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"English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:13 pm
by The Seer
So the Feds are launching a campaign to see what schools have denied "English language learners" (anchor babies, etc.) their civil rights by not offering courses taught in foreign languages. "We are going to reinvigorate civil rights enforcement" stated Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education....
The L.A. Unified School Dist. is being investigated publicly, for violations....If a school district is found to be out of compliance with "civil rights laws", penalties could include a withholding of federal funds, referrals to the Justice Department, and possible court injunctions....
Okay, so they enter the country illegally. The Feds are supposed to secure the borders. All the public schools resemble 3rd world countries. Not all teachers are bilingual. The illegals aren't forced to learn English, but the schools are in trouble because their teachers can't speak foreign languages.
Like most everything else in politiks today, makes perfect sense....
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:55 am
by JMak
The Dept of Ed is spiraling out of control initiatives include surveying high schools to determine if there are racial disparities in discipline or placement in AP classes. Silly stuff! But, hey, Arne says we're on our way to realizing MLKs dream of a color blind hyper-racializing everything. Typical progressive wetnaps!
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:35 am
by R-Jack
Wouldn't it stand to reason that they would be subject to less civil rights violations if they learned English before starting school?
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:28 pm
by smackaholic
they are kids, for christ's sake. they can learn a new language in about 15 minutes. of course, thanks to the "help" they will get from this meddling fukkstick, they won't and will someday make fine grape pickers.
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:32 am
by Trampis
JMak wrote:The Dept of Ed is spiraling out of control initiatives include surveying high schools to determine if there are racial disparities in discipline ...
According to my kid, the Mexicans get away with murder at his highschool. White kids are expected to behave and mexicans are expected to be dissrespectful and rude.
Anyways, anybody get there census letter yesterday? How many languages were at the bottom of that thing?
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:11 pm
by Moving Sale
R-Jack wrote:Wouldn't it stand to reason that they would be subject to less civil rights violations if they learned English before starting school?
It's 'fewer' you stupid pedophile.
And in a thread bashing people for not learning English. :doh:
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:22 pm
by indyfrisco're browsing user's (R-Jack) posts and ankle-biting in each of them? Gotcha.
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:12 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:14 pm
by Moving Sale
IndyFrisco're browsing user's (R-Jack) posts and ankle-biting in each of them? Gotcha.
Try again fuckhead.
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:57 pm
by ChargerMike
..rack Indy
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:06 pm
by Screw_Michigan
IndyFrisco're browsing user's (R-Jack) posts and ankle-biting in each of them? Gotcha.
You forgot his vanity searches.
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:28 pm
by Moving Sale
ChargerMike wrote:..rack Indy
For being 100% wrong? WTF?
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:29 pm
by Moving Sale
Screw_Michigan wrote:IndyFrisco're browsing user's (R-Jack) posts and ankle-biting in each of them? Gotcha.
You forgot his vanity searches.
Lie much?
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:47 pm
by indyfrisco
I wish I could live in your little world where you can just say something and feel to yourself that others will believe it to be true.
Actually, no I don't. Reality is much better. Now go fingerbang a lesbian corpse in the funeral home and come back to brag about it.
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:24 am
by Moving Sale
IndyFrisco wrote:Reality is much better.
Put up or shut up you blowup doll of a m0d.
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:54 pm
by indyfrisco
Moving Sale wrote:IndyFrisco wrote:Reality is much better.
Put up or shut up you blowup doll of a m0d.
Make some sense, troll.
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:23 pm
by Moving Sale
You actually are to stupid to follow that simple conversation aren't you? Try reading it again a few more times fucknut and maybe it will come to you. Or you could ask a 6 year old to tell you what it means. Your call.
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:18 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
Re: "English language learners" denied civil rights
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:13 pm
by Arch Angel
Moving Sale wrote:You actually are to stupid to follow that simple conversation aren't you? Try reading it again a few more times fucknut and maybe it will come to you. Or you could ask a 6 year old to tell you what it means. Your call.
Dude, for a person calling out another on their "English" skills, you need to make sure your shit is tight as well.