Every where i go, guys with tattoos who pump creatine, watch too much mma and listen to Jim Rome...and there wives are fat and they rarely have sex so they have all this energy to unleash in douchbag ways..
Oh well.
Re: Tennis Fan Brawl
Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:33 am
by BSmack
Trampis wrote:Every where i go, guys with tattoos who pump creatine, watch too much mma and listen to Jim Rome...and there wives are fat and they rarely have sex so they have all this energy to unleash in douchbag ways..
I generally don't go to places that attract that sort of crowd. Why do you?
Re: Tennis Fan Brawl
Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:19 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
That looks like every Bills game I ever went to. Except the people in this video seem to have most of their teeth.
Re: Tennis Fan Brawl
Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:24 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Toddowen wrote:There are more than likely many families sitting close by with impressionable young children.
Yeah, sure Todd.
Your concerns on matters involving "impressionable young children" is well documented here, you fucking pedo.
Re: Tennis Fan Brawl
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:35 am
by BSmack
Papa Willie wrote:God damned New Yorkers. :D
Hey, he could have been from New Joisey.
Re: Tennis Fan Brawl
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:56 am
by Shoalzie
BSmack wrote:
Papa Willie wrote:God damned New Yorkers. :D
Hey, he could have been from New Joisey.
Yeah, that was quite a situation...
Re: Tennis Fan Brawl
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:00 am
by Diego in Seattle
Dude must have left his Raider hat at home.
Re: Tennis Fan Brawl
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:44 pm
by poptart
Scott wrote:Ok we don't see what transpires before - but I think young dude showed some restraint - not with language obviously
* You have Fat bitch screaming at him about talking during a point (admit I've never been to a tennis match) - is that verboten?
* You have Fat bitch slap young dude - and he doesn't wail on her
* You have Fat old dude get in his grill then try to choke him before he gets tossed down
* Young dude doesn't proceed to pummel either of them
Am I missing something here?
I think this is pretty much accurate, Scott.
I suspect he was being a loudmouth jackoff, but HE was assaulted.
LOL @ the old timer tumblin' down - and the white trash bitch not going to assist him but instead going after the loudmouth.
Yeah, you can't make noise during a point.
Guy may have been in violation of tennis spectator protocol.
So - you call security over to handle it.
Instead, they assaulted him and yeah, he actually held back from layin' more of a hurt on one of 'em.
Btw, Americans are fat fucks.
Just pitiful.
Re: Tennis Fan Brawl
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:19 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Trampis wrote:guys with tattoos who pump creatine.
Re: Tennis Fan Brawl
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:41 pm
by smackaholic
when that fat bitch came back after him after he tossed the old man down the steps, he should have cold cocked her.
a man should not hit a woman.....first.
any woman that thinks this rule gives them some sort of diplomatic immunity needs a busted lip.
Re: Tennis Fan Brawl
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:05 am
by LTS TRN 2
KC Scott wrote:Ok we don't see what transpires before - but I think young dude showed some restraint - not with language obviously
* You have Fat bitch screaming at him about talking during a point (admit I've never been to a tennis match) - is that verboten?
* You have Fat bitch slap young dude - and he doesn't wail on her
* You have Fat old dude get in his grill then try to choke him before he gets tossed down
* Young dude doesn't proceed to pummel either of them
Am I missing something here?
--He's on some drug--can you guess which? :wink: --and he's a big fan of Mark Wahlberg...
--He's playing to the camera
--He refers to the match as "the game" (i.e., not a real tennis fan)
--He deals with old pathetic fat guy very well--watch again as he side steps him and lets the sad sack fall straight down the sharp incline of those nosebleed seats...
--He stays in the aisle--buzzing like mad--sucking the moment...("is this going to blow up on u-fucking-tube?!!!!!")
Re: Tennis Fan Brawl
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:48 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Toddowen wrote:Personally?
I wish I was there to clock him a good one and be able to do so without suffering any legal consequences.
Sounds like your game plan when it comes to diddling little kids, you sick fucking asshole.