THE RUMPLING: Does Coogs have a secret weapon?
Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:46 am
I believe we all know that as of late, Rumps has been dropping hints that Rumplewife has shed an ocean liner amount of weight...but what he hasn't told us is where she's at now.
Do you believe that he is biding his time, waiting for us to become so hypnotised with preconceptions of Mrs. Rumps being this...
...and then later he will drop a bomb of a pic, saying: "Hey suckers, get out the Jergins...I certainly won't be needing it because THIS IS WHAT MY WIFE LOOKS LIKE NOW!"

He is a devious bastard. I don't trust sir...
We must brace ourselves for such an inevitability.
Do you believe that he is biding his time, waiting for us to become so hypnotised with preconceptions of Mrs. Rumps being this...
...and then later he will drop a bomb of a pic, saying: "Hey suckers, get out the Jergins...I certainly won't be needing it because THIS IS WHAT MY WIFE LOOKS LIKE NOW!"

He is a devious bastard. I don't trust sir...
We must brace ourselves for such an inevitability.