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Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:53 pm
by mvscal
You can see where Felchco is getting his "information."

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:46 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Well, Sam, of the three examples offered, which can you dispute?

That Jesus was a Palestinian? Well, that's where he was born and raised--not in the tiny colony of Judea, which was about fifteen miles around Jerusalem.

As far as Muhammad "receiving" his message from God, why is this claim any less credible than that of the chroniclers of Abraham, Moses, and Saul of Tarsus?

And as for Jewish arts and sciences prior to the 19th century, perhaps you'd like to provide an example or two? Obviously the first great Jew was Spinoza, born in 1632. Who else can you offer who made a genuine contribution to arts, science and philosophy before him?

The real problem you should be addressing is the utterly insane Christer cultists who have hijacked the school book production, etc. in Texas. What's their excuse?

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:51 pm
by mvscal
Palestinians are Arabs, you stupid fucktard.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:06 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Not back then. Anyone who lived in Palestine was a Palestinian, regardless of religion or ethnicity. And that's what the writer was describing. We tend to forget that the area has been Palestine a lot longer than it ever was "Israel"--which was only about two hundred years back around 1000 bce, and the sixty years running of the current nightmare apartheid experiment. Look on a map at Nazareth. It's in Palestine now just like it was then.

But if the school book author had been truly dedicated to promoting real education and thought he would have offered the basic argument that of course the biblical Jesus never actually existed in the first place. The whole story was concocted long after the fact--there were no witnesses (besides the single sentence in the writings of Josephus--which was probably added later by Christers). Even Pontius Pilate is very difficult to verify as an actual person.

So, no, as usual you're just squirting your scent ..

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:13 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:Palestinians are Arabs, you stupid fucktard.
Then why are the Arabs as intent on keeping them bottled up in "Palestine" as the Israelis are?

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:15 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Mikey, you will never hear an Israeli--or Israeli supporter--mention the name "Palestine." They won't even say "Palestinian territories." Rather, the current nomenclature is "territories claimed by Palestinians." This is a major front in the on-going land grab by the gangster state. Wake the fuck up.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:12 pm
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Not back then. Anyone who lived in Palestine was a Palestinian, regardless of religion or ethnicity. And that's what the writer was describing.
He was born in Roman Judea, asshat, which, incidently, was much larger than "15 miles around Jerusalem." Bethlehem is less than 10 miles from Jerusalem anyway.

And, no, that is not what the writer was describing. The writer is attempting to ignore the fact that Jesus was a Jew and minimize if not actually completely deny the religious and ethnic demographics of the region at the time.

It is propaganda not history and you can shove it up your gaping shit chute.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:13 pm
by mvscal
Mikey wrote:
mvscal wrote:Palestinians are Arabs, you stupid fucktard.
Then why are the Arabs as intent on keeping them bottled up in "Palestine" as the Israelis are?
Why don't you take a guess, idiot. If you're too fucking stupid to figure it out let me know and I'll help you out.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:53 pm
by LTS TRN 2
No, Avi, the fact that Rome colonized the whole area and designated it accordingly does not mean that the Hebrews inhabited the whole region as the principal group--such as in Jaffa, which had never been part of either the original Israel or Judea. The reconstructed Judea--following the return from Babylon-- was in fact about a fifteen mile area around Jerusalem.

As for folks wanting to avoid the Jewishness of Jesus, surely the Christers would lead the list. As you know the Muslims respect Jesus as a prophet. The Christers meanwhile are both carrying water for the gangster state while panting for its fiery Baptism in the cleansing blood, etc.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:19 am
by poptart
Sam, as long as we have a department of education we are going to get a giant pipeline of bullshit like this fed to us.

The deptartment is unconstitutional and never should have been established in the first place.

Huge waste of money and a giant waste of the brains of our kids.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:34 pm
by smackaholic
LTS TRN 2 wrote:No, Avi, the fact that Rome colonized the whole area and designated it accordingly does not mean that the Hebrews inhabited the whole region as the principal group--such as in Jaffa, which had never been part of either the original Israel or Judea. The reconstructed Judea--following the return from Babylon-- was in fact about a fifteen mile area around Jerusalem.

As for folks wanting to avoid the Jewishness of Jesus, surely the Christers would lead the list. As you know the Muslims respect Jesus as a prophet. The Christers meanwhile are both carrying water for the gangster state while panting for its fiery Baptism in the cleansing blood, etc.
are you saying that christians pretend that jesus was anything other than jewish?

good g0d, you are one dillusional mush brained tard.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:36 am
by LTS TRN 2
Of course not...unless you consider His having been consistently portrayed in Western art--paintings, kid's books, movies, etc.--as a blue eyed Aryan surfer dude as being a weird form of denial. Your call :wink:

Like whatever..

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:44 am
by LTS TRN 2
As I clearly posted, the historical "Jesus" never actually existed--unlike Mohamed (or the Buddha)--and the differences between the bastard offspring of Judaism couldn't be more stark. Consider..

Mohamed adapted the central monotheistic components of Judaism towards an actual functioning social model.

The mythical Christ character was but a seething cult leader who planned only for His own imminent reappearance--which was also the end of the world, etc.

Now consider how this essential difference plays out now.

Do you really consider the current vanguard of the Christer cult--and for better or worse, it's Palin and fellow loons--as in any way whatsoever prepared to fight or in any way contest with the overall social model of Islam--as a spreading cultural fact?



Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:01 pm
by Mikey
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Now consider how this essential difference plays out now.

Do you really consider the current vanguard of the Christer cult--and for better or worse, it's Palin and fellow loons--as in any way whatsoever prepared to fight or in any way contest with the overall social model of Islam--as a spreading cultural fact?
The true fanatics would happily see Israel get into a nuclear exchange with Iran, 'cause that would mean that Jeeeeeeeeessssuus is coming.
And they're just waiting to get on the bus.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:59 pm
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Do you really consider the current vanguard of the Christer cult--and for better or worse, it's Palin and fellow loons--as in any way whatsoever prepared to fight or in any way contest with the overall social model of Islam--as a spreading cultural fact?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

And how is this "Islamic social model" working out for Muslims across the globe?

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:11 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Do you really consider the current vanguard of the Christer cult--and for better or worse, it's Palin and fellow loons--as in any way whatsoever prepared to fight or in any way contest with the overall social model of Islam--as a spreading cultural fact?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

And how is this "Islamic social model" working out for Muslims across the globe?
Works out great, unless you get stoned.


Or just like to hang around.


Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:15 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Ask a New Yorker Muslim...or a Chicagoan. It is a very quickly growing religion within the U.S. of course. I never said I like it or that it's "good" for its adherents, only that the Christer cult is at a historical point of hysterical confusion. As for the Islamic nations we've sought to undermine and ruin, well what's your point?

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:15 am
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:I never said I like it or that it's "good" for its adherents,
No, you just suck the skin off of every Muslim cock that crosses the event horizon of your spurt basted esophagus.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:50 am
by LTS TRN 2
Hollow and tedious (witless) auto-homosmack. And? You just surrender on everything, hurl a childish smear and run? Afraid and acting out. How pathetic.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:46 pm
by Python
Not to be insensitive, but why are all those hanging dudes wearing Hammer pants?

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:46 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Sure, Sam, let the kids figure it out After all, what could go wrong?

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:08 pm
by BSmack
Sam has to be the most credulous fuck ever to walk this earth. Seriously, a CBN report? What? You didn't have an American Spectator article laying around?

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:01 pm
by Mikey
Python wrote:Not to be insensitive, but why are all those hanging dudes wearing Hammer pants?
'Cause that's a capital offense in Iran.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:06 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Python wrote:Not to be insensitive, but why are all those hanging dudes wearing Hammer pants?

They were guilty of the supreme crime of "touching this".

Too legit to acquit.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:18 pm
by Cuda
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Sure, Sam, let the kids figure it out After all, what could go wrong?
Looks like George on one end of the pole and John on the other. The walrus is Paul. But where's Ringo?

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:00 am
by poptart
Sam wrote:In actuality this (the Saudi revisionist history books) is no worse than the brainwashing I was forced to endure growing up in a Lutheran church.
I also grew up in a Lutheran Church, although my parents were not really church people - always going on Christmas, Easter, and maybe every-other Sunday they'd go sit through service.

TOTAL waste of time as far as I was concerned.
Hated it.

So my prayer every Saturday night was, "Dear God, please make tomorrow a NO church Sunday ... PLEASE?

Play ball with my friends or sit in the dreadfully long and tedious Lutheran Church service with my folks on Sunday?
Yeah, tough call.

Going was a joke and the whole experience had me wondering every time I went, "WHY in fuck's name does anyone go to church??"

Of course nobody there ever came remotely close to letting me hear the Gospel.

In fact, when I look back at it now, just about everything the church did was keep people from realizing the Gospel.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:57 pm
by LTS TRN 2
So....except for the meth and gay prostitutes...this is how you really got the Gospel?


Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:53 am
by poptart
It wasn't at all that way.

That pic looks like the typical "over-acting" Christian.

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:04 pm
by LTS TRN 2
poptart wrote:It wasn't at all that way.

That pic looks like the typical "over-acting" Christian.
Perhaps it was more like this? No one overacting here...unless of course someone gets possessed!

Uh..Ms. O'Donnell?...the press has a few questions....

Re: Got Kids? Saudis Buying Their Brains

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:25 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Toddowen wrote:I want to yank that one down in fronts hair so her head gets placed over my cock like I was positioning a post of pressure treated into a freshly dug hole and filling it with sement.
Leave the "mvscal routine" to the actual mvscal. You're not good at it.
Frankly, if you're auditioning for his love, you might be barking up the wrong tree.