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Re: The definitive case for right to carry

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:34 am
by Wolfman
Another reason to love Florida.

Re: The definitive case for right to carry

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:13 am
by Derron
Over 10,000 concealed carry permits issued in my county alone, and myself and my sons hold 4 of them, and my daughter is a deputy and as such does not need one...

I do not go any where without my Tarus .380 in my back pocket, and in the winter with more clothing to wear, I may carry a S & W .357..and make sure you put at least 20 rounds through your carry piece every month.

Looks like the dude in the bottom video had some good training, as did the other dude..move to cover...and wait for the shot..the perps all had it coming.

Rack them, rack the Second Amendment..never be a victim..and get the Utah concealed is good in 30 states I believe...

Re: The definitive case for right to carry

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:52 am
by Goober McTuber
Toddowen wrote:
Derron wrote:and get the Utah concealed is good in 30 states I believe...

I was leaning towards one while I was in the throes of firearm craze a few months back.

What sucks is that the the three states that border CT{ MA, RI, NY} all don't honor Utah or CT permits.
You don't need a permit to spatter your brains all over the kitchen. Do it for the kiddies.