Screw_Michigan wrote:No it's not you black cock-obsessing liar. Why don't you go plant yourself on one of those homeless ni66ers.
One cold night in late October after a University of Wisconsin Football game I was sleeping on those same church steps with my army blanket to keep me warm. It was about bartime and people must have thought I was a homeless veteran so they were laying money at my feet as they walked by. At one point I saw a paw grab some of my money so I jumped up and two chicago were standing there with a fistful of my money.
I said "Give me my money!" and the said "Wat moneys?" I grabbed the money out of his hand and said "THIS MONEY!"
I went back to the steps and the gibbered as he was walking away..."I know where you sleeping mothafucka...I'm coming back and kill'in you tonight"
I threw off my army blanket and got one inch away from the face and said "KILL ME NOW, MOTHERFUKKKER!" I ended up beating the shite out of both of those mother fukkkers in self defense. It's about the third time I've beaten the fukkk out of those people in self defense in the last couple years. None of them expect a White person to stand up to them...but then again...none of them have fukkked with Stanley Pickle!