KC Scott wrote:
The Tech geeks will jam on the Server room
I'm sure you got a boner walking past that place. Imagine the personal info storage space...
Rackmount servers running in RAID arrays...it must have been like seeing a bright, white light at the end of the tunnel...
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote:
Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
At least the empire was friendly to the working class. Hosing puke and cigarette butts off concrete benches is just straightforward.
It would take an small army of Mexicans armed with gallons of windex and paper towels to clean the smudge marks off all that Ikea chrome and glass.
Looking up you see the scoreboard - and it is massive.
90 feet tall - and it is as high def as any plasma I've seen.
They said Jerry Jones will bring folks into his private box and let them Madden on a play station displayed on the scoreboard.
Porn? Yes. On the MegaJumboTron? No. With a gaggle of those paid-for-pieces o'-ass dancing on the sidelines? Maybe in my private suite...or, fuck it, right there on the field? AbsofuckthemintheassuntiltheyscreamHerschelWalkerlutely.