http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 06394.html
The 2010 Dumbass of the Year award goes to Zachary Chesser, 20, formerly of Fairfax County, Virginia and now a resident of some federal lockup. Two weeks ago, Chesser was convicted in federal court of supporting Somali terrorists and threatening the creators of "South Park" for mocking the prophet Muhammad. Chesser faces up to 30 years in prison during an upcoming sentencing hearing. Chesser was arrested while trying to bound a flight out of JFK to Somalia (with his infant son on his lap as cover) so he could join terrorist forces based there.
Two years ago, in 2008, when he was in his senior year at Oakton HS, he supposedly started dating a Muslim woman and started getting into it. But much like other psychopaths and sociopaths of his ilk, he didn't do it reasonably. He went from 0-to-120 in less than two years, from being not interested in Islam at all to advocating war against non-Muslims.
Now you're probably asking: "Screwball, Chesser sounds like an average dumbass, much like Cuda or BarFlie or even perhaps Moving Sale. What sets him apart?" Good question. What sets Chesser apart is his complete and total arrogance. While most 18-year old boys are getting into and discovering things like chicks, dope, drugs, sex, alcohol, rock and roll and SCHOOL, Chesser thought: "Fuck those guys, they're pussies. I'm going to get into VIOLENT JIHAD! I'll show them!" Being one of those "eccentric" guys from the "gifted and talented" programs (where he was described as "hyper-intelligent"), Chesser supposedly always tried different ways to "fit in," but could never achieve that goal through traditional means. Friends of his said he'd go through phases where he would get into different things, but would take them to the extreme. One said if he would have lived in LA, he would have become a Scientologist.
And then the moron advocates the violent overthrow of government and terror in the U.S. and advocating the murder of government officials and citizens by making stupid and naive postings all over the Internet, in his own blog, at some site called Revolution Muslim (can't imagine the feds wouldn't be monitoring that shit), and on Twitter, Facebook, etc. And even worse, he happens to convince some 24-year old idiot to MARRY HIM (after two months of dating) and HAVE A CHILD! Unreal. Considering this woman wears a veil on her face regularly, I'm assuming she doesn't have much experience with modern American men and couldn't spot the absolute train wreck that Chesser was.
Many to most 20-year olds think nothing will happen to them, the rules don't apply to them, and that they are immortal. "Nah, the government won't catch me. I'm anonymous on the Internet!" "Nah, the government isn't monitoring my email exchanges with a well-known terrorist cleric." "No, they aren't watching my YouTube videos advocating murder."
Well, as a certain poster here is known to say: Stupid is supposed to hurt and Chesser is probably feeling a world of pain. Sucks to be you dude and especially your child. For that, Zac Chesser, you get the 2010 Dumbass of the Year award.