Old Skateboarders
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:02 am
Have they taken over the streets in your town yet?
Seems everywhere I turn, there's some graying, paunchy, hipster douchebag, well past 40, riding a board on busy city streets. Extra douche points if they're wearing a Melvins t-shirt or one of those ultra-douchey pork pie hats. Ughhh.
Take a page from Wolfie and age with dignity, dickslaps.
Seems everywhere I turn, there's some graying, paunchy, hipster douchebag, well past 40, riding a board on busy city streets. Extra douche points if they're wearing a Melvins t-shirt or one of those ultra-douchey pork pie hats. Ughhh.
Take a page from Wolfie and age with dignity, dickslaps.