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Laptop Bowl

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:55 pm
by Carson
Newton vs Masoli

Camtop - 24
Mastop - 20

It will be interesting to watch Zac Etheridge and the RB who stayed down while Zac was temporarily paralyzed. A missed tackle may be misinterpreted...

Re: Laptop Bowl

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:31 pm
by Dinsdale
Funky QB matchup.

When Mastealie signed with Miss, me and my Duck honk buddies generally agreed that the way they play D in the SEC, with generally crazy-fast defensive ends (the PAC likes to put those huge fast guys in the middle, the SEC seems to put them outside), that Masoli wasn't going to have nearly the success in the SEC that he did in the PAC.

And we all also said "But he'll have one big game, and take down one of the SEC powerhouses by himself."

Pray it isn't you, I guess.

But I think when he falls asleep tonight, he's going to have nightmares about this smiling, happy-go-lucky, evil fucking demon by the name of Nick Fairly. Hope you can outrun the DE's, Jerimiah, because I think the middle is closed for business today.

Re: Laptop Bowl

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:24 am
by Carson
Yes, Fairley was on him the very first play.

So much for my score prediction.

I really hate that, y'know. :twisted: