Are kids in America really hungry?

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Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by trev »

I just saw a commercial to stop hunger for kids in America. And I was wondering if that can really be? With the school breakfast and lunch program, food stamps, WIC, food banks, etc are America's kids really hungry? This is a serious question. I want to know.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

What's for dinner, trev? I'm starving!
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by trev »

I'm going out to a friend's retirement dinner tonight. I picked the beef entree.

But....tomorrow I think I'm going to have to make Ina Garten's chicken pot pie recipe.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Sounds delicious!
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Wolfman »

When I was teaching school I had to pull the occasional lunch duty (AKA minimum security prison guard work). I've seen kids dump whole lunches. I'd grab the unopened milk cartons and give them to some kid I knew was really poor. Kids who may really be hungry are those being abused by parents who have bought into the world of "kids are things". Hell you have a city in California wanting to ban Happy Meals. What a country.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Wolfman wrote:I'd grab the unopened milk cartons and give them to some kid I knew was really poor.
Did you really do that? That was very nice of you.
Wolfman, I never knew you were a teacher.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Atomic Punk »

trev wrote:I just saw a commercial to stop hunger for kids in America. And I was wondering if that can really be? With the school breakfast and lunch program, food stamps, WIC, food banks, etc are America's kids really hungry? This is a serious question. I want to know.
Yes, it really can be. As a former teacher the responsible welfare parent(s) get their kids to school in time to get a couple of Graham Crackers and a cup of OJ for breakfast. This is at school.

Since I've been a Pediatric nurse for medically fragile kids going on 9 months now, I've seen parents neglecting their spawn to the point to where the State takes their kids away and I have to deal with their situations and conditions. So if they go to school hungry, then it's on the negligent parent(s).

Also, no Pedo in Seattle, I am not hooking you up.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Atomic Punk wrote: Also, no Pedo in Seattle, I am not hooking you up.

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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Wolfman »

One time when I had lunch duty I was a little late getting down to the cafeteria. When I got there I saw that a couple tables of kids had moved their tables and chairs out of position and looked ready to have a food fight. I went up to the biggest of the "jocks" and said to him in a voice that others could hear, "if one fucking price of food flies here, I'm coming after you !"
In an instant, the tables and chairs were pushed back to their normal places. There was no food fight on my watch.
Side note. A teacher doing that today, even one as big as I am, would probably lose his job. Fuck the ACLU and their intrusion into our public schools.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by trev »

Basically in America hungry kids come down to the negligent parents. That is what I thought.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Hmmm...are American parents particularly neglectful of their children?
What is it about your national psyche that allows you to freely heap abuse on children?

By your own words, it is the fault of neglectful parents, remember?
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by trev »

Are there many negligent parents in Canada?
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

trev wrote:Are there many negligent parents in Canada?
Maybe, but by your estimation, and what is approaching near unanimous consensus in this thread, parenting in America West Uganda is absolutely abysmal.

Sorry, you can't have it both ways. If you lay the blame on shit parents, then you accept the consequence of having your society tarnished with the label of selfish, self-absorbed, abusive monsters.

Small wonder that the country that embraces torture of it's "enemies" also treats it's own with such savagery.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Mace »

In my part of the country, there's no reason for any school age kid to go hungry during the school year. Over half of them qualify for free meals at school and many more qualify for a reduced rate. The school serves a healthy, and usually tasty, lunch for $3, which I've been eating since I began working as a substitute teacher. I think breakfast is $1.75, so there is no excuse for anyone not eating.

When my kids were younger, I used to make up a lot of pancakes on Sunday afternoon, freeze them, and then the kids would throw some in the microwave every morning before school. Pretty easy and better than eating a couple of Poptarts. A lot of parents don't have the time, or take the time, to make sure their kids eat properly before heading off to school.....and some are just too damn lazy to feed them or even make sure they're heading to school.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by mvscal »

Martyred wrote:What is it about your national psyche that allows you to freely heap abuse on children?
When did you stop beating your wife?
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by H4ever »

I think it's a combination of lazy, neglectful ass-wipe for parents and families with both parents working full time jobs and part-time jobs on the side to make ends meet. Let's face it....if dad has to be at the factory at 0700 hours and mom's job starts at 0900 after she drops the kids off, there's usually not a lot of time to prepare good meals which is why they throw pop tarts at their kids half the time. Add in the part-time jobs and you have overworked and tired parents who have to find the time to raise their kids properly and also give them time/nurture them.

I say we outsource the fuck out of some more good paying American jobs and also let more illegals in to depress the wages even further. Bee-lining to 90 % of America in poverty and fat, corporate sacks sounds like a blessed, wonderful US of A to me!

Where the fuck are the real conservatives? Seems the Republicans are in someone's corporate pocket. Fuck the average American, eh?

Back to the topic.... hunger in America is real and it's not something politicians like to talk about. The poorly operated nanny state social programs are not the answer. We need to support WORKING Americans even more. Stop the outsourcing to China shops.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Diego in Seattle »

H4ever wrote:I think it's a combination of lazy, neglectful ass-wipe for parents and families with both parents working full time jobs and part-time jobs on the side to make ends meet. Let's face it....if dad has to be at the factory at 0700 hours and mom's job starts at 0900 after she drops the kids off, there's usually not a lot of time to prepare good meals which is why they throw pop tarts at their kids half the time. Add in the part-time jobs and you have overworked and tired parents who have to find the time to raise their kids properly and also give them time/nurture them.

I say we outsource the fuck out of some more good paying American jobs and also let more illegals in to depress the wages even further. Bee-lining to 90 % of America in poverty and fat, corporate sacks sounds like a blessed, wonderful US of A to me!

Where the fuck are the real conservatives? Seems the Republicans are in someone's corporate pocket. Fuck the average American, eh?

Back to the topic.... hunger in America is real and it's not something politicians like to talk about. The poorly operated nanny state social programs are not the answer. We need to support WORKING Americans even more. Stop the outsourcing to China shops.
Rack the hell out of that!
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Trev, to answer your question:

America, being a huge country, like any other, yes, there are children going hungry. As other have said, there is no reason for it, since there is an ENORMOUS governmental machine to feed not only children but all people. It's especially sad, since American's on average throw an egregious amount of food away daily. Now, it really is up to the supposed 'parents' of these children to make sure they take advantage of the programs meant to feed them. Sometimes, unfortunately, they don't do what is right for their children. It's criminal, not on the part of the country, but on the part of the adults.

Homeless people, well, put it this way.......have the same programs available also, but.....let's define "homeless".

A person/family that once had a home, and by way of tragedy such as death of primary income maker, natural disaster, etc., lost a home. We, as a nation should do all we can to help these people. We fall short too many times. But.....

A 'bum' is someone that would not take a home, or the help provided, if you gave it to them for free. And I say fuck them. They tried it here in Leon county, in a hotel that shut down. Nice place, ( it was used in the movie Something Wild). Free rent, electric, and even basic cable. Guess what happened? 2 weeks later....the rooms were empty(after being trashed), and they found these "homeless" people living in the woods(sup JIFR), instead of the places made available for them. When asked, most , not all said that they "Didn't like being tied down to one place". So.....fuck them.

Most bums are psychologically incompetent, and need to be permanently institutionalized, but who is willing to pay for it? You, Trev?

But, the children.....we as a nation do all we can, but the 'adults' fuck it up. As Keanu Reeves said in the movie 'Parenthood': "You have to a have a license to catch a fish, and a license to have a dog, but any asshole can become a parent.".

I have no answer, other than....just do the best one can with what one is given, and try to eliminate the idiots that try to fuck it up for the rest of us.

Rant over
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Though derived from corn, fructose is metabolized in our livers and is not recognized as sugar in our brains, leading to increased hunger and over-consumption.

America’s most popular sugar substitute is processed from corn, and is made via a process which involves genetically modified enzymes which are applied to transform corn starch to glucose and glucose to fructose, yielding high fructose corn syrup. This corn-based syrup is found in nearly all of processed foods; from juices to energy bars, wheat bread to whipped cream, deli meats to dehydrated fruits. The manufacture of this sugar substitute was discovered in the 1970’s as a cheaper alternative to the use of natural sugars. Since then, the average American consumption of natural sugar has diminished with respect to rising fructose consumption.

Yeah, they're hungry...and so are you, fat boy :wink:
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Though derived from corn, fructose is metabolized in our livers and is not recognized as sugar in our brains, leading to increased hunger and over-consumption.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Total bullshit.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by BSmack »

Wolfman wrote:Hell you have a city in California wanting to ban Happy Meals. What a country.
Anybody in favor of our current drug policy should shut the fuck up about banning Happy Meals.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Wolfman »

And you know my feelings about current federal drug policy? You should shut the fuck up !
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Smackie Chan »

BSmack wrote:Anybody in favor of our current drug policy should shut the fuck up about banning Happy Meals.
Wolfman wrote:You should shut the fuck up !
I know you should STFU but what am I?
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Smackie Chan wrote:
BSmack wrote:Anybody in favor of our current drug policy should shut the fuck up about banning Happy Meals.
Wolfman wrote:You should shut the fuck up !
I know you should STFU but what am I?

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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by BSmack »

Wolfman wrote:And you know my feelings about current federal drug policy? You should shut the fuck up !
As a matter of fact, I don't how you feel about drug policies. If I gave a shit, I would ask you could elaborate. My point was that there are more than a few Trevs in the world who have no problem with the state denying others their drug of choice so long as the state does not impinge on the right to consume THEIR drug of choice.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Yeah, it's a complete coincidence that your rotund nation is undergoing a diabetes epidemic.

You have forgotten what good food is. Hell, you celebrate shit food.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Atomic Punk »

trev wrote:Basically in America hungry kids come down to the negligent parents. That is what I thought.
There is NO excuse for a kid to be hungry in this country with all of the current programs you've stated. If the excuse is both parents work and have to do 2 jobs, then I will say to get the kids up earlier to feed them. That's what I do with other people's kids I take care of. If it's too early, then tough shit. The kids can go back to sleep for an hour or two. If parents are too lazy to get their own asses out of bed, then CPS needs to be called.

Also, even the lowliest of the low crack-head moms seem to always have money to buy packs of smokes and get tattoos. So with the available programs and welfare money, there is no excuse to not feed anyone. Recently, one kid's mother gave a DNR order and all the kid had was pneumonia. She had never been in the said child's life and the State, medical staff and nurses asked us what is wrong with this kid for her to do this. Nothing wrong other than the previous medical conditions.

Diagnosis: Pneumonia. It's alleged that mom had a life insurance policy out and she must listen to the Jim Rome Show. "Time to Diiiiiiiiiiiiiie!" DNR a kid that has pneumonia? 6 feet under, but I'm guessing cremated as there is no burial site listed.

There are some really shitty parents out there.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

AP, do you work with any nurses that look like this:




Just curious.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Atomic Punk »

No mi friendo... The nurses I work with look like THIS:


and THIS:

BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »


so sorry
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by trev »

Marty, let me remind you that the consensus is that America is still the best country in the world and many, many people want to come here.

Bsame, WTH are you babbling about? Are you saying junk food impairs the brain in the same way drugs do?
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Are you still planning on making Ina Garten's chicken pot pie tonight?
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by BSmack »

trev wrote:Are you saying junk food impairs the brain in the same way drugs do?
No you stupid twat.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Mikey »

Wolfman wrote: Hell you have a city in California wanting to ban Happy Meals. What a country.
And wtf does that have to do with hunger?

Overreliance on that shit food will lead to malnutrition.

What a dumbfuck.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by trev »

BSmack wrote:
trev wrote:Are you saying junk food impairs the brain in the same way drugs do?
No you stupid twat.
Yes you were, you fat, pimply man boob.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by BSmack »

trev wrote:
BSmack wrote:
trev wrote:Are you saying junk food impairs the brain in the same way drugs do?
No you stupid twat.
Yes you were.
No I wasn't. My comment was directed towards your proclivity towards taking some drugs away from others while reserving others (hello bottle of vodka) for yourself. Any other inference is purely your own imagination.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

88 wrote:
mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Though derived from corn, fructose is metabolized in our livers and is not recognized as sugar in our brains, leading to increased hunger and over-consumption.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Total bullshit.
mvscal is right, yo.

I think LTS TRN 2 might have intended to make reference to high-fructose corn syrup, which some critics blame for obesity notwithstanding a complete lack of evidence supporting that contention:

What's this, more corporate whoring? That is, you ass clowns just automatically start parroting the corporate line? "No proof of Climate Change!" "More study necessary to connect cigarettes to cancer"...."High fructose corn syrup is just sugar--there's no difference"...

Problem is, ALL of the reputable science is my side--and ONLY the paid shills are on yours.

Eat up, fat boy
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Carson »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:leading to increased hunger and over-consumption.
We already know about your semen addiction, Felchco.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Carson wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:leading to increased hunger and over-consumption.
We already know about your semen addiction, Felchco.
Dude, that's seriously fucked up.

HSA, or Homosexual Semen Addiction is a crippling disease that affects millions of knuckle-crunchers like Felchco all over the world. It's no laughing matter.
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Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Carson »

Is Rod Stewart going to host the telethon?
JPGettysburg wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:57 pm In prison, full moon nights have a kind of brutal sodomy that can't fully be described with mere words.
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