Gigantic undersea volcano discovered..

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Moby Dick
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Gigantic undersea volcano discovered..

Post by Moby Dick »

i wonder how many climate models took this volcano into account?

i guess it's the ONLY one too eh? :meds:

(July 12) -- U.S. and Indonesian researchers reported a startling discovery today: A volcano rising 10,000 feet from the ocean floor off the coast of Indonesia, far below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, according to The Associated Press.

Jim Holden, the chief U.S. scientist for the first leg of the joint expedition, told AP that the underwater volcano -- designated "Kawio Barat," for the region in which it was discovered -- is "taller than all but three or four mountains in Indonesia."

It's given height would also place it among the largest undersea, or "submarine," volcanoes yet discovered. (But because more are being mapped all the time, it is difficult to estimate with certainty which is presently the tallest. Last year, scientists discovered a 15,000-foot-tall one also off the coast of Indonesia, The Guardian reported.) It is not thought to be active.

The Kawio Barat was found by the crew of the Okeanos Explorer, "the only U.S. ship assigned to systematically explore our largely unknown ocean for the purpose of discovery and the advancement of knowledge." The crew used a multibeam sonar scanner and a remote-operated vehicle to snap precise, high-def images and video of the feature, explains the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ... d/19551321
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