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Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:13 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
When you take your dog to the park for a run, are you proud to be seen with:

The Killer

This dog eats other dogs for breakfast and shits them out. The Navy SEAL of dogs. Since you got the dog, you've always slept with one eye open...that's how bad-ass they are.

The Member Of The Family

Loyal, trustworthy and mild. Will, however, fuck up the shit of any weirdo that messes with it's owner.


An embarrassment to all mammals. Even gay people think you're "a flaming homo" for owning this. These dogs will whimper and hide behind your leg when confronted with falling leaves, clouds, ladybugs, mailboxes...etc...

Do you have "dog BODE"?

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:29 pm
by Van

C'mon, you gotta give us more than just those three. This is good shit!

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:31 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Van wrote::lol:

C'mon, you gotta give us more than just those three. This is good shit!
I didn't mean those three breeds specifically.

The three categories can be comprised of many different breeds. I'm just trying to keep it simple.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:34 pm
by Van
You're a complicated dude, so don't try to keep things simple. Go ahead and make a glorious mess.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:36 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
I was going to include a fourth category:

The Sex Partner honour of Zyclone, but I haven't seen him post much lately.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:39 pm
by Dinsdale
Is there an option for "gatekeeper"?


Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:44 pm
by Mikey
Martyred wrote:...comprised of...
It's this kind of shit that really pisses me off.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:06 pm
by smackaholic
our mutt is 16 years old has been a great pet and pretty low maintenance.

that is dog bode.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:59 pm
by War Wagon
Dinsdale wrote:Is there an option for "gatekeeper"?


Somethings will just never be forgotten. I'm pretty sure it was TNW where I posted about that regrettable incident. I don't remember you there.

btw, that hasn't happened since and will never happen again.

I've got a Jack Russell going on 15 and a German Shepard going on 9, the GS being the replacement for the one who played jailbreak with my gate. Broke my heart losing that dog.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:03 am
by War Wagon



Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:04 am
by Screw_Michigan
War Wagon wrote:Image


FTFY, Whitey.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:20 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
War Wagon wrote:
I've got a Jack Russell going on 15 and a German Shepard going on 9, the GS being the replacement for the one who played jailbreak with my gate. Broke my heart losing that dog.

RACK your Jack and RACK your Shep, Wags.


Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:03 am
by Dr_Phibes
Dogs have overall pet bode - they may be more boisterous and friendly and you can throw sticks for them, but you have to take them for walks and unclamp their jaws from any stray babies that may have got in their way.
They may be thick, but they make far better company and you can have better wrestling bouts with them.
Lesser pets like hamsters or rabbits don't do much at all.

I used to have a shepherd called Mick, - it ran out of the house got hit by a car and ran back as happy as a larry. The car's front end was a bit bent and the driver very apologetic. Mick was frikken hard, he would clamp and not let go.

As pets go, cats however, provide the best effort to entertainment value ratio.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:45 am
by trev
I have dog bode. He gets many compliments daily on his walks.


Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:46 am
by mvscal
I'm sure he gets a lot of peanut butter, too.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:07 am
by trev
He's on a duck and potato diet. With a nightly milkbone.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:25 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:I'm sure he gets a lot of peanut butter, too.


Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:16 pm
by JMak
Rhodesian Ridgeback bode! Had this dog for 9 years now. Protective, intuitive, low maintenance...the kinda dog that when you come into my house stands next to the kids, his ridge standing tall, and eye-balling you until I say you're cool...then he sits next to you just in case. Cuz you're really a dumb fuckhead that'll prolly do something stupid and he's going to remind you, no ah-ah in his house. The dog park - he's the alpha dog. That little spry Jack who thinks it's cool-guy to jump on the Ridge's hind-end you know so playful-like is quite lucky to be so agile and nimble...right up until he runs out of room to run - it's over. The Ridge rolls him on his back and pees on him.


Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:20 pm
by BSmack
JMak wrote:Rhodesian Ridgeback!


Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:40 pm
by Dinsdale
Jsc810 wrote:Yes, I do.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:47 pm
by Tom In VA
Holy Carp, RACK JSC

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:45 pm
by smackaholic
could i get an explanation of the whole jsc-dog killer thing? i know about the shit troll and all, but, never did get a good explanation of how it all started.

was it as simple as him running a dog over? if so, i'm afraid i have that type of bode as well.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:15 am
by Derron
trev wrote:He's on a duck and potato diet. With a nightly milkbone.
Should be a nightly Mexican and that would help out the illegal immigration thing.

Good looking dog.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:05 am
by mvscal
smackaholic wrote:could i get an explanation of the whole jsc-dog killer thing? i know about the shit troll and all, but, never did get a good explanation of how it all started.
A pack of feral dogs were terrorizing his neighborhood and the authorities were not responsive so JSC decided to go Charles Bronson in his SUV and handle the situation.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:21 am
by Mikey
Loaded up a bunch of watermelons?

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:03 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Mikey wrote:Loaded up a bunch of watermelons?

He, with the aid of the other neighbours, dug a tunnel to escape the dogs...and then Steve McQueen jumped a barbed wire fence with a motorcycle.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:29 am
by Rooster
My dog:

I don't what anybody says, but these animals rock. Meaner than a snake, smarter than half the people on this board, and can be used as living topiaries. Top that, pitbull gangsta wannabes!

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:55 am
by Ana Ng
These threads are just ASKIN' for it.........





and for me, waking up to THIS is the very BEST.....


To call these dogs "fag dogs" because they're small, is lame. My little girl has the heart if a lion, and though she can't physically do much......SHE'S not aware of it. She's never hidden behind me ONCE when faced with a stranger or an animal 10 times her size.

A little delusional, sure......but cowardly, not a fuggin' chance.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:10 pm
by indyfrisco
Ana Ng wrote:She's never hidden behind me ONCE when faced with a stranger or an animal 10 times her size.
And when some real dog eats her for a snack are you mad at that other dog? I mean, your little lion was asking for it right?

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:59 pm
by Van
Ana, this...

Image almost too adorable. Christ, that's a cute pic.

So's this...


...though you're actually a lot cuter there than the dog.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:01 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Looks like that little rat is looking for the quickest way from a moving vehicle to the pavement.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:05 pm
by Ana Ng
IndyFrisco wrote:
Ana Ng wrote:She's never hidden behind me ONCE when faced with a stranger or an animal 10 times her size.
And when some real dog eats her for a snack are you mad at that other dog? I mean, your little lion was asking for it right?
I guess I needed to INCLUDE the part where I always make it a point to protect her from herself.

Kinda thought that was implied, but then again.....I didn't think you'd be participating in this thread.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:06 pm
by Goober McTuber
Indy's like a shark. He can always smell blood in the water.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:13 pm
by Derron
Van wrote:

One open window from roadkill...... :lol: :lol: :shock: :shock: :twisted: :twisted:

Looks like the squirrels I duff everyday across the road.....

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:55 pm
by Moby Dick
speaking of about to blast this pit/boxer mix in the face with a 4-10 if i catch him in my yard again.

On my way out the door this morning it was taking a shit at the corner of my house...i yell for it to get the fuck outta here and he comes at me barking like he wants to have my balls for breakfast. Seriously started coming at me.

I call the sherriff's office and they say theres no aimal control in our county (i like about 4 miles in the country). And that im well wthin my rights to defend my home and family I.E. To kill it.

The dog belongs to the people across the street who just got busted for slinging illegal shit. She looks like a meth freak welfare case and he's a wifebeater wearing POS himself.

While at work the wife calls and said it chased her into the house while she was doing shit out in the yard.

I really dont like the idea of shooting down someone's pet...but if i give this dog the opportunity to do what its looking like it wants to kids or the wife could definatly get bit or worse.

We'll see what's up when i get home in a few.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:57 pm
by Goober McTuber
Just pour him a nice bowl of antifreeze.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:50 pm
by trev
My 9 pound daschund was a better watch dog than my 70 pound husky. He is friends with everyone. He never barks. This dog actually likes to give hugs. It's pretty funny. That's ok because I don't like big dogs who are or can be aggressive.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:56 pm
by Derron
Moby Dick wrote:
On my way out the door this morning it was taking a shit at the corner of my house...i yell for it to get the fuck outta here and he comes at me barking like he wants to have my balls for breakfast. Seriously started coming at me.

While at work the wife calls and said it chased her into the house while she was doing shit out in the yard.

I really dont like the idea of shooting down someone's pet...but if i give this dog the opportunity to do what its looking like it wants to kids or the wife could definatly get bit or worse.
Way to deal with it....someones pet does not charge at the neighbors...that fucking dog would have been dead the minute it charged me. So you leave and it chases your OL in the house, and your going to see what is up when you get home ??

What is up is your OL or kids are going to be afternoon snack for the aggressive dog that you should have blasted before you left to work, and then thrown the bleeding carcass on the tweaker's front porch.

I dropped a pit bull when it attacked my neighbor and her dog a few years back. I got it before the deputy across the street could get there with his piece. The dog ran back towards us and that was it..30-30 body shot witnessed by LEO. I figured I was in deep shit, but the lady it attacked was bit up pretty good, so the sheriffs office gave me an atta boy for it instead of any static. Neighbor's a deputy, my daughter is a deputy...might have helped.

Deal with it dude..or you or your family is going to get hurt.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:58 pm
by War Wagon
Moby Dick wrote: The dog belongs to the people across the street who just got busted for slinging illegal shit. She looks like a meth freak welfare case and he's a wifebeater wearing POS himself.
Nice neighborhood you've got there, Moby.

There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. So instead of shooting the dog right off, I'd suggest you have a talk with the neighbors.

If that doesn't work, then shoot the dog.

Re: Do you have "Dog BODE"?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:09 am
by Screw_Michigan
War Wagon wrote:So instead of shooting the dog right off
Whoa. Hold on there, Whitey. Asking first, shooting later isn't exactly in the GOP handbook.