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Re: Your Daily dose of politically correct bullshit
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:42 am
by Mace
KC Scott wrote:So now you should'nt
call a hog a hog?
Miss Jo, Smackaholic, Marty, Todd = your herd has been heard
So "lard ass" and "fat fuck" are out of play too? Damn, I'll have to find some new terms of endearment for Wisconsin fans.
For what it's worth, I find it gross and disgusting listening to those morons on The View.
Re: Your Daily dose of politically correct bullshit
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:45 am
by Wolfman
Geezuz Mace tell me you really do not watch "The Few".
Re: Your Daily dose of politically correct bullshit
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:49 am
by Mace
Wolfman wrote:Geezuz Mace tell me you really do not watch "The Few".
I've never watched the show and, after viewing that clip, I never will.
Re: Your Daily dose of politically correct bullshit
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:49 am
by R-Jack
I have as much desire to watch an episode of Mike and Molly as I do The View, so I may be wrong, but isn't that shows' whole premise is lame cookie cutter shitcom, but that the protagonists are fat people?
So instead of having an interesting show with good acting and good writing that happened to have husky leads, like Rosanne for example, you just throw some fatasses on the screen and draw word of mouth from the voices of people who would throw up if they saw KC Paul on the streets.
Mike and Molly is a troll job.
Re: Your Daily dose of politically correct bullshit
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:36 am
by Mikey
In California politics you can't call a whore a whore, even in private conversation.
I can live with that, I guess. The Republicans are running two really pathetic (but rich) cunts in the races for Senate and Governor.
Re: Your Daily dose of politically correct bullshit
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:22 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Mikey wrote:The Republicans are running two really pathetic (but rich) cunts in the races for Senate and Governor.
And one of them never bothered to vote her entire life but decided she was qualified to run for Governor. And her sons are terrorists.
Re: Your Daily dose of politically correct bullshit
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:00 pm
by Mikey
Screw_Michigan wrote:Mikey wrote:The Republicans are running two really pathetic (but rich) cunts in the races for Senate and Governor.
And one of them never bothered to vote her entire life but decided she was qualified to run for Governor. And her sons are terrorists.
And yet, apparently, wolfman would crawl across 100 yards of broken glass just to sniff the last place she peed.
Re: Your Daily dose of politically correct bullshit
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:40 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
"But while Taub-Dix worries that the show will offend the overweight and contribute to the nation's burgeoning obesity problem."
They're so fucking offended by the show, their response is... 'fuck you, I'm going to be even fatter.' Really?

Great take, tard.
"These don't strike me as jokes," said Nestle, who also wrote the book "What to Eat." "These sound like a very accurate dead-on description of the ridicule, discrimination and rudeness that overweight people hear all the time, especially when the words undermine these people's ability to lose weight.
Words don't undermine a fatty's ability to lose weight. In fact, words are about the only thing they
don't eat. Fuck. Where is the accountability? The last time I checked, people are making conscious decisions about what they put in their mouths... whether it be cocks (sup trev?) or Bon Bons. No sympathy here. Sorry.