always.
nothing to add really.

Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:07 am
by Tom In VA
Pulling duty at a local town's fall festival, we had shut down the north bound road heading into town. A block away, the vendors booths and crowds of people were doing their thing. Some guy comes to the roadblock and asks me if he can get down the street.
"No sir, as you can see, the road is closed and there is no way down that street due to all the vendor booths and pedestrian traffic. If I could ask you to move on sir, we're blocking an intersection."
He pulls over to the side of East/West road, and walks up to me.
"Look man, I have to mow the lawn of Gramma Moses, she's over a hundred years old and has lived here all her life; everyone knows her. I know the town administrator Joe, he'd let me take care of it."
"Sir, I understand that, very noble of you, but the town administrators are the ones that asked me to make sure nobody goes down this road".
"Can you call the administration".
Charlie Base, Charlie Base, this is Post Niner, over
Post Niner, this Charlie Base, over
Charlie Base, Charlie Base, this is Post Niner, Have a situation with a member of the indigenous population. Subject says he needs to mow an elderly womans lawn located at Won Two Fife, Mayflower and needs to drive Northbound on River, RD, over
Post Niner, this Charlie Base, that's a negative, Northbound River Road is closed, over
Post Niner, this Zulu Six Actual, Northbound River Road is closed BUT he can mow the lawn, over
Zulu Six Actual, thisis Post Niner, roger, out.
Charlie Base, this is Post Niner, roger, out.
Sir, the town said you may mow Grandma Moses' lawn, but you can't drive down the road. I recommend you go ahead and take your equipment down to her home and then return to park your vehicle at Parking Lot Burgundy, the shuttle bus will bring you back to Aunt Josie's Apple Bottom Market, if I see Joe before you come back to you vehicle I'll let him know what's going on and maybe he won't tow your truck.
So the dude does that. In some small way I think I saved the life of Grandma Moses and her nephew, plus about fifty or so civilians and vendors. It was not without cost. I got chewed out by the Corporal who was NCOIC of the mission and sunscreen had mixed with sweat and was getting into my eyes.
All in all it was very dramatic all that adrenaline made me thirsty, thank G0D and God for Camelbak Hydration Systems.
I mean sure, what Sully did was cool and all, but I don't know if he would have responsed as cooly as I did on that day. The smell of Kettlecorn, the river, hot chicks and not so hot chicks wearing tight shorts and halter tops. I mean
THAT STRESS ALONE ? Add to that a very concerned African American trying to mow his Aunt's Lawn ?
Landing a plane on the Hudson River ?

I guess that takes some nerve, decisiveness and skill too.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:13 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Fucking RACK Scott.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:22 pm
by SunCoastSooner
A couple of years ago on July 4th we took out my friend's boat to Crab Island and what not. About mid afternoon we decided to head to shore so we could barbecue up some dinner and what not. One of he guests had her children with her and the daughter, who was about six, didn't realize that the water wasn't the same there in the pass as it was on Crab Island where you can just wade around and shit on the sand bar. She just straight leaped off the boat wanting to go swimming/play in the water. The current snatched her up quick there in the pass and was probably a good 15 feet before anyone could even make a peep. She was getting mauled by the current and being drug under so without even thinking about it I jumped in after her. I swam like a mother fucker to catch her and keep her above water which was a mighty difficult task even with her floaties. I did my best to fight the current but it was a losing battle; I don't know if I could have really even won against it without her holding me for dear life which is a testament to the currents strength because I am a damn good swimmer. Another guy with a jet ski scurried out to us and brought us back to the boat.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:24 pm
by Van
...and what not. (sic)
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:47 am
by Goober McTuber
Derron wrote:Goober McTuber wrote:Derron wrote:
You WERE fucking her in the ass right ?
No. Of all the women I ever got busy with, only one ever let me put it in her ass. And she made me stop rather quickly.
Nothing wrong with pussy. Oh wait, why am I even trying to explain this to someone who has a total obsession for COCK.
You are trying to convince everyone that you are NOT obsessed with cock by posting some fucking horse shit story about you banging some skank, when we all know you are as fucking queer as they come, so stop trying to act normal.
IKYABWAI. You are truly pathetic.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:03 am
by poptart
Scott wrote:There was this little dive I used to manage. It was like a little watering hole that had a lot of locals who used to stop by and shoot the shit. One day this chick comes in - loud, obnoxious and crazy. She started flashing her ass around and a few of the locals got smitten. Her co-pilot, a trailer skank with a big nose who started trying to cozy up to one of the owners, a short dude with severe esteem issues. I knew these broads were trouble and tried to throw them out. The other owners agreed, but the midget had the keys to the place so he fired me. Later that little dude and his skank busted in at night and trashed the place. Fucking idiots should have listened when I told 'em up front.
You're melting.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:52 pm
by indyfrisco
Went fishing at my uncle's lake last year with my son, 3 at the time. The pier had no rails or anything. So, I put floaties on my boy and we commence the fishing. Uncle's lake is loaded with bluegill and bass. He has a feeder on the lake and these fish will bite a hook with nothing on it. When you stand on the pier, the fish practially swim up to the pier and stare at you waiting on you to toss a handful of food in the water. Needless to say, this was more interesting to my son than actually fishing. He kept leaning over and looking at the fish. I kept telling him to stay back from the edge.
I turn my head for 1 second and I hear a splash. At the end of the pier, the water is about 10 foot deep. All I see is 2 floaties in the water. They slipped right off him. I dive in and snag him. Most scared I have been in my entire life because the water was not clear at all and I could not see him. Just saw the bubbles where he fell in and went for the same spot.
It was a lesson for me and let it be one for you. DO NOT trust floaties. Until your kid can swim like a fish, some kind of wraparound life vest is a must.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:57 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
IndyFrisco wrote:It was a lesson for me and let it be one for you. DO NOT trust floaties. Until your kid can swim like a fish, some kind of wraparound life vest is a must.
Good to know. Thanks, dude.
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:03 pm
by indyfrisco
This is what we use now. Floaties with a wraparound chest vest that buckles in the back. Much better than those full body suits especially when you got a kid still in diapers. And note, it's all one piece and it is padded material that floats. Don't have to worry about air being released from the vest like you do with floaties you blow up.

Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:14 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
DING! We just got a great idea.
The University of Oregon
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:39 pm
by Mikey
You make your kid wear a sports bra?
Re: Ever been in a situation...
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:45 pm
by indyfrisco
Mikey wrote:You make your kid wear a sports bra?
My son? Nope. He's 4 now and can swim like a fish. My 2 year old daughter, yeah, she wears one of those things