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This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:16 am
by BarFlie
Psychedelic trips aid anxiety treatments in study

NEW YORK – The big white pill was brought to her in an earthenware chalice. She'd already held hands with her two therapists and expressed her wishes for what it would help her do.

She swallowed it, lay on the couch with her eyes covered, and waited. And then it came.

"The world was made up of jewels and I was in a dome," she recalled. Surrounded by brilliant, kaleidoscopic colors, she saw the dome open up to admit "this most incredible luminescence that made everything even more beautiful."

Tears trickled down her face as she saw "how beautiful the world could actually be."

That's how Nicky Edlich, 67, began her first-ever trip on a psychedelic drug last year.

She says it has greatly helped her psychotherapeutic treatment for anxiety from her advanced ovarian cancer.

And for researchers, it was another small step toward showing that hallucinogenic drugs, famous but condemned in the 1960s, can one day help doctors treat conditions like cancer anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.

link to the rest of the story

having been diagnosed long term depressive(PTSD) back in the 80's I think a few hits of acid could do me good

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:23 am
by mvscal
BarFlie wrote:having been diagnosed long term depressive(PTSD) back in the 80's I think a few hits of acid could do me good
Or it could just as easily fuck you up even worse. Speaking from fairly extensive personal experience, acid trips are wildly unpredictable regardless of how carefully managed the setting.

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:30 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
BarFlie wrote:having been diagnosed long term depressive(PTSD) back in the 80's I think a few hits of acid could do me good

Try a few hits of this

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:31 am
by BarFlie
I had some nice 'out of body' trips while listening to moody blues albums back in the day

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:38 am
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote:
BarFlie wrote:having been diagnosed long term depressive(PTSD) back in the 80's I think a few hits of acid could do me good
Or it could just as easily fuck you up even worse. Speaking from fairly extensive personal experience, acid trips are wildly unpredictable regardless of how carefully managed the setting.
well, I guess that explains why we're all so fucked.

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:39 am
by Trampis
BarFlie wrote:I had some nice 'out of body' trips while listening to moody blues albums back in the day
I once got pissed when i heard an Air Supply album...douchebag :evil:

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:52 am
by BarFlie
if you never actually tripped on lsd todd you need to do so asap

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:52 am
by Tom In VA
Etymology: irregular from psych- + Greek dēloun to show, from dēlos evident; akin to Sanskrit dīdeti it shines, Latin dies day — more at deity

"To shed light on one's mind"


mvscal is somewhat right, however I've never had a bad experience when I was "okay" going into it. Even some times when I wasn't feeling "okay" going into it, it wasn't all that bad.

One time, I drank about a case of beer, took two hits of LSD and ate some mushrooms and by the time the Grateful Dead got into "Wang Dang Doodle", I had fried my noodle.

Worst trip ever + thinking I was going to die + being trapped in NYC overnight with little to no money = An Educational Experience.

Be careful Barflie. I'm not a doctor, but if these head doctors (con artists, they con money out of your ass through your head) could "fix" you, they'd do it - how the fuck will they be able to fix you if something "snaps" during a trip ?

You deserve peace, peace of mind, and rest to enjoy the remainder of your days on this planet without being haunted by the ghosts of yesterday. I wish that for you now and always.

There are other ways to achieve the psychic change they're looking to induce people into having.


Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:55 am
by R-Jack
Tyrone had an out of body experience. Hit me right in the eye.


Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:45 pm
by Mikey
BarFlie wrote:
having been diagnosed long term depressive(PTSD) back in the 80's I think a few hits of acid could do me good
I think you need to try teh bangstill.

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:17 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
R-Jack wrote:Tyrone had an out of body experience. Hit me right in the eye.



:meds: :meds: :meds:

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:35 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Tom In VA wrote:One time, I drank about a case of beer, took two hits of LSD and ate some mushrooms and by the time the Grateful Dead got into "Wang Dang Doodle", I had fried my noodle.

Worst trip ever + thinking I was going to die + being trapped in NYC overnight with little to no money = An Educational Experience.
Right. I never understood why people would want to get drunk as oblivion and then take hard psychedelic drugs, especially in a foreign place in public. You're wasting your alcohol buzz, you're really going to affect your trip (mostly in a negative way) and you are potentially putting yourself in a very precarious position.

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:54 pm
by Tom In VA
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:One time, I drank about a case of beer, took two hits of LSD and ate some mushrooms and by the time the Grateful Dead got into "Wang Dang Doodle", I had fried my noodle.

Worst trip ever + thinking I was going to die + being trapped in NYC overnight with little to no money = An Educational Experience.
Right. I never understood why people would want to get drunk as oblivion and then take hard psychedelic drugs, especially in a foreign place in public. You're wasting your alcohol buzz, you're really going to affect your trip (mostly in a negative way) and you are potentially putting yourself in a very precarious position.

I spent a few years pretending I was Ali trying to "Rope a Dope" Darwin. At the time I thought it was the LSD, in hindsight it was the booze. My body wanted to pass out from exhaustion, my mind was drunk but awake and totally concious of what was happening - in terms of exhaustion - however I panicked and thought I was checking out ... anxiety set in ... I couldn't find my way back to the seats where my crew was and when I found myself ... talking to myself going up and down the same escalator a few times ... I had to get out on the street.

Things settled down a bit once out there. The whole fucking scene was amazing.

I ran into a cat I hadn't seen in a year or so and I had loaned him about $100 bucks before he left Virginia. Anyway, in the middle of NYC by Madison Square Garden, I just "happen" to run into him and he breaks off $20 bucks of the $100 he owed me. With the $5 I had left in my pocket before the show it helped get me some food later on that night.

I missed the train back to NJ so I was stuck and lo and behold, I run into this cat again. He missed his train to LI. He was also familiar with NYC, where I was not.

Money for grub and water, money for a train ticket the next morning, and money to help some bruthas out that were panhandling. My buddy damn near flipped when I broke out my cash, counted out what I needed for the train ticket and gave them the rest. He was concerned they'd beat the shit out of me to take the rest. They didn't, they even offered me a hit of their beer.

Helluva an experience.

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:54 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Well, Tom's not..exactly on the bus.

Only cowards refrain from expanded consciousness. Problem is, there's always some corporate fascist type looking to control people--so they undermine such efforts.


Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:56 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Tom In VA wrote:You deserve peace, peace of mind
He could try a little of this

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:56 pm
by Tom In VA
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Well, Tom's not..exactly on the bus.

Only cowards refrain from expanded consciousness.
Who says I refrain from it, I just use natural means today. Meditation for instance.

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:03 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Oh no, I wasn't referring to you, Tom. Just the part of mixing copious amounts of alcohol with psychedelics--like some redneck frat boy. Of course I don't think it wise or productive to continuously ingest LSD or shrooms as a regular part of one's regimen, but one must pass through a portal or two in order to be truly awake.

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:04 pm
by Goober McTuber
Tom In VA wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Well, Tom's not..exactly on the bus.

Only cowards refrain from expanded consciousness.
Who says I refrain from it, I just use natural means today. Meditation for instance.
Do you see trails? Things melting ('sup shutyomouth)?

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:14 pm
by Tom In VA
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Oh no, I wasn't referring to you, Tom. Just the part of mixing copious amounts of alcohol with psychedelics--like some redneck frat boy. Of course I don't think it wise or productive to continuously ingest LSD or shrooms as a regular part of one's regimen, but one must pass through a portal or two in order to be truly awake.
I didn't intend to drink a case of beer, that's sort of part of why i am what i am.

Like I said, all in all, the experience was well worth it I just got an incomplete message. Subsequent to that I changed many a thing, except the drinking, that took a bit longer to address.

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:15 pm
by Tom In VA
Goober McTuber wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Well, Tom's not..exactly on the bus.

Only cowards refrain from expanded consciousness.
Who says I refrain from it, I just use natural means today. Meditation for instance.
Do you see trails? Things melting ('sup shutyomouth)?
I usually close my eyes, breathe, and focus on breathing. Thoughts melt away.

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:17 pm
by Goober McTuber
Tom In VA wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
Who says I refrain from it, I just use natural means today. Meditation for instance.
Do you see trails? Things melting ('sup shutyomouth)?
I usually close my eyes, breathe, and focus on breathing. Thoughts melt away.
Well, that sounds pretty boring.

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:24 pm
by Tom In VA
Goober McTuber wrote: Well, that sounds pretty boring.
The Vedic chanting makes it more fun.

Re: This is worthy of more research

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:54 pm
by Smackie Chan
Tom In VA wrote:I spent a few years pretending I was Ali trying to "Rope a Dope" Darwin. At the time I thought it was the LSD, in hindsight it was the booze. My body wanted to pass out from exhaustion, my mind was drunk but awake and totally concious of what was happening - in terms of exhaustion - however I panicked and thought I was checking out ... anxiety set in ... I couldn't find my way back to the seats where my crew was and when I found myself ... talking to myself going up and down the same escalator a few times ... I had to get out on the street.

Things settled down a bit once out there. The whole fucking scene was amazing.

I ran into a cat I hadn't seen in a year or so and I had loaned him about $100 bucks before he left Virginia. Anyway, in the middle of NYC by Madison Square Garden, I just "happen" to run into him and he breaks off $20 bucks of the $100 he owed me. With the $5 I had left in my pocket before the show it helped get me some food later on that night.

I missed the train back to NJ so I was stuck and lo and behold, I run into this cat again. He missed his train to LI. He was also familiar with NYC, where I was not.

Money for grub and water, money for a train ticket the next morning, and money to help some bruthas out that were panhandling. My buddy damn near flipped when I broke out my cash, counted out what I needed for the train ticket and gave them the rest. He was concerned they'd beat the shit out of me to take the rest. They didn't, they even offered me a hit of their beer.
Reads like a page from a Kerouac novel.