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I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:52 am
by indyfrisco
how long is it until Aquafina has a commercial about their Zero calorie "beer" and it is their bottled water?

Just saw Bud commercial with a 55 calorie "beer". Seems every couple months there's a "beer" with slightly few calories than the other low cal "beer".

Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:52 am
by Screw_Michigan
The Whitey market is very lucrative. Tell me you knew.

Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:04 am
by Trampis
Budweiser fooled me once with that piss water. Im sitting there after drinking afew and Im doubting my "how many beers have I had" count. VERY little buzz after drinking a few had me going through the garbage can to do a recount to make sure I was on the right count.

Sure, 55 calories but only what 2.2% alcohol? Bleh, what a waste.

Its like beer with training wheels...its what you give your 15 y.o. after theyve pestered you for the millionth time to let them try your beer. They try shit and think, WTF is the big deal with this, and basically your free and clear of your highschooler having a drinking problem till college. :dins:

Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:24 am
by indyfrisco
I'm just wondering where it will end.

Here's the timeline as I remember it...

In the wake of the Atkins diet revolution...

Miller Lite comes out with their statement how they have the lowest carbs at 3.6 per

Michelob comes out with Ultra at 2.6 per

Rolling ROck has Rock Green Light at 2.4 per

Then Bud comes out with Bud Select. Don't know the numbers on that but it was still carb related.

Now....low carb diet is bad. Low Cal is good.

MGD comes out with 64 cal beer.

Now the bud 55.

Each version they just add water to. Sickens me.

Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:08 am
by Mikey
Bunch a fukken beer snobs.


Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:49 am
by smackaholic
I made the mistake of ordering a pitcher of Ultra once. God, what watered down pisswater.

And the excuse that it is good to slam on a hot day is bullshit. Real water, without the beer coloring is good on a hot day. Real iced tea with lots of lemon is good on a hot day.

These make believe watered down "beers" are shit, unfit for human consumption marketed to lemmings who don't actually like beer, but wanna look cool since the rest of the lemmings are drinking it too.

Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:30 am
by Wolfman
Could be just smart business and keeping profits in the + side as the less alcohol in a product, the lower the taxes are on it. Do you know that the brewery has the "government tanks" where an ATF guy measures it ?

Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:21 pm
by Dinsdale
Wolfman wrote:Do you know that the brewery has the "government tanks" where an ATF guy measures it ?

Maybe no one knows that because it's complete horseshit?

I'm assuming by "ATF," you're trying to refer to the TTB?

I don't work in a brewery -- but I work in a winery part-time. And I'm pretty fucking sure the tax rate for piss beer is all the same -- it's taxed based on volume produced, in 31 gallon increments.

Wine, on the other hand, is taxed at an ever-so-slightly higher rate once it cracks 14% ABV... a whopping difference of about $0.10 per bottle over its sub-14% counterparts.

And no, a TTB agent doesn't do commando audits and measure the ABV -- the winery has the label made up, approved (by the TTB), and publishes pretty much any ABV% they feel like... the catch being, that if there was a rare audit and they get caught, they're in big trouble. And by law, the listed ABV on the bottle (must be on every bottle, by law) doesn't even need to be all that accurate -- they grant some wiggle room.

But I'm still laughing at the idea of the "ATF" Secret Agents rolling up to a brewery/winery with a mobile laboratory... or do they show up frequently with hydrometers in this fantasy world of yours?

Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:23 pm
by indyfrisco
What about this "beer?"


Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:47 pm
by Dinsdale
IndyFrisco wrote:What about this "beer?"
I would assume it's taxed at a much higher rate, since technically (legally), it isn't "beer" -- I'm just guessing, but I'd assume that they tax something that's "freeze distilled" the same as any other distilled beverage.

Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:19 pm
by Mikey
Dinsdale wrote: But I'm still laughing at the idea of the "ATF" Secret Agents rolling up to a brewery/winery with a mobile laboratory... or do they show up frequently with hydrometers in this fantasy world of yours?
:lol: :lol:

I'm thinking they look something like this.


Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:16 pm
by Mr T
Has anyone tried the Batch 19 beer that coors released?

Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:26 pm
by Smackie Chan
Mr T wrote:Has anyone tried the Batch 19 beer that coors released?
I'm sure someone has.

Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:28 pm
by mvscal
Mikey wrote:
Dinsdale wrote: But I'm still laughing at the idea of the "ATF" Secret Agents rolling up to a brewery/winery with a mobile laboratory... or do they show up frequently with hydrometers in this fantasy world of yours?
:lol: :lol:

I'm thinking they look something like this.


Gol dern revenooers!! Git off m'porch!!




Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:38 pm
by Dinsdale
mvscal wrote:Gol dern revenooers!! Git off m'porch!!


A "revenooers" reference?


Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:07 pm
by Mikey


Re: I don't drink a lot of beer but....

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:14 am
by Wolfman
I would try to find more--but scroll down a bit here and read about government tanks and the ATF.

I took a group of science students to the then Schlitz Brewery in Radisson NY back in the mid-1970's. The government tanks and the ATF were mentioned on the tour. It could well be that things have changed since you kids were born.
Oh--shit--age smack--never fresh.