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Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:05 pm
by Wolfman
Guess where these brews are made. This should be right up a few poster's alley. I batted .333 which is good for a baseball player but sucks for knowing where beer is brewed. Knock yourselves out.
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:58 pm
by R-Jack
Mayflower & Great Lakes were a gimmie.
I served Lagunitas IPA at my wedding.
If you can look hard enough you can figure out the location of Bells
I guessed on the last one.
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:06 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
4/9. Guessing on all.
Did get 12/12 right on
this one, though.
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:13 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
8/9. Missed Blue Point.
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:53 pm
by Van
As someone who's never even tried beer and has never heard of any of these brands, I thought it'd be interesting to see how I'd do on one of Wolfie's little quizzes when I'd be 100% guessing on every single question.
All I did was go by the name of each beer, trying to tie it to a particular region. When that option wasn't available, I basically asked myself, "Which town sounds more like a place Goobs or Mgo would likely go to just to get their shitface on?"
I did better purely by imagining Goobs being drunk while watching hockey than I did on the baseball logos quiz!
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:18 am
by WolverineSteve
The little factoid from Lionsgate about the puzzles on the caps reminded me of the caps on Falstaff back in the day. Wonder if it was theirs.
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:30 pm
by MuchoBulls
6 out of 9. Missed 1, 3, and 6.
RACK Blue Point Toasted Lager!!!
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:35 am
by Goober McTuber
Van wrote:As someone who's never even tried beer and has never heard of any of these brands, I thought it'd be interesting to see how I'd do on one of Wolfie's little quizzes when I'd be 100% guessing on every single question.
All I did was go by the name of each beer, trying to tie it to a particular region. When that option wasn't available, I basically asked myself, "Which town sounds more like a place Goobs or Mgo would likely go to just to get their shitface on?"
I did better purely by imagining Goobs being drunk while watching hockey than I did on the baseball logos quiz!
Fuck. I only got 7/9 myself. BTW, most of the people I know who drink craft beers do so in relative moderation.
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:46 am
by mvscal
Van wrote:As someone who's never even tried beer
Not something to be proud of nancy boy. You allergic?
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:08 am
by Van
I've never tried it so how would I know that I'm allergic to it?
In any case, no, it's nothing like that, and it's not a point of pride either, other than pride in keeping a promise to myself. I simply decided when I was a little kid that I would never try alcohol, smoking or any recreational drug. If that makes me a nancy boy, then so be it.
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:40 pm
by King Crimson
strong geographical bias. if you live in the upper midwest or middle eastern seaboard, 7-8/10 of those beers are from your neck of the woods. how many are east of the Mississippi? 2, 3? Colorado and Portland not represented in a micro quiz?
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:41 pm
by smackaholic
I didn't know we had any middle eastern seaboard trolls here. Mid-Atlantic maybe.
I was 6-9 and actually missed a few that were closest geographically. Anybody miss bell's? if you did, you've never read a beer post here before....or you're just a dumbass.
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:13 pm
by King Crimson
smackaholic wrote:I didn't know we had any middle eastern seaboard trolls here. Mid-Atlantic maybe.
that's how those middle eastern types do, you don't even know about them until it's too late. sleeper cells and shit.
Re: Quiz Time: You Think You Know Beer ?
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:13 pm
by Dinsdale
WolverineSteve wrote:The little factoid from Lionsgate about the puzzles on the caps reminded me of the caps on Falstaff back in the day. Wonder if it was theirs.
This got me wondering, as well.
A quicky websearch reveals that many beer companies put rebus puzzles under their caps -- Lone Star Beer, National Bohemian, Lucky Lager, Falstaff, Olympia, Rainier, Ballantine, Mickey's, Lionshead, and Narragansett.
It was memories of Lucky Lager that got me thinking about it. And damn, what putrid stuff that was, in the 11oz stubbies. When I was a young up-and-coming drunk, Lucky was in Vancouver, WA, right next to the I5 bridge. About the only redeeming quality that stuff had was we could buy it for $2.99 a case.
And if anyone remembers Generic Beer -- the plain white can with simply the name BEER on the label -- that was Lucky in a can.
Heck, the Vancouver brewery closed down about 25 years ago, and just thinking about it now is making me kind nauseated. But it's now part of AB/Bud/Inbev, and brewed by
canadians, so I'm sure the modern version is nothing short of delightful.
Yup, back in the teen years, Lucky was definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel (probably literally). On the teen budget, it was all about Rainier (pronounced "ron-YAY"... like all French and shit). Shit, when I worked in Tacoma back then, a shorty (12 pack, I guess they don't call it a "shorty" in all regions) of 16 ouncers (I believe Rainier coined the term "pounders") could be had in the greater Seattle area for about $2.69.
Damn, used to go through that stuff by the truckload... good times.