Big Fan
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 1:57 pm

Saw this yesterday. Quite possibly the most disturbing and sad movie I've seen in years. They marketed it as a black comedy, there's few comedic moments in the movie. The movie does a good job of showing little clues and insights into how screwed up Patten Oswalt's character truly is. The dumping sugar into his glass of Coke. Calling the cop to come out to Staten Island only to tell him he wouldn't be able to help him. The atmospheric noises going on to show how messed up he is in the head. Busting in on his brother while he is taking a shit to yell at him. He is literally a man-child, a 36-year old with the emotional development of a 14-year old. He's a cinematic Gobbles McFucktard.
The movie is good and is done quite well. It's just sad and disturbing. You'll be depressed for hours after watching it. The 50 Cent cake was awesome.