Will be sad to see Rosenblatt go. Great atmosphere is right....grew up a couple of blocks from that stadium and rented out our driveway for extra money as a kid. But, I'm sure the Henry Doorly zoo will make the most of those grounds. World-class zoo right next to Rosenblatt. Cool vacation story that didn't sound all that boring, 88...but, I'm from Nebraska!
If "a picture is worth a thousand words" all you had to do was post a couple and be done with it. Herd of moose; you sure the altitude wasn't getting to you ?
88 wrote:
Went through Greeley, Colorado, which has to be the smelliest place I've ever been in, period. Mountains of cow shit frame the interestate for miles, creating a stench so horrible that tears well in the eyes.
that peace corps girlfriend of mine who broke her vagina in a car accident was from greeley. whenever i asked her if she had anything interesting to say she'd basically repeat what you just said.
[friendly ribbing]1---2----3---a herd ? OK, looks like Mr.Moose is attracting a couple females. I like my herd better.[/friendly ribbing]
BTW--I had the "pleasure" of being in Chicago years ago when they had the stockyards. You did not want to be down wind from it.
I spent 24 hours in Omaha in 2007 for some journalism workshop. Totally reminded me of my hometown, Grand Rapids. Had a nice dinner at a mexican restaurant. Downtown was really, really slow.
88 wrote:I went next door and bought a quart of beer and drank it out of a paper bag. I'm classy like that.
...Got up at 4:15 a.m. on Wednesday and got on the road by 5:00 a.m. Drove 4 hours (FUCK!) to the middle of nowhere about 21 miles from the town of Jefferson, Colorado, which itself is in the middle of nowhere. Started hiking the trail to Bison Peak. Gentle elevation gains at first, but then serious ass-kicking began at the 2 mile mark. Elevation was 8,000' when we started. At 11,000', the youngest 88 mutinied and sat his donut-laden ass down on the trail. I kept puffing along. So Mrs. 88 abandoned her bid to reach the summit to attend to him. The oldest 88 spawn trooped to Bison Peak's summit with me and was rewarded with a squashed trail bar, some ice cold water and the satisfaction that comes with making it to the summit of a 12,400' peak with a wheezing-geezer such as yours truly. Upon descent, we encountered Mrs. 88 and youngest 88 asleep alongside the trail. We woke them up, assailed them with all due insults and then marched their defeated asses back to the Whale. Ate some bad pizza in Aspen Park on the ride home. The pizza sordid clambake did not serve booze, so I went next door and bought a quart of beer and drank it out of a paper bag. I'm classy like that. We did not get back to the A-frame until 11:00 p.m....
Excellent story, 88, but why the hell didn't you fly into Denver instead of Omaha?
I've gone thru RMNP several times on Trail Ridge Road and it never gets old. I particularly like the vista where you look down on the headwaters of the Colorado river.
About 15 years ago I bought a Jeep Cherokee Laredo with the express purpose of taking it mountain climbing in Colorado. So we pack up and head west one day for Leadville, an old mining town known for having some great 4 wheeler trails up into the mountains. We're climbing up these steep, narrow switchbacks and eventually get to the top of this pass at about 13,000 + ft. There are several other Jeeps up there that are all tricked out with all this extra gear like winches and what-such. I'm feeling pretty inadequate with my bare-assed Jeep.
Anyways, the trip back down was pretty intense with wifey threatening to get out and walk every 45 seconds. Pretty relieved to finally get back on flat ground after that, I sold the Jeep the next year.
Cool story, bro. Seriously though. People shouldn't hesitate to post pics, as boring as they may seem. "Bad" PETs are still good threads, compared to 90% of the beaten, predictable tripe by the one dimensional robots such as LTS and the like.
I think it was Bear Mountain, off of White pass in the Cascades I climbed to with the wifey a few years back and it was crowded with others that had made the dayhike too...half of them talking loudly on their cell phones. Kinda killed the nature vibe for us. We eased off the peak a hundred feet or so to enjoy our peanut butter and jelly samiches.
Rack 88 and Mikey for doing some hiking with there kids.