Cute but very stupid and misinformed.
In fact this current Permanent War is completely unnecessary and disastrous--as every indicator makes clear. And moreover, this fake general ignores the galling fact that this entire War On Terror was manufactured and instigated by a group of
Chicken Hawks, the very people the real General Patton would hate.
Yeah, they forgot that. But sure, pile on Harry Reid!
Chicken Hawk Roll Call:
Never fired a shot or wore a uniform
Fire a gun? Are you kidding? I'm too busy planning Permanent War (for Israel, of course)
war, war, war, war...
warwarwarwar.....for someone else, not me, of course...
Oooooh yeah..we're gonna get this Permanent War
poppin'..and then a whole bunch of "Patton" shit" to keep the 'necks on line...oh good times!
Never fired a shot--but I'll lie and smear and do
anything to get this War going! (for Israel, of course), the real General Patton would vomit in disgust at the fear mongering and lies upon which the current fake Permanent War has been based--and continues to be fomented.