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Terry, does your wife belong to this group?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:18 pm
by BSmack
For the past four years, Pastor Bill Dunfee of the New Beginnings Ministries Church has led his congregation in picketing The Foxhole, a tiny gentleman’s club in Warsaw, Ohio. Church members usually arrive at the Foxhole on weekends at 11:30 p.m. bearing signs, bullhorns, and cameras. While the picketers invite club patrons and employees to their church, they also employ intimidation tactics such as photographing the license plates of anyone visiting the club.

These kinds of pickets are a common pastime for conservative evangelicals around the country. In addition to abortion clinics, popular targets include strip clubs, swingers clubs, and even convenience stores that sell pornography. For picketers, these protests are a literal battle against the forces of evil. An especially militant group, “Repent Amarillo,” even created a battle map of their town with each undesirable business marked as a target. ... sequences/
You've got to love that the strippers turned the table on these twats.