In the land of the blind...
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:00 am
...the one-eyed man is king.
Or so they say...
But what if this mythical land is a subterranean network of tunnels inhabited by mole-people who get around by sense of touch and smell?
In that case, the one-eyed man would not have the heightened senses that all others possess and in fact, be at a disadvantage to everyone else. He would be a helpless weakling among giants and may very well be their "bitch".
Not so lofty a position now, is it?
Or so they say...
But what if this mythical land is a subterranean network of tunnels inhabited by mole-people who get around by sense of touch and smell?
In that case, the one-eyed man would not have the heightened senses that all others possess and in fact, be at a disadvantage to everyone else. He would be a helpless weakling among giants and may very well be their "bitch".
Not so lofty a position now, is it?