Maybe the oil was too warm?
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:11 pm
The National Enquirer wrote:ENQUIRER WORLD EXCLUSIVE: AL GORE has been accused of sexually attacking a masseuse in Portland, Oregon - and is named in the official police report about the alleged assault, The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively!
The bombshell story will appear in the new issue of The ENQUIRER and will include the secret police documents, a photo of the woman making the stunning charges and will reveal the shocking details about the pants she saved as evidence!
Our investigative team uncovered the amazing story just weeks after the former Vice President announced that he and wife TIPPER were ending their 40-year marriage - amidst reports she suspected her husband was involved with "a gorgeous massage therapist."
We have verified the 62-year-old former VP was in Portland at the time of the alleged incident - Oct. 24, 2006 - and we saw the $540 massage bill.
No criminal charges were brought against Gore, but the Portland police prepared a document marked "Confidential Special Report" - which records the explosive allegations of "unwanted sexual contact" by Al Gore "at a local upscale hotel."
The ENQUIRER is withholding the name of the 54-year-old woman making the stunning accusations because she is potentially a sex-crime victim.
I'm sensing that another run at the White House is out of the picture.
Don't know what's up with the Warm One and his Portland visits -- he got busted for driving way too fast on the hiway a few years back, as well (doesn't driving at high speed burn more fuel?).
Dude's a menace to society, in more ways than one.
And if I was the massage/whore chick, I'd be very afraid right now -- dudes in positions of that much power ain't fucking around when it comes to protecting their status.