Looked at a pair of NBs. I usually go with NBs because they seem to be the only ones that make wide sizes that my feet are happy in.
Anyhoo, i was looking at the inside of the tongue for size info. I wasn't looking for place of manufacture as I just assumed that every last sneaker made on the planet in the last 10-20 years was from china. I just happen to see "assembled in USA".

must be a mistake. i check the box and they have a little american flag on it and some stuff about supporting US manufacturing.
and these weren't some fancy 150 dollar model. they were 59 bucks on sale for 39.
so i bought a pair. it felt nice being able to actually support the last little bit of manufacturing left in this country.
i recommend that all you fukkers look into NBs for your next pair of running shoes or bball shoes or whatever the fukk kinda shoes you are looking for.
what i don't get is why the NB marketing mensas aren't running a ginormous marketing campaign on TV telling everyone that they are the only manufacturer of athletic footwear that still makes shit here. the various footwear manufacturers pay various pro sports scumbags obscene amount of money to pimp their chinese sweatshop wares, why not spend a fraction of it just saying buy our shoes, made by real americans.
there are a shitload of folks out there as disgusted with our manufacturing collapse who would jump at the chance to buy american when they can.