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You don't have to watch all 6 minutes and 4 seconds of it

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 4:25 am
by poptart
Just watch a few seconds if you like.

Rand Paul on with B. O'Reilly. ... r_embedded

WTF kind of background did they choose for Rand Paul to stand in front of?

No U.S. flags.
No capitol building
No pretty trees or lake.

No, it looks like they got the guy locked up in a fuckin' prison cell. LMAO

Nothing subliminal.


Carry on ....

Re: You don't have to watch all 6 minutes and 4 seconds of i

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 9:49 am
by poptart
Same background used in the Randy Maddow interview.

Faux is off the hook.

Nice choice, Rand. uugh

Next time wear the orange jumpsuit, too, jailbird.

Re: You don't have to watch all 6 minutes and 4 seconds of i

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 10:03 am
by poptart
Randy Maddow spent almost 10 minutes of a 20 minute interview trying to get the weasel to answer her question - and she wouldn't let him slide off it ... as he kept doing.

I wasn't impressed with Paul's inability to VOICE HIS VIEW that the fed gov doesn't belong telling private businesse that they can't discriminate.

He tried to play up to Maddow's f@g audience at the expense of being upfront about where he stands.

He played dodgeball for 10 minutes.

I think his dad would have given Maddow a straight answer and been off the topic in less than a minute.

Conclusion: Rand Paul is much more of a politician than his pops.

He also came off as a bit "hawkish" in regard to Iran in the O'reilly interview.

Playing up to the neo-con audience??


I don't like weasels.

Regardless of where you are answered a question on policy, tell it straight.

The people LIKE and RESPECT that.

Re: You don't have to watch all 6 minutes and 4 seconds of i

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:10 pm
by BSmack
I watched the Maddow interview and, believe it or not, I agree with Poptart. We have Rand Paul ON TAPE saying he disagreed with the idea of forcing private business to integrate. He would have been far better served saying that's what I believe and perhaps citing H. Rap Brown when he said "You cannot legislate an attitude." But instead he tried (and failed) to spin.

Re: You don't have to watch all 6 minutes and 4 seconds of i

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:16 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Do you think Rand's father, Ron, ever performed an abortion (He is an OB-GYN after all) even to save the life of a mother?

Re: You don't have to watch all 6 minutes and 4 seconds of i

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:28 pm
by poptart
No, Marty.

Sorry to say, Rand pussed out and came off as just another greasy politician.

He should have asked Randy Maddow if she thought a black restaurant owner should, by law, be forced to serve a group of skinheads.

Re: You don't have to watch all 6 minutes and 4 seconds of i

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:45 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Skinheads wouldn't patronize a balck restaurant. You know that.

Re: You don't have to watch all 6 minutes and 4 seconds of i

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 6:36 pm
by BSmack
poptart wrote:No, Marty.

Sorry to say, Rand pussed out and came off as just another greasy politician.

He should have asked Randy Maddow if she thought a black restaurant owner should, by law, be forced to serve a group of skinheads.
As long as the skinheads behave like gentlemen?

Then I say yes.

Re: You don't have to watch all 6 minutes and 4 seconds of i

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:03 am
by Q, West Coast Style
I don't see why Rand Pauls' views on the 1964 Civil Right Act are creating such a stir. I mean, duh? This is news? Southern Republicans have odds with the Civil Rights Act? Why do people think the South went from a Democratic stronghold to a Republican one almost overnight?

Paging Lee Atwater . . .

Re: You don't have to watch all 6 minutes and 4 seconds of i

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:28 am
by poptart
The left is always trying to stir up racial garbage.

Paul butchered the interview by not being direct with his answer.
He danced around like he didn't have a pair.

He doesn't need to apologize for his position because where he stands is correct, constitutionally.

He wanted to pander to Maddow's leftist audience, but she demanded a straight answer from him.


Re: You don't have to watch all 6 minutes and 4 seconds of i

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:29 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Q, West Coast Style wrote: Why do people think the South went from a Democratic stronghold to a Republican one almost overnight?
The Southern Strategy.

Make people afraid that ni66ers will break inti their homes and rape and rob them...
...then get let off on a "technicality" by bleeding heart liberal lawyers.

That's the narrative, amirite?