FFFFFFFFF U Online Poker
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 12:53 pm
How do these fuckers do it? I mean over the last 2 weeks in SNG's from 18 to 90 man ($10 - $24)...I have been turned and rivered so many times it is getting to the point where I just want to break down and cry... :doh:
Take for instance yesterday...$24 90 Man KO SNG on Full Tilt...sitting with about $6k ish in chips...down to the final 15, 9 pay...pick up KK with blinds at 8/1600...guy ahead of me makes it 3200 to go...I reshove...(he has deece chips)...he flips QQ, I have KK...flop 2A2...turn BAM 2 outer Queen...F ME...
this is my story...get it good more times than I can count and get counterfeited...just unreal...
how do you guys battle this? Yeah I know...don't play
Take for instance yesterday...$24 90 Man KO SNG on Full Tilt...sitting with about $6k ish in chips...down to the final 15, 9 pay...pick up KK with blinds at 8/1600...guy ahead of me makes it 3200 to go...I reshove...(he has deece chips)...he flips QQ, I have KK...flop 2A2...turn BAM 2 outer Queen...F ME...
this is my story...get it good more times than I can count and get counterfeited...just unreal...
how do you guys battle this? Yeah I know...don't play