Mace wrote:Bucmonkey wrote:Seems like a lovely place to live...
Yep. The town where I live is kind of like Mayberry. Wouldn't appeal to everyone, but it does to me. It's been a great place to raise a family because, like JON said, there's little crime, great schools, and the members of the community are like extended family. I can also drive anywhere in town in less than 60 seconds....seriously....and we have no stop lights in town. JON would be considered a city boy in Iowa (not that there's anything wrong with that...or that anyone here believes that there are actual cities in Iowa). I can get to Des Moines in less than 90 minutes and to Iowa City in a little over 2 hours, so I'm happy.
And, yes, JON, it was a "farmer joke". The t-shirt I mentioned would be worn by a farmer's kid who drives an IH-Case tractor. Not a FUNNY/HA HA joke, but...nevermind...I guess you just have to live in a farm community to appreciate it.[/quote
I'm not knocking you, Mace, but doesn't living in a small town ever frustrate you? Everybody knowing everybody can kinda get annoying because everybody knows everything about everybody. Plus, you probably have 1 local bar and if it sucks, you're screwed. You have to drive an hour to go anywhere. I got a friend that's from Melrose (hour or so southwest of Des Moines) and she lives here in West Des Moines but is ALWAYS going down there on the weekends. Don't get me wrong, I like my neighbors. I'm pretty cool with everyone on our block. But it kinda seems like there's no privacy in a small town. I spent 3 months out in a small town in Montana about 8 years ago and those fuckers did NOTHING but talk shit about each other. I would talk to one person and he'd be telling me who all the local whores are and then you talk to the chicks in the town and they would tell you the specific guys that sucked in bed. Not that I really cared to know that, but I noticed everyone out there would talk shit about everyone else. To each their own, I suppose.
Back in HS, I was banging a chick that lived in Granger. I only knew a couple of kids that went to Woodward-Granger but somehow I was the most hated person in that town from about 1998-1999. Granted, I was fucking one of their girls and I shot bottle rockets at this douchebags house, but still.......I didn't even know these people. Pretty much disliked small towns ever since then!