shutyomouth's real life name change
Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:42 pm
Ga. man wants to change his name to a Saint
(AP) – 15 hours ago
MACON, Ga. — Shelby Marwan Heggs of Macon admits he's been a sinner, but hopes his past won't keep a judge from allowing him to become a Saint. Heggs, who has convictions for drunken driving and marijuana possession, has filed a court petition that would allow him to change his name to Saint Jody Almighty Bedrock.
Heggs, who also faces an aggravated battery charge next month, said he's rededicated his life to God, The Telegraph newspaper in Macon reported.
"I wanted a name that everybody would know when they were talking to me that they were talking to a man of God," said Heggs. "I wanted that to be expressed in my name."
The Bibb County District Attorney's Office is opposing Heggs' request on grounds he may be using it to try to hide his criminal record, prosecutor John Regan said. A name change request can be denied on that basis.
Heggs said he isn't trying to hide from anyone. He said the aggravated battery charge stems from a fight with his neighbor in which he fought back in self-defense.
A court hearing was held last week on Heggs' request, but no ruling has been made.
The prosecutor said he couldn't discuss details of Heggs' aggravated battery charge because it's still pending.
Heggs said he's already calling himself by his new name, and his friends and family already call him Saint Jody. "I wanted to start fresh," he said.