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Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:19 pm
by Derron
Would you hit this if you were 17 years old ??....Hell yeah....


Let the debate begin....

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:22 pm
by Mikey
She has glowing red eyes. Like Satan.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:23 pm
by LTS TRN 2
What debate? It's clear that the 17-year old is a complete punk. Not only is he willing to undermine a true educator's entire career and life, but he's bleating like a bitch. Disgraceful.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:57 pm
by BSmack
The Yakima Herald-Republic reports that Taylor's husband, Kevin Taylor, is expected to be the first defense witness. He's also an East Valley physical education teacher. In the courthouse Monday he wore a T-shirt that read, "I love my wife."
Dude, so does half the senior class.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:35 pm
by mvscal
Derron wrote:Would you hit this if you were 17 years old ??....Hell yeah....


Let the debate begin....
So I guess it's OK for male teachers to fuck their horny little female students then, right?

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:22 am
by Trampis
Derron wrote:Would you hit this if you were 17 years old ??....Hell yeah....


Let the debate begin....
Ive noticed a lot of homes with one interior wall painted that same red color, or perhaps a dark green, maybe blue. Looks good,but kinda darkens the room like an mvscal intro to a class gathering.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:50 am
by H4ever
Derron wrote:Would you hit this if you were 17 years old ??....Hell yeah....


Let the debate begin....

Trendy wall color...check
Trendy top with trendy, cheap jewelry....check
The 8th photo she took on her 150 dollar digital camera that came out the best...most likely.
Fucking the class "hottie" who reminded her of the dude in high school who wouldn't give her the time of day....probably.
Should she be in prison...most definately. Switch the genders and you've got a "predator" who needs to be on the sex offender registry tagged as "highly probable to re-offend"

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:03 am
by LTS TRN 2
mvscal wrote:
Derron wrote:Would you hit this if you were 17 years old ??....Hell yeah....


Let the debate begin....
So I guess it's OK for male teachers to fuck their horny little female students then, right?
Well, no, you totally fake Limpdick parrot, boys and girls really are different. Aw, forget it, you're beyond help.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:15 am
by mvscal
Are you trying to say that girls don't get off on sex and would be somehow "traumatized" by squatting on a teacher's cock?

If a 16 year old boy gets his cock sucked, you slap him on the back and give him, "Atta, boy!", while the 16 year old girl who sucked his cock is presumed to be "sexually abused." Or does the age of the cock in her mouth make some sort of magical difference?

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:31 am
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:Are you trying to say that girls don't get off on sex and would be somehow "traumatized" by squatting on a teacher's cock?

If a 16 year old boy gets his cock sucked, you slap him on the back and give him, "Atta, boy!", while the 16 year old girl who sucked his cock is presumed to be "sexually abused." Or does the age of the cock in her mouth make some sort of magical difference?
Actually, yes, the age of the cock she is chewing on is relevant, IMO.

Two 17 year olds fukking? Not that big a deal IMO.

If it's a 29 year old male teacher fucking that 17 year old, I have a problem.

Reverse it, not so much. Actually, the biggest problem I'd have would be with the stupid punk kid that had to go blabbing to everybody that he was getting some 29 year old hottie ass.

Is this an illogical hypocritical view?

Maybe, but, for quite possibly for the first time in his life, turd maybe be right about something. Boys and girls are different.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:08 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:Boys and girls are different.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:51 pm
by Goober McTuber
smackaholic wrote:Boys and girls are different.
You been hanging out with Tarddowen?

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:57 pm
by Dinsdale
smackaholic wrote:Boys and girls are different.
We really have no way of knowing that for sure.

Wheels McShrubber

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:18 pm
by Trampis
This stuff apears to be running rampant in the Yakima Valley. Kind of sad as this womans 15 y.o. son died last year from a rare desease.

Ex-Prosser mayor Lusk charged with molesting teen ... arged.html

Linda Lusk with microphone

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:32 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Dinsdale wrote:
smackaholic wrote:Boys and girls are different.
We really have no way of knowing that for sure.

Wheels McShrubber

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:32 pm
by R-Jack
The answer is yes. If that blonde momjean wearing wilderbeast is the offender, it is most definately molestation.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:50 pm
by indyfrisco
Trampis wrote: ... arged.html

Linda Lusk with the puffy sweatshirt.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:55 pm
by Derron
IndyFrisco wrote:
Trampis wrote: ... arged.html

Linda Lusk with the puffy sweatshirt.
Could be a good caption photo ?

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:01 pm
by Derron

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:14 pm
by Mikey
Trampis wrote:This stuff apears to be running rampant in the Yakima Valley. Kind of sad as this womans 15 y.o. son died last year from a rare desease.

Ex-Prosser mayor Lusk charged with molesting teen ... arged.html

Linda Lusk dedicating the new community empty pool.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:48 pm
by mvscal
smackaholic wrote:Actually, yes, the age of the cock she is chewing on is relevant, IMO.
And why is that?
If it's a 29 year old male teacher fucking that 17 year old, I have a problem.

The teacher/student relations are totally inappropriate regardless of age or gender. It is unprofessional and the teacher should be fired for cause. What it shouldn't be is criminal.
Is this an illogical hypocritical view?
Of course it is. You are afraid your womenfolk might actually enjoy sex. It's a small step away from cutting off her clit to set your mind at ease on that score.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:15 pm
by Moving Sale
R-Jack wrote:The answer is yes. If that blonde momjean wearing wilderbeast is the offender, it is most definately molestation.
You might want to stay away from threads about sex with minors you child molesting freak.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:27 pm
by Carson
What is with the molester smack, Movement Fail?

Are you pissed off because other "little people" are getting their tools fondled but you're not?

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:50 pm
by Moving Sale
Carson wrote:Are you pissed off because other "little people" are getting their tools fondled but you're not?
I'm pissed because R-Jackmeofflittlegirl's daughter is getting he 'tool' fondled and I'm not? You are one sick fuck you pedo pimping pussface.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:45 am
by Goober McTuber
Just curious about why you run pedo smack at R-Jack.

Tarddowen has earned it, with his repeated "consentual sex" defense of any and all real life pedophiles.

I believe Diego was wrongly accused with a spoofed "log page" that supposedly indicated that he came to a smack forum from a teen chatroom. But he's Diego, so no one's going to come to his defense.

But what is the basis with R-Jack? Seriously, no one else seems to back you on this.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:55 am
by Trampis
ACQUITtED! ... -classroom
YAKIMA, Wash. -- Michele Taylor went into teaching because she enjoys working with kids.

She now hopes to return to East Valley High School to resume her career in the classroom after being acquitted Tuesday of sexual misconduct and immoral communication charges involving allegations made by two of her high school students.

"I want to go back. I wish I could go back in the fall," Taylor said Wednesday in an interview at her Terrace Heights home.

Taylor said she remains committed to teaching despite an ordeal that her mother described as "pure hell" in the minutes after jurors returned their verdict in Yakima County Superior Court.

"I see the goodness in all the other kids. I don't want these two kids to ruin my outlook on kids and how things work," Taylor said as the couple's triplets played in the other room of the house.

She and her husband, Kevin, also an East Valley teacher, conducted interviews with the Yakima Herald-Republic and local television stations Wednesday, trying to personally share their side of the story for the first time.

The investigation by Yakima County Sheriff's detectives started in June 2009. Taylor was placed on administrative leave the same day authorities were notified of the initial report by the younger of the two students.

Both Kevin and Michele Taylor attended and graduated from the school district where they are teachers.

The high school sweethearts said the past year has been difficult, but Kevin Taylor cited family and church support for helping to maintain their strength.

"Our faith definitely kept us going," he said.

He said community response has been more positive than negative. Some passing cars honked while the family held a barbecue at their Terrace Heights home after the verdict.

Despite the criminal acquittal, Taylor's job status remains in question. She has disputed the school's effort to fire her and now faces a September termination hearing. The hearing officer will decide whether her actions violated any school policies that would qualify for dismissal.

Taylor maintains that she did nothing inappropriate in trying to help the boys with personal and academic issues during conversations primarily held by cell phone text message.

Taylor and school officials disagree on whether a policy discouraging texting with students was mentioned during staff training before the 2008-09 school year.

Also looming is the prospect of a civil lawsuit by the boys' parents against the school district and Taylor.

Despite a suggestion by Taylor's defense attorney that a better investigation would have disproven the charges against her, county Prosecuting Attorney Jim Hagarty said the evidence merited proceeding.

"We stand by our decision to go to trial on this one," he said, adding that the relatively short deliberation time by the jury should not be seen as significant. Juries can return both guilty verdicts and acquittals in longer and shorter times, he said.

"There is no fixed formula," he said.

And a sheriff's spokesman described the lead investigator, Brian Jackson, as an "excellent detective." Sgt. George Town said he did not believe that Jackson's lack of training as a sexual assault specialist was a "make or break" factor in the case, given that the specially trained investigators are more typically used for cases involving young children.

Taylor said she never got a good sense of how the jury was reacting to the testimony, though she said she hoped they could see how "ridiculous" some of the claims against her were.

The few jurors who could be reached by the Herald-Republic have declined to comment on the case.

Taylor said that even though she did nothing inappropriate in texting or talking with the students, she would suggest that other teachers avoid the practice because it's too easy for questions to be raised about intent.

Taylor and her husband said they hope to continue to find ways to help others, which is what they say they were trying to do for the younger boy, who was struggling in part with the death of a family member.

Michele Taylor said she knows some people -- including some parents in the school district -- will always question whether she was guilty of a crime.

"The best thing they can do is trust in the process and know that if there was something inappropriate, I would have been found guilty," she said.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:29 pm
by Derron
Fuckin a man...that 17 year old that nailed her snatch is probably thinking this is going to be a great summer once he gets between her legs again soon...

Rack her defense attorney..she got away with it...


Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:42 pm
by mvscal
Derron wrote:Fuckin a man...that 17 year old that nailed her snatch
That 17 year old lied about it, you stupid tard.

Re: Poor 17 year old boy gets laid by teacher....

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:32 pm
by Derron
mvscal wrote:
Derron wrote:Fuckin a man...that 17 year old that nailed her snatch
That 17 year old lied about it, you stupid tard.
Hetero sex was involved here fag bag..something you know nothing about.