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Hey Wolfman

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 3:03 pm
by Goober McTuber
Don’t forget your rubbers.
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- Sex experts said a new and growing sex trend is sweeping across Florida.

"The population over 60 is having a lot of sex," said West Palm Beach gynecologist and sexual health expert Dr. Maureen Whelihan.

Whelihan said may of her patients maintain active sex lives well into their 80s - some are having sex in their 90s.

"Some of the barriers to sex when you're younger are: there's not enough time, there are kids in the house, there's no privacy, you're tired. When retirement occurs, besides traveling, what else is there to do but have great sex?" said Whelihan.

"Three to four times a week. I could, no problem at all," said Dick Wasil.

Wasil, 79, met his girlfriend, Pauline Martin, 80, at a dance.

"I wasn't expecting to meet anyone. I've been a widow for 12 years," said Martin.

"She was (there) by herself, had nobody to talk to really and somebody to take her out," said Wasil.

"He asked me to go out to dinner and I said, 'fine,'" Martin added.

Three years later, the pair spend nearly every day together.

"We like to go out to eat. We like to go places. We've been on many cruises together and we go to the gambling casino," said Wasil.

When the topic of sex arose, Martin said the conversation was not uncomfortable.
"There's nothing wrong with it. It's just part of nature," said Martin.

Wasil and Martin said they are both healthy and monogamous.

However, many seniors are having unprotected sex and contracting a myriad of sexually transmitted diseases. Health officials said seniors are contracting herpes, gonorrhea, HIV and AIDS at alarming rates.

Re: Hey Wolfman

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 3:20 pm
by Van
Why do you hate allowing people to keep their lunch down?