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Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:17 am
by LTS TRN 2 ... 01565.html
What sanity is breaking out? What common sense is daring to speak? What moral integrity reigns in the gentle form of this tough and virtuous woman!!!
Who else stood up to the Chimp and his demented minions when America was being sold out to the neocon ZioNazi criminals? Just Helen.
Stand with this brave American hero!!
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:45 pm
by The Seer
The mods should cast her ghastly grille upon your avatar...for life....
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:40 pm
by Wolfman
There will now be a new entry in the dictionary for the word doyenne.
doyenne/'doy enn/n stupid demented old cunt.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:55 pm
by LTS TRN 2
So you're reduced to appearance smack? Pretty sad. Of course you can't actually refute her bold statement. Sucks to be you, coward!
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:03 pm
by BSmack
Wolfman wrote:There will now be a new entry in the dictionary for the word doyenne.
doyenne/'doy enn/n stupid demented old cunt.
Age smack? Wolfman is running age smack?
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:13 pm
by mvscal
Really shocked to see another Arab asswipe whining about Jews. Maybe she should take her demented carcass back to the Arabian peninsula via Lebanon first.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:45 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Hardly surprised to see the Limpdick parrot spouting the usual tired slurs.
Here's what she's actually talking about. And...being of Lebanese descent certainly does not make one an Arab. Or are you just a moron? :wink:
Jews of European descent living on opposite sides of the globe are more closely related to one another than they are to their fellow countrymen, according to the largest study ever conducted of what it means genetically to be Jewish. Ashkenazis, the primary group descended from European Jews, are all as closely related as fourth or fifth cousins would be, the study found.
"Jews really are different from their non-Jewish neighbors," said Dr. Harry Ostrer, a geneticist at the New York University Langone Medical Center, coauthor of the study appearing Thursday in the American Journal of Human Genetics.
They are not different enough to be considered a separate race, as some experts have argued, he added, but definitely are a "distinct population" — the result, presumably, of cultural separation down through thousands of years.
The study, which was conducted primarily to further medical knowledge of genetic diseases, rejected a highly controversial idea that Ashkenazi Jews are descended from Khazars in Eastern Europe who converted to Judaism — an idea that has recently been used in an attempt to discredit the idea that Jews belong in Israel because it is their historic homeland.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:16 pm
by Carson
The only reason Hell-on sat up front at the press conferences was because she kept poking people in their backs with her beak.
WAR GDub for putting her on the back row anyway.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:05 pm
by The Seer
LTS TRN 2 wrote: Of course you can't actually refute her bold statement.
:o ................. :doh: ..................

Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:37 pm
Wolfman wrote:There will now be a new entry in the dictionary for the word doyenne.
doyenne/'doy enn/n stupid demented old cunt.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:40 am
by mvscal
88 wrote:If you agree with Helen Thomas and therefore believe that the Jews should be forced to leave Palestine and return to Germany and Poland, does that also mean you think blacks should be forced to leave America and return to Africa? What about Mexicans?
Not a bad idea actually. It would cut our rate of violent crime in half if not more.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:49 am
by BarFlie
88 wrote:If you agree with Helen Thomas and therefore believe that the Jews should be forced to leave Palestine and return to Germany and Poland, does that also mean you think blacks should be forced to leave America and return to Africa? What about Mexicans? Do they have to leave too? How much ethnic cleansing is required before we have things to your liking?
I agree with 88's line of thinking on this. While shitting on the Jews may be in vogue nowadays if this old cunt's line of thinking were applied across the board ethnicity wise it would be a serious world wide problem. btw, she's been a running gag in washington news circles for years... kinda like Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the house.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:14 am
by Screw_Michigan
BarFlie wrote:btw, she's been a running gag in washington news circles for years
How would you know? You're as in touch with "Washington news circles" as Whitey is with good sense and Killian with masculinity. When we want insight on farming techniques in metro Chicago, we'll ask.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:44 am
by LTS TRN 2
88 wrote:If you agree with Helen Thomas and therefore believe that the Jews should be forced to leave Palestine and return to Germany and Poland, does that also mean you think blacks should be forced to leave America and return to Africa? What about Mexicans? Do they have to leave too? How much ethnic cleansing is required before we have things to your liking?
The only "ethnic cleansing" going on in Palestine is the continued efforts of the ZioNazi race state experiment to disenfranchise, imprison, and terrorize several MILLION Palestinians.
Start by explaining why the Euro Jews had any right whatsoever to invade and occupy a region in a distant land in the first place. Go ahead, we're waiting for "88" to step up and actually offer a coherent take.
Next, explain how this "Zionist" movement of Nationalist Socialists is in any way legitimate. Go ahead, let's hear why such a movement--strikingly similar in design and agenda to the Nazis and South Africans--should be tolerated in any way? Any way in accordance with modern codes of human decency, that is.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:45 am
by BSmack
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Next, explain how this "Zionist" movement of Nationalist Socialists is in any way legitimate. Go ahead, let's hear why such a movement--strikingly similar in design and agenda to the Nazis and South Africans--should be tolerated in any way? Any way in accordance with modern codes of human decency, that is.
You just compared Jews to Nazis?

Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:19 am
by The Seer
Engaging in any dialogue with LTSTARD is like explaining physics to an aardvark. MVSCAL has thrown irrefutable facts at him over and over again. This has nothing to do with facts, world history, common sense, or honesty.
It is about a vocal lunatic fringe denizen who can't understand that most Americans are not as naive as the anti-Israel crowd that resides in the impotent UN or the soon to be muzzie dominated euro union.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:38 am
by LTS TRN 2
No one has suggested that Jews are Nazis, anymore than Germans are Nazis.
Look, what Helen Thomas is speaking of, and what I've been reminding, is that
Zionism is basically identical to Nazism. Or
Go ahead, b-smeck, do you dare to actually attempt to suggest that they are essentially different? Really?
As for Avi (the Limpdick parrot racist punk you refer to as "mscval") having refuted any of my arguments, go ahead, show one example.
Helen Thomas is a genuine patriot and the quicker you wake up to the fact that this hideous ZioNazi experiment is a complete and utter disaster--politically, morally, environmentally, and economically--the better for all. Be brave like Helen, you cowardly little bitch!!!

Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:59 am
by Van
The Nazis attempted to murder their neighbors, as well as "undesirables" within their own country. They commited genocide...real deal genocide. The Nazis didn't ship food, water and other supplies to the Jews, they rounded them up and slaughtered them. Completely unprovoked, they also rolled tanks and ran the Luftwaffe over the skies of Poland, the Low Countries, France and Eastern Europe bombing civilian populations willy nilly.
Israel? They let their enemies - enemies they could easily slaughter - fire rockets into their country, and they even let their enemies work within their country.
If the Israelis were anything like the Nazis, there'd be no Palestinians within shooting range of Tel Aviv.
Oh, and Israel didn't invade the region, they were created by the United Nations as a legal, rightful, sovereign nation.
But don't worry, Nick, I'm sure you'll have a cute, esoteric response founded on your usual heavy abuse of recreational pharmaceuticals.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:04 am
by R-Jack
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:19 am
by BSmack
LTS TRN 2 wrote:No one has suggested that Jews are Nazis, anymore than Germans are Nazis. Look, what Helen Thomas is speaking of, and what I've been reminding, is that Zionism is basically identical to Nazism. Or what?
This excerpt should be bronzed as a monument to your absolute inability to formulate and express a coherent thought. It is like you are allowing us an unprecedented view of the voices in your head. I am in awe of how you are able to perform even the simplest of daily tasks without permanently injuring yourself.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:32 am
by BarFlie
Screw_Michigan wrote:BarFlie wrote:btw, she's been a running gag in washington news circles for years
How would you know? You're as in touch with "Washington news circles" as Whitey is with good sense and Killian with masculinity. When we want insight on farming techniques in metro Chicago, we'll ask.
I enjoy it when clowns like you who know absolutely nothing about me other than I claim to be a veteran start spewing shit as if you're reading from my FBI dossier.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:40 am
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Start by explaining why the Euro Jews had any right whatsoever to invade and occupy a region in a distant land in the first place.
They didn't. They moved on to vacant land. "Palestine" was only sparsely settled when the Zionist movement began in the late 19th century. It was only
after the Jews made the land fertile and profitable using Western capital and modern agricultural methods that hundreds of thousands of Arab carpetbaggers flocked to the region.
Your hero, Yassir Arafat, was an Egyptian not a "Palestinian."
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:50 am
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote: They moved on to vacant land. "Palestine" was only sparsely settled when the Zionist movement began in the late 19th century.
Adverse Possession, that's the ticket. Maybe one day, if you try really hard, you might be able to understand even the simplest of concepts. I think you can do it in 30 years tops. GO!
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:45 am
by mvscal
Inaccurate and are you.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:14 am
by LTS TRN 2
Van wrote:The Nazis attempted to murder their neighbors, as well as "undesirables" within their own country. They commited genocide...real deal genocide. The Nazis didn't ship food, water and other supplies to the Jews, they rounded them up and slaughtered them. Completely unprovoked, they also rolled tanks and ran the Luftwaffe over the skies of Poland, the Low Countries, France and Eastern Europe bombing civilian populations willy nilly.
Israel? They let their enemies - enemies they could easily slaughter - fire rockets into their country, and they even let their enemies work within their country.
If the Israelis were anything like the Nazis, there'd be no Palestinians within shooting range of Tel Aviv.
Oh, and Israel didn't invade the region, they were created by the United Nations as a legal, rightful, sovereign nation.
But don't worry, Nick, I'm sure you'll have a cute, esoteric response founded on your usual heavy abuse of recreational pharmaceuticals.
This tired robotic this all you've really got? To dispute the obvious similarities between the Nazis and The ZioNazis?
How about this...
Zionist results..
Nazi results.. long will you cling to your inane posturing? Your bizarre belief in some
total war power of the U.S. and the ZioNazi entity to which it has become grafted?
How would you like another little slap on your dulled and stunted senses to remind you that history repeats very quickly?
Nazi kids fun camp..
Zionist kids fun camp..
It's time to quit faking it...
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:26 pm
by Van
Nick, as long as you continue comparing the U.S. and Israel to the Nazis - which is your default gambit every time - I'll continue to rub your nose in your own absurdity.
I've told you this before, and I'll tell it to you again and again: While you sometimes have decent info and even the occasional acceptable point, your message is lost in the wash due to the way you present it. Your penchant for wildly innacurate hyperbole renders your message DOA since you're its messenger.
Step back and say something serious for once, rather than constantly playing the clown with all your Chicken Little "Nazis! Nazis are running amok!" rants.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:37 pm
by BSmack
Roach wrote:word
It might be different if booze was involved, but I bet ali-akba LETS-TRANNIE_FUK 2's moral code prohibits that.
Fortunately for Nick, the Koran says nothing about engaging in auto-erotic asphyxiation with goats.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:42 pm
by Smackie Chan
Van wrote:Step back and say something serious for once, rather than constantly playing the clown with all your Chicken Little "Nazis! Nazis are running amok!" rants.
Coming soon, to a theater near you...
Director Tim Burton brings to the big screen the timeless fable whose moral is, "A liar will not be believed, even when telling the truth." Johnny Depp stars as Nick Frisco in...
"The Boy Who Cried Nazi."
With music by Danny Elfman
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:26 pm
by LTS TRN 2
A Zionist is basically a Jewish Nazi. What's so difficult to appreciate about that?
Both are fanatically devoted to a race-state based upon an ancient racist myth of Divine Mandate.
Both are "surrounded by enemies" and forced to act as hyper military aggressors--complete with overwhelming force upon huge civilian areas.
Both openly flaunt international law as part of their "mission" to achieve their race-state security. Including stealing and developing nuclear weapons.
Both are designed on National Socialist models.
Both are rife with crime and corruption.
Both seek to instigate "permanent instability" so as to necessitate the permanent war they realize is necessary to continue their rapacious policies of occupation and repression.
Both are essentially against the world--"us versus them"--the Nazis called everyone else "auflanders," while the Zionist refers to everyone else as "goyim."
The list of direct similarities goes on.
The differences are that Germany happened to be a major military power from its inception--and legitimately lived in Germany. The Zionists are like an invading horde of locusts who are in fact Poles, Germans, Russians, Americans, etc. And they learned from the rash Germans to use the huge moron Christer contingent in America for a bulwark of political support.
Think about it! Sarah Palin and John Hagee serve as a prime examples of the sort of American who support Israel.
Now, you clowns are very lazy. All you've got is tired slurs and hollow dismissals. Where are your actual arguments? Who can actually refute Helen Thomas?
Sure, she's been fired, but we all know that AIPAC has a stranglehold upon our government. Or what? Any actual dispute?
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:37 pm
by The Seer
LTS TRN 2 wrote:A Zionist is basically a Jewish Nazi. What's so difficult to appreciate about that?
Both are fanatically devoted to a race-state based upon an ancient racist myth of Divine Mandate.
Both are "surrounded by enemies" and forced to act as hyper military aggressors--complete with overwhelming force upon huge civilian areas.
Both openly flaunt international law as part of their "mission" to achieve their race-state security. Including stealing and developing nuclear weapons.
Both are designed on National Socialist models.
Both are rife with crime and corruption.
Both seek to instigate "permanent instability" so as to necessitate the permanent war they realize is necessary to continue their rapacious policies of occupation and repression.
Both are essentially against the world--"us versus them"--the Nazis called everyone else "auflanders," while the Zionist refers to everyone else as "goyim."
The list of direct similarities goes on.
The differences are that Germany happened to be a major military power from its inception--and legitimately lived in Germany. The Zionists are like an invading horde of locusts who are in fact Poles, Germans, Russians, Americans, etc. And they learned from the rash Germans to use the huge moron Christer contingent in America for a bulwark of political support.
Think about it! Sarah Palin and John Hagee serve as a prime examples of the sort of American who support Israel.
Now, you clowns are very lazy. All you've got is tired slurs and hollow dismissals. Where are your actual arguments? Who can actually refute Helen Thomas?
Sure, she's been fired, but we all know that AIPAC has a stranglehold upon our government. Or what? Any actual dispute?

Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:38 pm
by Carson
Does this all have anything to do with Helen Thomas being of Arab descent, Felchco?
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:44 pm
by Mikey
Looks like you won't have HT to kick around much longer. ... orter.html
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:45 pm
by Van
LTS TRN 2 wrote:A Zionist is basically a Jewish Nazi.
No, it isn't. One has nothing to do with the other in any way, shape or form.
What's so difficult to appreciate about that?
The fact that red isn't blue. A Zionist is no more a Nazi than you're a U.S. Senator.
Both are fanatically devoted to a race-state based upon an ancient racist myth of Divine Mandate.
Both are "surrounded by enemies" and forced to act as hyper military aggressors--complete with overwhelming force upon huge civilian areas.
Nope. Nazis slaughter their enemies, perceived or otherwise. Israel tolerates to an historically unprecedented degree belligerent behavior from its weaker neighbor enemies.
Both openly flaunt international law as part of their "mission" to achieve their race-state security. Including stealing and developing nuclear weapons.
The Nazis used their weapons. The Israelis sit on theirs, even as rockets are lobbed into their country.
Both are designed on National Socialist models.
If one twists definitions enough, as you do, then John McLaughlin is also an asparagus.
Both are rife with crime and corruption.
Which can be said of every government on this planet, starting and ending with every government in the Middle East, yet you turn a blind eye to every filthy thing they do.
Both seek to instigate "permanent instability" so as to necessitate the permanent war they realize is necessary to continue their rapacious policies of occupation and repression.
Ditto, every government in the region.
Both are essentially against the world--"us versus them"--the Nazis called everyone else "auflanders," while the Zionist refers to everyone else as "goyim."
Ditto every government in the region, all of which ignored the lawful creation of Israel.
The list of direct similarities goes on.
And they're all pointless.
The differences are that Germany happened to be a major military power from its inception--and legitimately lived in Germany. The Zionists are like an invading horde of locusts who are in fact Poles, Germans, Russians, Americans, etc. And they learned from the rash Germans to use the huge moron Christer contingent in America for a bulwark of political support.
The difference is that the Nazis set out on an upnrovoked campaign of terror and conquest while the Israelis do no such thing. If the Israelis were in any way like the Nazis, there would be no Palestinians living in Israel, Gaza would be annexed, so too would the Golan Heights and all of the West Bank, and Lebanese waiters would be serving lox and bagels.
Wake the fuck up, Psycho Bozo.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:51 pm
by Goober McTuber
Does John McLaughlin make your pee smell funny?
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:54 pm
by Smackie Chan
Other than those few trifling details, Van, Nick was spot on.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:56 pm
by Van
Goobs wrote:Does John McLaughlin make your pee smell funny?
It tastes kinda crunchy, too.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:45 pm
by mvscal
Van wrote:Both are "surrounded by enemies" and forced to act as hyper military aggressors--complete with overwhelming force upon huge civilian areas.
Nope. Nazis slaughter their enemies, perceived or otherwise. Israel tolerates to an historically unprecedented degree belligerent behavior from its weaker neighbor enemies.
Oh no!! EEEEEEE-ville genocidal Zionazi madmen torment Arab child!! Oh wait...they provided the medical aid his dirt gobbling community couldn't. Nevermind. I guess that'll happen when your only export is brainwashed explodobots.
Arab Boy from Jenin Saved in Afula Hospital
The antipathy of a Jenin Arab was replaced by appreciation after his son’s life was saved in HaEmek (Valley) Hospital in Afula.
"My son and I are not the same as we were before this happened,” the boy’s father said afterwards, “and I will share this with my family and friends." The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on the story.
The incident began this past Thursday, when 15-year-old Mohammed Kalalwe of Jenin, a Palestinian Authority-controlled city in Samaria, was working in the field. At one point, the boy noticed a deadly viper snake and tried killing it with a rock, but he was unable to avoid being bitten in his right palm.
The Arab-run hospital was ill-prepared to treat the boy, and despite the common presence of snakes in the area, had no anti-serum. The hospital staff decided to send the boy by ambulance to the HaEmek Medical Center in Afula. Hafed later related that he was genuinely afraid to be taken to the Jewish hospital, because he was sure that he and his son would be ignored. His son's palm and arm were critically swollen and the pain was unbearable.
The reality of HaEmek contrasted sharply with Hafed’s negative expectations. They were immediately greeted in Arabic and rushed into the emergency room, where the multi-ethnic staff administered life-saving anti-serum and brought the boy back from the brink of death. Mohammed remained in the pediatric intensive care unit for the next two days, and is now resting comfortably in HaEmek's pediatric surgical department. It is expected that he will be released in the next two days.
Asked by a hospital staffer how he felt now about HaEmek Hospital and the Israelis he had come into contact with, the father stared his Israeli questioner straight in the eyes and said,
"Our people do not know the truth about you, and our medicine has a long way to go. My son and I are not the same as we were before this happened and I will share this with my family and friends. May Allah bless all of you."
Yep, just like them Nazis. Oh hey, Felchco? I thought the Zionazi's wiped out everybody in Jenin a few years ago? What's up with Arabs still living there?
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:19 pm
by smackaholic
Are asparagus that devoid of tone and soul?
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:30 pm
by Van
Now you've done it. You went ahead and agitated Pandora's moistly sluicing box.
Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:13 am
by LTS TRN 2
Yer just blowing sour smoke, Van. Your whole argument is based on the rapacity and murderous nature of the Germans as they overran Europe. However, you completely and irresponsibly overstate the basic facts of the Nazis, and then you just run with it. First of all, the Germans certainly didn't seek to murder everyone they sought to conquer at all. France, for example. Or the Scandinavian countries, Greece, Italy, Spain.
And just saying
nope" is total bullshit. The obvious similarities between a seething Zionist of the 1930's and a Nazi are overwhelming. Look at those pictures of Beruit again, and try to bluff your bullshit about "restraint."