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Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:16 pm
by Felix
Un-fucking-believable…without a doubt 4 of the best courses I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing….

Crosswater-a beast of a course no matter which tees you play from…like any good design, the course provides a completely different set of problems from every tee box… bud (that’s about my age) and I started out from the silver tees (plays to about 7,200 yds) , and hurriedly moved to the blue tees (about 6,800 yds) while our other two companions, both of whom are about 7 years younger than we are, wanted to play the course from the tips (just slightly over 7,600 yds)….they quickly changed their minds and opted for the silver tees…..lots of room to roam-generous fairways that were pretty hard and tended to roll out….I taped a couple of drives at over 300, and I’m simply not capable of hitting it that far on any course around here, so the yardage for the course is a little deceptive in that regard…it simplyu doesn't play as long as the scorecard indicates.....never the less, the course was simply a monster with not much room for error on approach shots, or on the par 3’s…lots of water and really scenic….greens were really fast with very subtle breaks….shot an 89 and had ton of fun kicking my own ass....the other observation was that pros tend to chew a golf course up...even though the course is very well maintained, you could see that the Jen-Weld had taken place....fucking beaver pelt divots....I hit into a couple of them, and while they had been filled with sand (when the divot couldn't be replaced), it still presented problems...really, the only negative thing I can say about the course

Bandon-if I only had one round left to play, any of the bandon courses would suffice in fulfilling that last wish….. every shot on every course is like something you’d expect to see on a picture postcard…links golf at its finest…bandon trails was the easiest of the three, and bandon dunes was by far the most difficult….pacific dunes was the prettiest golf course I’ve ever seen by a long fucking way (and I've seen some spectacular courses)…I was fortunate enough to draw three great caddies all of whom knew each respective course like the back of their hands….it took me 5 holes on bandon trails for me to totally trust what Robbie (the caddy) was telling me….before the round started he asked me where I was from (Boise and of course he asked me about Boise State), the altitude of where I play (about 3,000 feet above sea level) and how far I hit my driver, 5 iron, and PW….by the 3rd hole he was telling me what club to hit and 90% of the time he was dead on (the other 10% was because I cooned the shot)….the other two caddies asked the same questions (albeit in different manners) and all of the caddies knowledge of the greens was invaluable….very tough greens

While I spent a small fortune, it was worth every cent…on the drive back, we were discussing when we were coming back (that may be a tough sell to my wife, but given the experience, I'm going to do my damndest)

The place definitely screams IF YOU’RE PLAYING HERE YOU MUST BE RICH AS FUCK, but if you ever get the opportunity to go, you owe it to yourself to spend the cash….as good as it gets