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It's all over but the crying

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 11:20 pm
by War Wagon
My daughters career as a competitve softball player that is, and yes, I'm crying. They lost the 3 game series 2-1 in the elimination game in the conference tournament today. This after losing the 2nd game last night, the game that would have clinched it, in 17 motherfucking epic innings. A game they were two outs away from winning in the 7th. A game they had so many chances to win, but couldn't get it done.

I knew this ride was going to end sooner or later, but I didn't want it to end today, not like that. Had they won, they would've been playing for the conference championship on Friday (right after her graduation ceremony, that would've been perfect) for an automatic berth in the NAIA world series held in Decatur, Alabama.

16 years she's been playing ball and watching her and her teams play have been some of the happiest, most satisfying moments of my miserable life. Seeing her walk off the field today (in tears) for the final time really hurt.

I had all these things I planned to say to her but when I went to give her a hug, I got all choked up. I think I just managed to say how I couldn't be prouder and then had to bail before I lost it.

Damnit, I wanted to tell her how George Brett said that he wanted his final at bat to be an easy ground ball to 2nd base... so he could bust his tail running it out.

My daughters final AB was a ground ball to the 2nd baseman.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 11:24 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
RACK your kid, Wags. She's a class act, just like her dad.


Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 11:58 pm
by Wolfman
As a softball umpire I'm curious. Did they use the "tie breaker" rule where after regulation play, the last player for the team coming to bat to make an out starts out on 2nd base ? 17 innings is a bit much for everyone concerned. I know it was used in CNY in both college and high school ball. They do not use it here in Florida.
Aside from my question--rack your daughter for putting forth the effort to play the game.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 1:19 am
by War Wagon
Thanks Marty, I appreciate that.

Wolfie, no tiebreaker rule in the playoffs.... during the regular season they institute it after the 9th.

And yes, it was tiresome. Brutally tiresome. The game lasted 4-1/2 hours. I got home at 11:30 and had to be at work at 5:00.

The Mid America Nazarene pitcher went all 17 innings, threw over 300 pitches. The last few innings, she was in obvious pain, holding her side after every pitch.

The Evangel pitcher who went 7 innings in the 1st game came back and pitched the last 11 innings in the 2nd game, her pitch count was astronomical.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 2:35 am
by Van
Very cool, Wags. No sarcasm intended either.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 2:46 am
by trev
You should be proud of your daughter. I know you are. Enjoy the next phase of life.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:29 am
by Roger_the_Shrubber

You raised a great lesbian. Congrats!

And NAIA????????

You might have well typed, "My daughter was too stupid to get into a real school."

Well done!

That Decatur, Alabama trip will have to wait, I guess....... :meds:

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:32 am
by mvscal
Nobody cares.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:02 am
by poptart
The foray of Blue Collar Wagon's only-child daughter into the fast paced world of NAIA women's softball made for very compelling message board reading.

Don't lie, people.

I'm not too big to admit that I too get choked up thinking of the bittersweet ground out to 2nd base that put a wrap on the memory-laced saga.

It should have gone on to Decatur, ... damn it all!!

In the ending moment, I only wish that our Wagon could have fought back the emotions in order to whisper those words of fatherly wisdom and love that he desperately wanted to utter.

Those moments flash by and can never be recaptured.

Piss beer and shit conversation with message board monkeys will hardly take the edge off the disappointment.

I feel it.

Good night, War Wagon.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:59 am
by Roger_the_Shrubber

I too felt the emotion, the catharsis, and finality that IS NAIA women's softball. The heart break that Wags, that bastion of hope and support that he has always been to all of us here at T1B, the man that has always been supportive of all of us, our families, lives....hopes and dreams............War Wagon..........

I must collect myself........give me a second...........

For all that Wags has typed, ....all of his emotion, ...his..............his..LOVE!!!(There, I said it!!!), to all of us here at T1B....

I think I speak for all of us here..when I say.........

I hope your daughter marries a good woman.

And good luck with her asst. manager trainee thing at Wendy's.

Go on to, Wags, and update this latest success!

We are all pulling for ya out here, I can tell ya.

One day, God both, as Father and daughter, will one day make it to Decatur, Alabama.....and share a hot dog at the local gas station.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!! and the dreams that can come true!

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:07 am
by M Club
at least wags can wipe his arse without first swallowing 49 little red pills, junkie. and at least anyone with a naia education can make their own disjointed, rambling arguments about some fairy godfather without hitting the eject button in favor of some simplistic lecture from some fat, dead english man. and you're the godly one here.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:08 am
by LTS TRN 2
'Scuse me, wagons, but....the Evangels versus the Nazerenes? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You know, it might help one's development in sports--and thus the meaning of those ensuing victories--to compete against actual competition, not a nervous little herd of cult members. C'mon, it's a big world out there.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:20 am
by Roger_the_Shrubber
Well said, M Club. Pure home-bred American gibberish. You are well versed in the ass wiping skills of Wags, apparently. Not only moronic in syntax and structure, but also pointless to topic and shows well your level of debating skills and breeding.

Be proud!


Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 12:18 pm
by M Club
Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:Well said, M Club. Pure home-bred American gibberish. You are well versed in the ass wiping skills of Wags, apparently. Not only moronic in syntax and structure, but also pointless to topic and shows well your level of debating skills and breeding.

Be proud!

which one of us can function on a daily basis? i win.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 1:52 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:WGARA?

You raised a great lesbian. Congrats!

And NAIA????????

You might have well typed, "My daughter was too stupid to get into a real school."

Well done!

That Decatur, Alabama trip will have to wait, I guess....... :meds:
I guess this is one of those selective moments in which you put your religion on pause.

Hypocritical piece of shit.


Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 2:18 pm
by M Club
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote: Die.
why don't you suggest he tie his shoes instead.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 3:32 pm
by Tom In VA
RACK the WAGS family moment.

ROCK ON Wags. You do ROCK my friend.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:46 pm
by Moving Sale
War Wagon wrote:I'm crying. Seeing her walk off the field today (in tears) for the final time really hurt.
So in 16 years of sofball neither of you learned jack shit about sportsmanship. Nice going... dad.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:50 pm
by BSmack
Moving Sale wrote:
War Wagon wrote:I'm crying. Seeing her walk off the field today (in tears) for the final time really hurt.
So in 16 years of sofball neither of you learned jack shit about sportsmanship. Nice going... dad.
WTF are you talking about?

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:52 pm
by Moving Sale
WW and his daughter. Hope that helps.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:52 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
War Wagon wrote:Seeing her walk off the field today (in tears) for the final time really hurt. I had all these things I planned to say to her but when I went to give her a hug, I got all choked up. I think I just managed to say how I couldn't be prouder and then had to bail before I lost it.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:56 pm
by BSmack
Moving Sale wrote:WW and his daughter. Hope that helps.
No, it doesn't. You seem to think that her behavior was not sportsmanlike. What the fuck makes your pea sized imbecilic cranium think that?

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:10 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Moving Sale wrote:
War Wagon wrote:I'm crying. Seeing her walk off the field today (in tears) for the final time really hurt.
So in 16 years of sofball neither of you learned jack shit about sportsmanship. Nice going... dad.
Why are you such an angry baby all the time?

I really don't know your story, nor do I care to learn it, but did you have some sort of trauma in the last five years to cause you to lash out like a wounded labia?

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:16 pm
by Mr T
Wasnt wags posting about his high school daughter playing softball last year and went off on Indy for investigating? But now she is a senior in college?

Damn that was fast

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:30 pm
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote:Nobody cares.
While that's true to a certain great extent, it didn't really concern me if anyone cared. It still doesn't, but thank you anyway to those posters who didn't feel the need to go all Roger_the_Cupholder over it.

Seriously, I expected more in that vein rather than less.

I posted the thread for my benefit, call it therapy for the withdrawal. I'm not one to bottle stuff up inside, I needed to vent and as far as I'm concerned this is my personal blog space. I hope it didn't offend anyone to have to read those comments.

As for academics, I don't know about the entire NAIA, but I'd place the academic standards of the Heart of America athletic conference against any public university in the country. And yes, they are made up almost entirely of Christian oriented schools... da' horrah. That's where she wanted to go, and she got pretty decent athletic scholarship money to go against the student loans that will someday (too soon) start coming due.

And Mr. T... your memory sucks.

I posted about her stats as a Jr. at Evangel and linked an article to the Springfield, Mo. newspaper extolling her virtues. Indy got on the Evangel website (stalker) and threw out some stats from her sophmore year trying to catch me in a lie or some shit like that. I jumped his case for not having his facts straight, just like you don't have your facts straight now.

To be fair, it's quite possible I did post here about her high school career where she helped lead the Oak Park team to the state championship semi-finals... in 2005. Maybe you were having a flashback. Happens to me all the time.

As for the future, those plans don't include working the drive thru at Whattaburger. She plans on going to grad school and getting a masters degree in sports management. She wants to coach college softball and by damn, I'll bet she does and is damn good at it.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:37 pm
by Van
Wags wrote:Roger_the_Cupholder
I don't even get that reference, yet it still made me laugh.


Like BSmack, I also don't get how TVO is attempting to equate poor sportsmanship with sadness over losing a game and seeing a lifetime of playing come to an end.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:45 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Toddowen wrote:You're actually getting all red-faced because people are poking fun at you here? Have you learned nothing?


Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:00 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:11 pm
by War Wagon
Toddowen wrote:You're just making it a point to act like a blubbering douche tho, Wags. I posted that vid because I thought you might enjoy it, as I do. Instead, you blast off about how I need to focus on my job.

And what do expect to happen here when you say that you're snivilling and choking up with tears? You're actually getting all red-faced because people are poking fun at you here? Have you learned nothing?
The first had nothing to do with the second.

And I'm not red-faced. I posted honestly about what happened and how it felt. I know some just can't stand that Dan Vogle shit on a message board and have to react in a negative way, doesn't bother me in the least. Like I said, I expected more rather than less and was pleasantly surprised to get the opposite reaction from quite a few.

I tell you what, even the non-response from some of my old nemesis buddies speak volumes. I don't have to name names, they know who they are.

ps; after the preview, now they come running. :)

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:12 pm
Go on to, Wags, and update this latest success!

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:12 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Just for old time's sake...

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:14 pm
by War Wagon
Van wrote:
Wags wrote:Roger_the_Cupholder
I don't even get that reference, yet it still made me laugh.
it came from outta' the blue Van, as in, what is shrubs usefulness comparable to?

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:15 pm
Rack your labia-gobbling SMS-sendin' champ, WoebegoneWagon.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:18 pm
by War Wagon
PSUFAN wrote:Rack your labia-gobbling SMS-sendin' champ, WoebegoneWagon.

Errr, thanks for not going totally Garrison Keillor.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:16 am
by orcinus
Sweet kid raised by a good family.

Rack Li'l Miss Wagon as she turns the page.

Haters gonnna hate ... but even here in the land of words-on-screen, some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:29 am
by FLW Buckeye
rhymenocerous wrote:Sweet kid raised by a good family.

Rack Li'l Miss Wagon as she turns the page.

Haters gonnna hate ... but even here in the land of words-on-screen, some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Good to see you around, Orc. Especially your av... :D

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:44 am
by Screw_Michigan
Martyred wrote:Just for old time's sake...


Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:57 am
by Goober McTuber
War Wagon wrote: I tell you what, even the non-response from some of my old nemesis buddies speak volumes. I don't have to name names, they know who they are.
Amen, brother.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 4:04 am
by LTS TRN 2
What's this labored gibberish?

Wags?.....your kid is playing softball in a Christer cult league. Okay? And you're...stoked about some win or loss among a small group of frightened cult-rendered children?

You need to to seriously consider what the fuck your excuse is for pretending to hack on amid the painful facts of reality. Cuz you and your thang is fake. Just remindin' :wink:

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 4:05 am
by poptart
rhymenocerous wrote:some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Don't be too hard on their Beaver, Ward.