Diego in Seattle wrote:You can't complain about how high taxes are when you don't pay them (like he didn't as a Blazer).
Let's see... Duds put his tax returns out there for everyone to see... and they saw that he paid almost a half million dollars in state income tax during his 3 years (nevermind there was a house on a lake in Camabama that was already built for a 7 foot tall person)... since the income is taxed on where you made it, and his paychecks came out of Portland, OR... the Camabama thing resulted in a pretty small savings to him... but the "D" people sure slurped up that lie...
Whereas Taxhaber only shared his tax returns after a shitstorm of impropriety came out... and when he did share his returns, it turns out HE WAS IN CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE DISCLOSURE LAWS WHILE GOVERNOR. Had to hide that sweetheart loan he got, which was then rewarded with an appointment.
But it really speaks to Oregon's desire to use taxes to drive every last bit of wealth out of the state. It's so bad that Intel and Nike get huge tax breaks to keep them from moving... and lo and behold, they're the state's two biggest private employers... hello? Anyone listening? Taxhaber? Anyone?
And what a brilliant platform -- "we're going to borrow a shitload of money" (I guess Adolph Taxhaber hasn't cracked a newspaper lately, where it's been mentioned many times that not one financial entity on the planet will loan Oregon one thin dime, but why should that stop a good scam?)" borrow a bunch of money, so my girlfriend can soak up millions and millions of dollars weatherstripping doors and windows in schools."
Wha? THAT's the big plan for job-creation?
When it's clear we've taxed every profitable business out of the state (I know several small business owners who can tell horror staries of dealing with the state, counties, and worst of all, Portland), Taxie's big plan is to impose more taxes to pay back borrowed money for stupid little projects?
Hewas an abject failure fist time around -- doesn't look like he's even got aspirations of doing any better, as long as his cronies get to rape the system.
I'm still not completely sure how the state house races went, but hopefully the Bad Guys with the "R" next to their name got enough seats to bring Dr. No back in full force... classic time in Oregon politics...
Taxhaber, in the legislature: "I have a new plan! First, we make a massive tax hike, and..."
The House: "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"
What a dream-come-true for the public unions -- they didn't even have to buy a new guy -- they dusted off a worn out used model that they bought and paid for 16 years ago.