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Post by trev »

Anyone here get them? It seems to be more prevalent lately. I'm hearing a lot of pro sports players getting them. I've had them all my life. (shut up) Just wondering how common they are among this community.
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Re: Migraines

Post by trev »

I have mine pretty much under control. Just wondering.
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Re: Migraines

Post by Ana Ng »

I've been getting them at least 6 to 7 times a month for the last 3 months. I get the "ice pick" ones here and there, before the initial migraine actually starts as well.

I was prescribed Imitrex, which basically just makes me really tired.....and you have to take it with a couple of Aleve for it to do anything. I've tried the new med they have out, Treximet, and it worked really well. It's an expensive med I'm told, but I just found out that my insurance covers it. (and you DON'T have to chase it with Aleve)

Anyhow, I guess everyone has a "trigger" with these migraines. I'm finding out that mine are PMS, dehydration, and reading Wags' posts.
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Re: Migraines

Post by trev »

Maxalt works the best for me. My insurance wants me to take generic imitrex, but I said no way. I'm sticking with what works the best. I try to avoid taking anything if I can. The meds give me a very weird sensation when it's taking effect.
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Re: Migraines

Post by poptart »

I started getting "migraine aura's" about a year ago, trev.

Not actually headaches, but the symptoms that sometimes preceed a migraine.

That is - flashing lights, zigzag lines, vision disturbance ... etc.

Usually hangs around for 15 minutes, give-or-take, and is gone.

Don't know why and haven't identified any "trigger" for 'em.

Just out of nowhere *boom* flashing lights - but no actually headache.


Happening maybe a couple o' few times a month.

I'm prolly overdue for one now.
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Re: Migraines

Post by Goober McTuber »

poptart wrote:flashing lights, zigzag lines, vision disturbance ... etc.

Usually hangs around for 15 minutes, give-or-take, and is gone.

Don't know why and haven't identified any "trigger" for 'em.

Just out of nowhere *boom* flashing lights - but no actually headache.


Happening maybe a couple o' few times a month.

I'm prolly overdue for one now.
Probably the opening act for The Rapture.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Migraines

Post by Ana Ng »

trev wrote:Maxalt works the best for me. My insurance wants me to take generic imitrex, but I said no way. I'm sticking with what works the best. I try to avoid taking anything if I can. The meds give me a very weird sensation when it's taking effect.
I hate taking meds too. Most of the time, I try to "wait it out" like an imbecile, because they tell you that you're NOT supposed to do that with a migraine. If it sets in, it's already "too late". I'm kind of a newbie when it comes to these things still, so by the time it makes it's way up around my ear and over my scalp....I don't bother to waste the medication. I just turn down the volume on anything around me, and stay away from the light.

I have a feeling these athletes' migraine trigger just might be "dehydration". Alot of these supplements and stuff that these guys take require them to up their water intake to a gallon+ a day at least, with their workouts and whatsuch.

I dunno.
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Re: Migraines

Post by poptart »

Toddowen wrote:Have you ever thought that the flashing light might be some sort of spiritual divinity visiting you?
I'll give that some serious thought, Todd.

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Re: Migraines

Post by Goober McTuber »

Ana Ng wrote:so by the time it makes it's way up around my ear and over my scalp....
Sorry, it sometimes seems to have a mind of its own.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Migraines

Post by Ana Ng »

I meant, like.....my hairline.


I forget where I'm posting sometimes.
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Re: Migraines

Post by Ana Ng »

Toddowen wrote:It seems to be one small flash out of the corner of my right eye.
It wouldn't by any chance be your posting dissipation light, would it?

If so, would you kick that bitch into high gear?


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Re: Migraines

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Toddowen wrote:Never had them. The only headaches I get come from drinking alcohol.
I always get them right between the eyes.

Van used to bring up the topic of migranes. I remember him saying that he'd been to the doctors extensively over them. So you might want to ask him. But don't tell him I told you so, please.
I think he got them from listening to Allen Holdsworth :doh:
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Re: Migraines

Post by smackaholic »

Goober McTuber wrote:
poptart wrote:flashing lights, zigzag lines, vision disturbance ... etc.

Usually hangs around for 15 minutes, give-or-take, and is gone.

Don't know why and haven't identified any "trigger" for 'em.

Just out of nowhere *boom* flashing lights - but no actually headache.


Happening maybe a couple o' few times a month.

I'm prolly overdue for one now.
Probably the opening act for The Rapture.
or maybe menopause. he is about that age.
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Re: Migraines

Post by Mace »

KC Scott wrote:I had really bad headaches over a 6 year period in my late 20s - early 30s. They were diagnosed as Cluster headaches.
They always came same time every year - starting in the late summer through to Oct. / Nov.
Absolutely debilitating - it was like an icepick being shoved through the back of my head through one eye.
My right eye would swell shot and the slightest bit of light made it even worse.
More times than I can remember it happened while I was driving or traveling and couldn't do anything other than try and make it hore or just live through it. I've seen others describe it as amputation without anesthesia - that may be too subtle

I'd have one every 2-3 days always preceeded by the aura / flashing light thing.
Doctors did cat scans and all the other tests then diagnosed them as Cluster headaches which of course they said they had no idea what caused them or how to make them stop. They gave me the immtrex (and a couple others I don't recall) which didn't help.
There were probably a dozen times over those years the wife took me to the ER where they'd shoot me with liquid valium and knock me out for 3 hours.

There is a headache and pain center in KC I went to the thrid year, that gave me same diagnosis but recommended Oxygen therapy.
Basically if I felt the aura coming on, I'd put on the mask and breath pure O2 - about 50% of the time it stopped the headache from starting. It did nothing if the headache had already commenced. I had a tank I carried in my car

Then one year they didn't come back - and haven't since.

I'd always thought since it was same time every year it had something to do with allergies / seasonal change - but never anything to prove this theory.
I suffered from the same type of headaches for a good many years (needle in the back of the eye, etc) that would sometimes last for 2-3 consecutive days, and no over the counter pain killers would even phase the misery. Someone finally suggested going to a chiropractor so, I though, what the hell, I'll give it a try. Went to the chiro, who told me I had a pinched nerve in my neck and, after a couple of manipulations, the headache was gone and hasn't returned in the past 15 years.
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Re: Migraines

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

I used to get migraines all of the time.

To combat this I just added to my daily vitamin/supplements intake: 800 mg of Vitamin B2 (2 pills * 400 mg) and 500 mg of Magnesium. Now, I hardly ever get them.

Anyways. I get the ones where it feels like someone is hammering an icepick into your eye sockets. Not fun.
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Re: Migraines

Post by Moby Dick »

Used to get migraines all the time about 10 yrs ago. (knock on wood)

Mine were hell...i would have huge blind spots..couldnt focus, really coudlnt focus on anything. I used to make myself throw up and it would FEEL like it relieved a little pressure.

Last one i had was at a Ranger's baseball game..started getting the blind spots before we walked in the stadium..sat in my seat with my head in my hands till about the 7th inning when the 6 tylenol i took finally killed it.

condolences for those who have them..
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Re: Migraines

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

This thread is closely moving towards two pages and mvscal hasn't shown up to offer trev a "homeopathic remedy" of backrubs and blowjobs?

Stop this crazy message board, I want to get off.

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Re: Migraines

Post by Mikey »

Here's the preferred remedy:

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Re: Migraines

Post by Cueball »

They really should put government warnings on the headboards and not the mattress
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