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For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:41 am
by missjo
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When 23-year-old Liu Wei was 10-years-old, he lost both of his arms after he touched an electrified wire during a game of hide and seek. 8 years later, Liu decided to pursue his dream of becoming a professional piano player. Liu's piano teacher quickly quit his ass, because they said learning to play without hands was about as impossible as War Wagon making sense.

Instead of crying into his knees and letting one teacher shit on his dreams, Liu secretly taught himself how to play the piano with his feets! Liu has more musical talent in one of his bunions than most of us have in both of our hands!

Liu told his story when he played "Mariage D'amour" on China's Got Talent. Liu said, "For people like me, there were only two options. One was to abandon all dreams, which would lead to a quick, hopeless death. The other was to struggle without arms to love an outstanding life."

Even though one of the judge's red button was accidentally pressed by the waterfall of tears falling out of her eye holes, Liu easily advanced to the next round.

Warning: The video above might cause the dry desert of bitterness known as your eye sockets to flood with emotion water, so you should prepare yourself for that since it hasn't happened in years!

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:02 am
by R-Jack
If he can play a piano with his feet, then he can go make me a Nike.

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:04 pm
by indyfrisco
Them gooks can do anything.

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:44 pm
by Dan Vogel
This is a great story. I saw it yesterday. I knew a guy in high school who had a lobster hand. Just two fingers on that hand so his hand was like a claw. But he was a great golfer despite that. And he was short but was very competetive and was even on the basketball team with that handicap. But this story takes that inspiration to a whole different level. Thanks missjo. Any of us could think about this. I love it.

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:12 pm
by smackaholic
IndyFrisco wrote:Them gooks can do anything.
he's not a gook, dumbass, he's a chink.

gooks are pretty much any slope other than chinks, cept for maybe japs.

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:34 pm
by indyfrisco
Sorry for getting my racial epithets mixed up. I'm kinda known for mixing up words. At least I didn't call him a panface or zipperhead.

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:48 pm
by Goober McTuber
He plays a piano with his feet? That’s pretty awesome. Let’s all give him a hand.

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:49 pm
by War Wagon
Damn, I got called out by some fat, stupid cunt from down under.

Woe is me.

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:57 pm
by Screw_Michigan
missjo wrote:Liu's piano teacher quickly quit his ass, because they said learning to play without hands was about as impossible as War Wagon making sense.

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:59 pm
by Moving Sale
War Wagon wrote:Damn, I got called out by some fat, stupid cunt from down under.

Woe is me.
Good Gawd you are an idiot. She serves you THAT softball and Fatsmack is all retort with? :doh:

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:59 pm
by Atomic Punk
I'm guessing he can make a career as a professional shop lifter.

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:05 pm
by LTS TRN 2
I get it. The armless fellow bravely carrying on represents the American worker slogging ahead having been basically amputated by union busting, out-sourcing, NAFTA whoring corporate fuckstains trumpeting some sour gas known as "neo liberalism."

And the guy's ability to play piano is like the cast aside American factory workers striving to make dinner out of spam and KFC. And just as this guy finds comfort and release from his handicap within Chopin or Mozart, so the armless American work force takes succor as the semi-finalists of So You Think You Can Dance are narrowed down. Ah yes.

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:59 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
smackaholic wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:Them gooks can do anything.
he's not a gook, dumbass, he's a chink.

gooks are pretty much any slope other than chinks, cept for maybe japs.
Somewhat strange to see you object, since you refer to our neighbors to the north as "upper Messicans."

You live close enough (I think) to them to know that the proper derogatory term for them is "Canucks."

Re: For all you bitches who think oh woe is me

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:25 am
by smackaholic
I'm a pretty good ride from canuckland, at least. 5-6 hours. And i have traditionally used canuck or in this area, french canuck, but have kind of taken a liking to upper messican which i picked up in this dump.

but i NEVER refer to a chink as a gook or vice versa.