Some Jew broad from George Soros' Jew front-group goes to start shit at screwball Rand Paul's rally (son of wingnut Ron Paul) and gets a beatdown from pond scum mouthbreather.
Hilarious. What a country.
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:12 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
When not protesting, this fugly beast probably scissors with her "life partner" while watching Rachel Maddow.
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:20 pm
by smackaholic
pretty piss poor curbstomp if you ask me.
more of a shoulder step and with running shoes, no less.
all conveniently on video.
i want to see the xtrachromosome, knuckledragging, neocon, stomper dude's credentials. i think he's a plant.
note how lesbo-jew-blonde-wannabe chick just lies there peacefully after the alleged stomp.
according to hippy protester for dummies, you're supposed to scream, writhe in pain and pertty much try to get away when being stomped by "the man".
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:27 pm
by Carson
She took it calmly because she has total confidence in Obamacare.
I hope the line of blood pressure checks wasn't too long at the ER.
Then again...
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:09 pm
by poptart
It wasn't really much.
Like a 15 second Jerry Springer clip.
Now if it had been Bace being stepped on down in the gutter like that, we'd have something.
Waste of time.
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:21 pm
by Dr_Phibes
smackaholic wrote:
i want to see the xtrachromosome, knuckledragging, neocon, stomper dude's credentials. i think he's a plant.
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:37 pm
by Moving Sale
poptart wrote:It wasn't really much.
STFU you stupid 'Christian' thug.
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:02 pm
by mvscal
Martyred wrote:Some Jew broad from George Soros' Jew front-group goes to start shit at screwball Rand Paul's rally (son of wingnut Ron Paul) and gets a beatdown
...if only. You had me going there for a sec, though.
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:22 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:
Martyred wrote:Some Jew broad from George Soros' Jew front-group goes to start shit at screwball Rand Paul's rally (son of wingnut Ron Paul) and gets a beatdown
...if only. You had me going there for a sec, though.
Honestly...some people are so hard to please.
Okay, so this is exactly "Don't tase me bro", but...sheeeeesh...I'm trying here!
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:20 am
by Screw_Michigan
Welcome back, Stanley Q.
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:47 pm
by Cuda
Martyred wrote:
Some Jew broad from George Soros' Jew front-group goes to start shit at screwball Rand Paul's rally (son of wingnut Ron Paul) and gets a beatdown from pond scum mouthbreather.
Papa Willie wrote:It's almost amazing how the press has now gotten it's puppets to consider all tea-party/conservatives as "crazies". Of course, I'm sure the press knew they'd buy right into it.
Willie, there's no fucking apostrophe when using "its" as a possessive.
As for the Tea Baggers, go ahead, show us ONE who is not an all-out Christer cultist, or ONE who is anti-military, or ONE who can actually display any sort of rational intelligence.
Go ahead, let's hear exactly who you can name.
....... :P
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:18 am
by poptart
LTS TARD wrote:show us ONE who is anti-military
Let's see ...
The Tea Party began with Ron Paul.
You don't know about his foreign policy viewpoints?
Or you just enjoy kicking the hell out of your own ass?
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:34 pm
by LTS TRN 2 Ron Paul running for office?
No? Well, is there then a SINGLE Tea Bagger candidate you can name who in any way whatsoever is calling for an end to the Afghanistan nightmare? ONE you can name who is demanding significant cuts in the military budget? How about ONE who is not a fervent Christer cultist? ONE who demands the Bush tax cuts for the top two percent be expired? How about ONE who demands more regulation on the banking and financial sectors/
You can't, because there aren't any. In fact everyone of the Tea Bagger candidates is a low-wattage religious fanatic with virtually no experience and no practical plans at all. Or what?
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:25 am
by poptart Ron Paul running for office?
Wait a few months and see.
My guess is YES at this point.
About your demands, Paul wants an end to Afghanistan.
He wants significant military cuts.
He IS a Christian, as have been most all of our president, and I would say that a very high pct. of those currently serving in congress are also.
Being a Christian is hardly "cultist" or aberrant behavior, you friggin' nutjob.
Bush tax cuts?
Paul wants SERIOUS tax cuts.
More regulation?
None of the tea partiers have any practical plans?
Of course they do, low watt.
You just don't like their plans.
Just like you didn't like taking your medicine as a child.
Or the thermometer up your @ss.
Well, maybe you did like that.
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:32 pm
by Derron
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Well, is there then a SINGLE Tea Bagger candidate you can name who in any way whatsoever is calling for an end to the Afghanistan nightmare? ONE you can name who is demanding significant cuts in the military budget? How about ONE who is not a fervent Christer cultist?
You stupid pile of dog shit..nobody on the left has came out with those ideas..but Obongo being a Muslim is a bit off your track..carry on ranting now..
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:08 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Wait a few months and see.
My guess is YES at this point.
So, the answer is No, he's not running for anything, nor does he have a chance at any further office. Why? Because he's violated the primary directive of right-wing insanity--calling for cutting the military budget. Notice that his weird kid makes no such statements.
He IS a Christian, as have been most all of our president, and I would say that a very high pct. of those currently serving in congress are also.
Being a Christian is hardly "cultist" or aberrant behavior, you friggin' nutjob.
Categorical bullshit. In fact you'd be hard pressed to name more than five or six actual born-again believers among the list of presidents. Besides Truman, Reagan, and the Chimp--all disastrous--who were you thinking of? Well, Carter--and he's a true exception--but who else? Teddy Roosevelt? Lincoln? Grant? Washington? Jefferson? FDR? Hoover? JFK? Sure, they were all officially Christian, but so what? So's Obama :wink:
Bush tax cuts?
Paul wants SERIOUS tax cuts.
See, this is where the Tea Bagger lunacy comes forth and proudly falls on its ass. Does it occur to you that the Reaganite right has engineered the largest transfer of wealth in America's history by virtue of huge tax cuts for the richest two per cent--as well as corporations? And that the middle class is getting left to dangle in the wind? And that the Chimp's massive cuts--the wet dream of Reagan--were set to expire because even those rapacious bandits knew that prolonging them indefinitely would spin our debt-based economy into a free fall? You knew this, right? And when the current crew of GOP kleptocrats decided--"what the hell, let's just keep on providing job opportunities.." that this poses catastrophic consequences? And yet the Tea Baggers--parrots of a blathering gaseous hog like Rusp Limpdick--are calling for what...??? More tax cuts? Obviously you clowns are so pathetically ignorant of even basic economics that it's a miracle you can even buy a can of Skoal.
As for "less regulation"...on whom? Bankers who short their own massive junk bonds? Insurance companies who jack up rates on every opportunity? How about industrialists who pollute under the droning mantra that "Climate Change is a myth"?
You see, your so-called positions are inane and as usual completely childishly hollow and examined. Much like the Angle bitch in Nevada who simply won't discuss any issue in any sort of detail. And you're the same--reduced to cliches and tiny spurts. Pathetic.
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:50 pm
by poptart
LTS TARD wrote:You see, your so-called positions are inane and as usual completely childishly hollow and examined.
I doubt that you even know MY positions.
You just grabbed some talking points and put your own psychotic spin to them.
You don't like Christians or Christianity.
What do you think of Islam?
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:06 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Where the hell is this thread going? Talk about getting "side-tracked"!
This has grown even more confused than that time Diego answered that personal ad that said...
"...must like children..."
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:01 am
by LTS TRN 2
No, b-juice, it's the exact topic: Tea Baggers wetting themselves in a twisted squirm. And here we have p-tart providing a clear example of the basic Tea Bagger style: spout a bunch of inane snippets--and then snarl when these same childish notions are easily addressed and refuted. Notice neither he nor ANY Tea Bagger will dare to indulge in rational thought. But then, you're the same, you insipid punk.
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:30 am
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:No, b-juice, it's the exact topic: Tea Baggers wetting themselves in a twisted squirm...
...on your chin. You like it though, don't you, Felchie? You like the solid thump of a Bible on your forehead as you reel into a corner and feast on the "holy sacrament" one more time. You're a masochistic bottom boy for Jesus, don't try to deny it.
Re: Teabaggers Gone Wild.
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:02 am
by LTS TRN 2
Wrong, b-juice/Avi, I'm with Spinoza...look at my accompanying pic! :P
Your TYPICAL nervous dodging of the obvious is tedious at best. You've neither wit, scope, style, or skill. And the Tea Bagger "movement"' is nothing more than scared ignorant fatties LIKE YOU trying to hide your ass under a projected fantasy. And that's scary. BOO! :twisted: