10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:52 am
Now that wouldn't be aimed at any particular group of people, would it ?
Yes.Wolfman wrote:Now that wouldn't be aimed at any particular group of people, would it ?
Ding!!!Diego in Seattle wrote:Yes.Wolfman wrote:Now that wouldn't be aimed at any particular group of people, would it ?
Those who are shallow & stupid.
They let people smoke in bars? Since when?IndyFrisco wrote:10% tanning tax? But of course.
What they should do is quadruple the tax on tobacco and alcohol. Of course, that would hit the pockets mostly of the poor lazy fucks who can't control their vices.
This bar I eat lunch at all the time is always full of unemployed barflies bitching about how they can't find work while they are drinking beer and chain smoking at 11:30 AM. Every last one of them should be lined up and shot for being stupid ass, lazy, irresponsible wastes of oxygen. Instead, I get to help subsidize their health care when they have lung cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. I'd much rather buy the gun and bullet for them.
Since the good old days before the fukking nanny state jumped in and saved us all.BSmack wrote:They let people smoke in bars? Since when?IndyFrisco wrote:10% tanning tax? But of course.
What they should do is quadruple the tax on tobacco and alcohol. Of course, that would hit the pockets mostly of the poor lazy fucks who can't control their vices.
This bar I eat lunch at all the time is always full of unemployed barflies bitching about how they can't find work while they are drinking beer and chain smoking at 11:30 AM. Every last one of them should be lined up and shot for being stupid ass, lazy, irresponsible wastes of oxygen. Instead, I get to help subsidize their health care when they have lung cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. I'd much rather buy the gun and bullet for them.
Fuck that! I enjoy a few beers after work.IndyFrisco wrote:What they should do is quadruple the tax on alcohol
Link? Anyway, Indiana is phasing out smoking in bars, too.smackaholic wrote:It has put many places out of bidness.
Are you this dumb? I'm not bitching about the second hand smoke. I'm bitching about the fact these assholes are jobless yet blowing money on alcohol and smokes in the middle of the workday when they should be pounding the pavement. Of course, your thing is to deflect. These are the same waste of skin who despise working folk like myself for earning what I have and feel entitled to a piece of it even though they did nothing to earn it. Those same people, I would not piss on if they were on fire.BSmack wrote:They let people smoke in bars? Since when?IndyFrisco wrote:10% tanning tax? But of course.
What they should do is quadruple the tax on tobacco and alcohol. Of course, that would hit the pockets mostly of the poor lazy fucks who can't control their vices.
This bar I eat lunch at all the time is always full of unemployed barflies bitching about how they can't find work while they are drinking beer and chain smoking at 11:30 AM. Every last one of them should be lined up and shot for being stupid ass, lazy, irresponsible wastes of oxygen. Instead, I get to help subsidize their health care when they have lung cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. I'd much rather buy the gun and bullet for them.
Yes, he is. Box of rocks.IndyFrisco wrote:
Are you this dumb?
And I didn't imply that you were bitching about second hand smoke. I live in New York. We haven't allowed smoking in bars for years. Even North Carolina has a ban on bar/resturaunt smoking. I was just expressing a measure of surprise that someplace noth of the Mason-Dixon Line was still allowing smoking in bars.IndyFrisco wrote:I'm not bitching about the second hand smoke.
Yep. And the latest brainstorm is a failed attempt to ban salt in restaurants.Goober McTuber wrote:The city of Madison outlawed it a couple of years ago. The statewide ban won’t go into effect until July. Not surprised that New York is out in front on banning what is allowed in a privately owned establishment. Doesn’t the city New York have a ban on trans fats in restaurants?
That's not all we scoff at you for. You're pretty much a target for derision no matter what your post topic.JMak wrote:And posters scoffed when I suggested that Obamacare would trigger a culture war over lifestyle choices that should ber taxed or subsidized by the State.
IndyFrisco wrote:What they should do is quadruple the tax on tobacco and alcohol. Of course, that would hit the pockets mostly of the poor lazy fucks who can't control their vices.
Like the fat white trash bitch in line in front of me at the c store the other day. Getting my Sunday paper, ( so I can look for a yob) and she piles the counter full of packaged snacks, chips, pork rinds, jerky, soda and then wants 2 packs of smokes. Clerk rings it all up, she runs her Oregon Trail card ( food stamps) through the machine, it rejects the smokes and gives her a total of $ 17.00 something, which is of course paid for by the taxpayers of the Socialist State of Oregon. She then busts out a $ 20 bill for the 2 packs of smokes at $ 5.25 a pack, loads it all up and waddles her fat ass back out to the car where her half breed boyfriend is sitting, smoking cigarettes with 2 bastard half breed kids in the car.IndyFrisco wrote: I'm bitching about the fact these assholes are jobless yet blowing money on alcohol and smokes in the middle of the workday when they should be pounding the pavement. Of course, your thing is to deflect. These are the same waste of skin who despise working folk like myself for earning what I have and feel entitled to a piece of it even though they did nothing to earn it.
In your jealous rantings, you just gave me a brilliant idea. Restrict food stamps and WIC to the purchase of whole foods only.Derron wrote:Now should packaged food like that and the soda be paid for off welfare food stamps??? or should they only be allowed to purchase diet staples and protein items??
Not sure in Indiana, but when I lived in Texas, soda was not allowed to be paid for with food stamps. No chips, no candy. Only essentials like milk, bread, eggs, meats, cheeses, etc. You've seen the 15 items or less lines, right? Well, we also had "No food stamps" lines. Why? Because the food stamps trash would pile up on cookies, grape soda, hard candy, etc. and then once the cashier rang it all up and they broke out the food stamps, a balance would show up to be paid for items not covered by food stamps. Then, the fucking trash would get all loud and cause scenes about stuff they NEEDED like Lifesavers and Orange Crush. Managers are called in where items are removed from the bags, and usually the piece of shit leaves in a huff.BSmack wrote:In your jealous rantings, you just gave me a brilliant idea. Restrict food stamps and WIC to the purchase of whole foods only.Derron wrote:Now should packaged food like that and the soda be paid for off welfare food stamps??? or should they only be allowed to purchase diet staples and protein items??
Now I just need to find a NYS legislator to push it through.
What can I buy with my Lone Star Card?
If you get food benefits:
You can buy food, seeds and plants at stores approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The seeds and plants are used to grow food for your household to eat.
You cannot use food benefits to buy:
○ Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco;
○ Any non-food items (For example, pet foods, soaps, paper
products, and household supplies);
○ Vitamins and medicines;
○ Food that will be eaten in the store;
○ Hot foods.
You can use your benefits to buy foods such as:
• Breads and cereals;
• Fruits and vegetables;
• Meats, fish and poultry;
• Dairy products; and
• Seeds and plants to grow food for your family to
You cannot use your benefits to buy items such as:
• Nonfood items (pet foods, paper products,
soaps, and household supplies, grooming items,
toothpaste and cosmetics, etc.);
• Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco;
• Food that will be eaten in the store; or
• Hot foods.
KC Scott wrote:I absolutely support the idea of anyone on public assistance being forbidden from using those funds for chips, soda, twinkies, etc.
twinkies and doritos are food and beer isn't?Goober McTuber wrote:Aren’t food stamps a Federal program administered by the states? The rules should be the same from state to state. From the Wisconsin handbook:
You can use your benefits to buy foods such as:
• Breads and cereals;
• Fruits and vegetables;
• Meats, fish and poultry;
• Dairy products; and
• Seeds and plants to grow food for your family to
You cannot use your benefits to buy items such as:
• Nonfood items (pet foods, paper products,
soaps, and household supplies, grooming items,
toothpaste and cosmetics, etc.);
• Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco;
• Food that will be eaten in the store; or
• Hot foods.
I used to work with a guy who owned a pool hall with his dad. first the state mandated expensive smoke eating equipment. i think he said it ran around $15k. A few years later, the state jammed him with the no smoking period laws. the result was an immediate 50% drop in bidness. Within another year they closed up. On the bright side, I know where I can buy a commercial grade pool table fairly cheap as he still has a dozen or so sitting in storage.Screw_Michigan wrote:Link? Anyway, Indiana is phasing out smoking in bars, too.smackaholic wrote:It has put many places out of bidness.
This does not compute.smackaholic wrote:moderate alcohol consumption
Jealous rant ?? Bwwaaahaaa....There is nothing in those stores I would even think about eating..In normal times for me, I do not eat much processed food..that shit is bad for you. I grow my own vegetables and can usually have enough to get me over the winter...I usually kill an elk every year, 2 turkeys, 12 or so salmon and buy buffalo from my neighbor. CBCS.BSmack wrote:In your jealous rantings, you just gave me a brilliant idea. Restrict food stamps and WIC to the purchase of whole foods only.Derron wrote:Now should packaged food like that and the soda be paid for off welfare food stamps??? or should they only be allowed to purchase diet staples and protein items??
Now I just need to find a NYS legislator to push it through.
Dinsdale wrote:IndyFrisco wrote:What they should do is quadruple the tax on tobacco and alcohol. Of course, that would hit the pockets mostly of the poor lazy fucks who can't control their vices.
THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.
and by that time no one was left to speak up
It's a slippery slope and your splayed anus is at the bottom.OCmike wrote:Yeah, but it's a tax on douchebags. I fail to see the downside of this one.
There is nothing that could make me feel better about the pending success of health care reform than to see you spewing garbage like that. Your hate make me stronger.mvscal wrote:It's a slippery slope and your splayed anus is at the bottom.OCmike wrote:Yeah, but it's a tax on douchebags. I fail to see the downside of this one.
Stopped clocks have been right more often than you. That's not an ad hominem, that's a demonstrable fact known to anybody who has bothered to read this board. You're so fucking ignorant you didn't even realize that when the House voted on the Senate bill that it would go to the President for his signature. You thought that the Senate would be voting again before Obama signed. Here's your post, dated Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:14 am, 12 hours after the bill had passed the House and not 24 hours before the President signed.mvscal wrote:Ad hominem is a sure fire indicator of a failed argument as are bald faced lies.
You are wrong every step of the way, yet you persist. I suppose in a perverse way I admire your dogged determination. And for the love of all that is holy, please do not stop. You are an absolutely spot on negative barometer.mvscal wrote:This turd hasn't even passed yet. The ball licking invitations are premature. If the Senate follows their own rules (ridiculous I know), the House reconciliation package is DOA.
The only demonstrable facts here are that:BSmack wrote:That's not an ad hominem, that's a demonstrable fact
Lie. Conventional wisdom says midterm elections go to the party out of power. Chimpy's first midterm was an abberation.mvscal in 2006: "The Dems will never win the House, much less the Senate."
True. I did overestimate the intelligence of the average Democrat voter. Why? I don't know. I offer no excuses.mvscal in January 2008: "Obama will never win the nomination. Hillary will steamroll him."
Lie. My take was that the only reason he was in the running in the first place is because he's a n...igger.mvscal in July of 2008: "OK, so Obama somehow won the nomination. But he'll never win the Presidency. No way Americans vote for a black man."
Lie. I offered no opinion on the subject anywhere.mvscal in 2009: "Obama will never pass health care."
Lie. Pointing out the fact that it hadn't passed yet is not saying that it will fail.mvscal in 2010: "The health care reform Obama just passed will fail."
Asshole, what about Obama, Dean, Pelosi, et al arguing that this is merely a first step? Hell, just today Tom Harkin was arguing that they would pass the public option via reconcilliation next year...BSmack wrote:There is nothing that could make me feel better about the pending success of health care reform than to see you spewing garbage like that. Your hate make me stronger.mvscal wrote:It's a slippery slope and your splayed anus is at the bottom.OCmike wrote:Yeah, but it's a tax on douchebags. I fail to see the downside of this one.
Fortunately for you, doing a search for your old posts ain't happening. Otis took care of that. Because if he hadn't, I am absolutely certain that a search for mvscal posts containing the words "Democrat" + "2006" and "Not a fucking chance" would have yielded more than enough proof.mvscal wrote:Lie. Conventional wisdom says midterm elections go to the party out of power. Chimpy's first midterm was an abberation.BSmack wrote:mvscal in 2006: "The Dems will never win the House, much less the Senate."
You did not just "overestimate the intelligence of the average Democrat". You said that the party leaders would step in to overturn the will of the electorate and install Hillary as the nominee. Of course you were dead wrong.True. I did overestimate the intelligence of the average Democrat voter. Why? I don't know. I offer no excuses.mvscal in January 2008: "Obama will never win the nomination. Hillary will steamroll him."
And you also said that Americans wouldn't vote for him. It was 18 months ago. If you're going to lie, try lying about something a tad older.Lie. My take was that the only reason he was in the running in the first place is because he's a n...igger.mvscal in July of 2008: "OK, so Obama somehow won the nomination. But he'll never win the Presidency. No way Americans vote for a black man."
You mean other than opining that Obama was an ineffectual fucktard who would get chewed up and spit out by Washington like a low calorie version of Jimmy Carter? How's that working out for you?Lie. I offered no opinion on the subject anywhere.mvscal in 2009: "Obama will never pass health care."
But it did pass. It is law. No matter what stunts the Senate GOP pull, it is law. And you were too fucking ignorant to understand that.Lie. Pointing out the fact that it hadn't passed yet is not saying that it will fail.mvscal in 2010: "The health care reform Obama just passed will fail."
The bill errr THE LAW is 2000 pages long. Read it yourself if you are really interested in the payment mechanisms. Or read the CBO scores. Or stick a fucking grenade up your ass. I really don't care. I'm just here to point out your many failings.Feel free to contribute something other than lies and bullshit. You can start by telling us all how were supposed to pay for this shit and what, exactly, we're going to get for our money.