I made a huge mistake
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:54 pm
I voted for Obama. Lord, what have I done. Forgive me.
Of course you did. He's black...just like you. That makes you fucking moron and yet another mistake waiting to happen.Bobby42 wrote:I voted for Obama.
I hear this is the bomb...best investment opportunity in the last 2 years.Toddowen wrote:I'm noticing a lot of folks straying from the Obama camp lately. One of his most hardcore supporters at work has finally removed his bumper sticker. It could be that he's just sick of being scowled at while driving, but I don't think this is the case with him. Something has struck a nerve.
I swear...Obama is deliberatly trying to be disliked. What the fuck is up with that?
Scowled at ??? Bwwaaahaaaa....Toddowen wrote:It could be that he's just sick of being scowled at while driving, but I don't think this is the case with him.
You probably thought, 'Finally heres the man that has the right amount of charisma, leadership, compasion and humility to pull the country together in a big happy face sort of way'.???Bobby42 wrote:I voted for Obama. Lord, what have I done. Forgive me.
At least you have the sack to admit it. Gutless W supporters will take that shit to their grave.Bobby42 wrote:I voted for Obama. Lord, what have I done. Forgive me.
Not so fast, ScottKC Scott wrote: I should be in charge.
Quite a bit worse actually. At least Chimpy, fuckwit though he was, did not do everything in his power to destroy private sector employment.KC Scott wrote:Yep - a lot of my optimism about Obama has been replaced by the reality that we're in just as big a clusterfuck as we were when that last dumbfuck was in officeTrampis wrote:You probably thought, 'Finally heres the man that has the right amount of charisma, leadership, compasion and humility to pull the country together in a big happy face sort of way'.???Bobby42 wrote:I voted for Obama. Lord, what have I done. Forgive me.
Where the fuck do you make this shit up?mvscal wrote:Quite a bit worse actually. At least Chimpy, fuckwit though he was, did not do everything in his power to destroy private sector employment.
We're in much worse shape.Scott wrote:Yep - a lot of my optimism about Obama has been replaced by the reality that we're in just as big a clusterfuck as we were when that last dumbfuck was in office
Better yet, tax them double unless they get off their asses and use the money.KC Scott wrote:I was reading on one of the financial blogs that SP500 companies are sitting on 850 Billion in cash - and doing nothing with it. Not growing, investing, hiring, etc.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure if you offered them a tax break to put that money to work, they probably would.
I should be in charge.
Bush was at 80% approval after 9/11 and went down to under 30% as he left office.Mgo wrote:At least you have the sack to admit it. Gutless W supporters will take that shit to their grave.
A few points here:poptart wrote:Bush was at 80% approval after 9/11 and went down to under 30% as he left office.Mgo wrote:At least you have the sack to admit it. Gutless W supporters will take that shit to their grave.
A WHOLE lot of conservatives came to admit that Bush lost them.
Barry is currently at about 44% approval, which is a frightening insight into how utterly IGNORANT and CLUELESS many Americans are.
Shut the fuck up already you hysterical, hand-wringing dipshit.poptart wrote:If destruction of the republic is what you seek from the prez, then yeah, you approve.
Then I guess Osama better start plotting some more. It appears the way to high approval ratings is to let a terrorist attack happen.poptart wrote:Bush was at 80% approval after 9/11 and went down to under 30% as he left office.
Yeah, we got that.88 wrote:I'm a feudalist at the top of the hill.
I don't make it up. Congress and your stupid niggger Pres__ent do.BSmack wrote: Where the fuck do you make this shit up?
"Authority" has done nothing other than create the conditions which have resulted in the offshoring of millions of manufacturing and services sector jobs all in the name of "free trade and fair markets."88 wrote:I think an authority (e.g., government) ought only get involved to stop those who would prevent an individual from being able to trade his labor for a fair market wage.
Now let's look at the libtard logic at work here.....BSmack wrote:Better yet, tax them double unless they get off their asses and use the money.KC Scott wrote:I was reading on one of the financial blogs that SP500 companies are sitting on 850 Billion in cash - and doing nothing with it. Not growing, investing, hiring, etc.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure if you offered them a tax break to put that money to work, they probably would.
I should be in charge.
Yeah!! That'll put people back to work!BSmack wrote:Better yet, tax them double unless they get off their asses and use the money.KC Scott wrote:I was reading on one of the financial blogs that SP500 companies are sitting on 850 Billion in cash - and doing nothing with it. Not growing, investing, hiring, etc.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure if you offered them a tax break to put that money to work, they probably would.
I should be in charge.
And what would Obamas' response to a similar attack be?BSmack wrote:Then I guess Osama better start plotting some more. It appears the way to high approval ratings is to let a terrorist attack happen.poptart wrote:Bush was at 80% approval after 9/11 and went down to under 30% as he left office.
Nice melt.War Wagon wrote:And what would Obamas' response to a similar attack be?BSmack wrote:Then I guess Osama better start plotting some more. It appears the way to high approval ratings is to let a terrorist attack happen.poptart wrote:Bush was at 80% approval after 9/11 and went down to under 30% as he left office.
Most likely, he'd apologize to the attackers for the sins of American arrogance that made them do it. Then allow them to build a mulitcultural diversity center on the site in memorial.
You are such a lying sack of shit.88 wrote: The cool thing is that I walked from the damn near the bottom to the place you refer to as the top under my own power.
Talk is cheap. I believe it when I see some actual results.KC Scott wrote:mvscal wrote:"Authority" has done nothing other than create the conditions which have resulted in the offshoring of millions of manufacturing and services sector jobs all in the name of "free trade and fair markets."88 wrote:I think an authority (e.g., government) ought only get involved to stop those who would prevent an individual from being able to trade his labor for a fair market wage.
It's time to bring those jobs home by any means...fair or foul.KC Scott wrote: Actually there are jobs being brought back now from India and even India predicts more are coming back:
http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/ ... geNumber=1
And it looks like the current legislation is trying to help stem the tide of Hajis entering the country (along with the Messicans ) in anticipation of the next major shift in information resources:
http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/ar ... 6Dx23m71cg
Stick to playing G.I. Joes in the sandbox, little boy.mvscal wrote: It's time to bring those jobs home by any means...fair or foul.
So basically,you're advocating a sort of national, economic suicide. That's what it winds up as being if left up to the market. Harvey, or rather Marx - took Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage and blew it out of the water. It was bending over for the financiers that destroyed manufacturing in the west and once a service economy is outsourced, there's nothing left.88 wrote: The jobs would come streaming back. Of course, the people wouldn't have jack shit. Here or there.
[...] But that causes prices to skyrocket in the US, and results in retaliatory tarriffs on our exports. This again, leaves most people fucked over.
You posting a very lame drive-by such as that is evidence that you don't have the first clue about our republic, the significance of the revoultionary war, or tyranny.Screw_Michigan wrote:Shut the fuck up already you hysterical, hand-wringing dipshit.poptart wrote:If destruction of the republic is what you seek from the prez, then yeah, you approve.
Right, after the two times you voted for him? Get fucked.poptart wrote:Dude, I came to hate Bush, the conservative fraud.
considering the alternatives, it's understanding that you'd vote or someone like him.Screw_Michigan wrote:Right, after the two times you voted for him? Get fucked.poptart wrote:Dude, I came to hate Bush, the conservative fraud.
Fuck you both, I'd vote for him again.Screw_Michigan wrote:Right, after the two times you voted for him? Get fucked.poptart wrote:Dude, I came to hate Bush, the conservative fraud.
You've just hit the nail on the head there - but you don't follow your own advice. Whenever you talk about the economy, it boils down to 'get up in the morning, work hard, problem solved'. I think there's more to it than that. Or else it's 'state rights, the constitution, blah blah'.88 wrote: True, in the 1950's when manufacturing was going great guns in the now rust belt cities that kind of person could have gotten a job on the assembly line making very good wages with that skill set. But those days are over.
Or maybe he'd attack a nation that had nothing to do with it, spending countless dollars and wasting thousands of lives in the process.War Wagon wrote:And what would Obamas' response to a similar attack be?BSmack wrote:Then I guess Osama better start plotting some more. It appears the way to high approval ratings is to let a terrorist attack happen.poptart wrote:Bush was at 80% approval after 9/11 and went down to under 30% as he left office.
Most likely, he'd apologize to the attackers for the sins of American arrogance that made them do it. Then allow them to build a mulitcultural diversity center on the site in memorial.