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The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:15 pm
by BSmack
Even though a vote to raise the national debt limit – now just under $14.3 trillion – is months away, House Republican leaders are already preparing their caucus for what could be the toughest vote for a bumper freshman class.

About half of the 85-member Republican House freshman class ran with backing from tea party groups – all of them on a platform to curb or cap government spending. Many of these candidates slammed Democrats they defeated for previous votes to increase the debt limit – votes, they said, that enabled big government spending.

Now, they face the other side of the issue: A vote against raising the debt limit means the government could run out of money. Will fiscal responsibility look so appealing if the government essentially shuts down?

GOP leaders hope to frame the debt vote in a broader context of rigorous budget cutting and enhanced oversight.

“I’ve made it pretty clear to them that as we get into next year it’s pretty clear that Congress is going to have to deal with this," said GOP leader John Boehner at a press conference. "We’re going to have to deal with it as adults,” he added. “Whether we like it or not, the federal government has obligations, and we have obligations on our part.”
Good luck trying to get the pig to stay still long enough to put some lipstick on it. You Tea Party folks had your fun at the polls. But now Mr. Boehner would like you to know that the grown-ups are still in charge and you had better just go along with the flow or get steamrolled. In the movies, this would be where Jimmy Stewart would get up and make his big speech. In reality, this is when the wingnuts who thought they were going to change Washington will find out how screwed they are.

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:47 pm
by Mikey
BSmack wrote: Mr. Boehner... grown-ups in charge.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:41 pm
by Sirfindafold
Nice to see the liberals can still smile after the beating they took two weeks ago.

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:48 pm
by BSmack
Sirfindafold wrote:Nice to see the liberals can still smile after the beating they took two weeks ago.
What beating? We just replaced one form of liberal leadership for another.

Oh yea. You must be one of those tards who thinks Boehner is going to be different than Hastert and Pelosi.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:20 pm
by Sirfindafold
BSmack wrote:
Sirfindafold wrote:Nice to see the liberals can still smile after the beating they took two weeks ago.
You must be one of those who thinks Boehner is going to be different than Hastert and Pelosi.

I do believe he will be different. And if he's not, I won't support him. Unlike you fucking liberals who continue to support the obamas, pelosis, reids, schumers etc etc. who are ruining this country.


Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:40 pm
by Wolfman
It's amusing to see libs having concern about big spending Rino types gaining power. Where are the fiscally responsible dems?
Maybe they are in charge of securing all the bombs TSA has found on 80 years old nuns and 3 year old kids.

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:28 pm
by poptart
A vote against raising the debt
limit means the government could
run out of money.



Our current 1.3 trillion dollar budget DEFICIT


Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:33 pm
by Wolfman
Why not simply print up more money?



Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:14 am
by mvscal
BSmack wrote:Good luck trying to get the pig to stay still long enough to put some lipstick on it. You Tea Party folks had your fun at the polls. But now Mr. Boehner would like you to know that the grown-ups are still in charge and you had better just go along with the flow or get steamrolled. In the movies, this would be where Jimmy Stewart would get up and make his big speech. In reality, this is when the wingnuts who thought they were going to change Washington will find out how screwed they are.
You are a complete idiot. I mean that in all sincerity. Have fun with your strawman, dumbfuck.

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:24 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:Good luck trying to get the pig to stay still long enough to put some lipstick on it. You Tea Party folks had your fun at the polls. But now Mr. Boehner would like you to know that the grown-ups are still in charge and you had better just go along with the flow or get steamrolled. In the movies, this would be where Jimmy Stewart would get up and make his big speech. In reality, this is when the wingnuts who thought they were going to change Washington will find out how screwed they are.
You are a complete idiot. I mean that in all sincerity. Have fun with your strawman, dumbfuck.
Just switch "Boehner" with "Obama" and "Tea Party" with "Democratic Base" and you have all you need to know about B_Dullard.

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:10 am
by mvscal
Martyred wrote:
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:Good luck trying to get the pig to stay still long enough to put some lipstick on it. You Tea Party folks had your fun at the polls. But now Mr. Boehner would like you to know that the grown-ups are still in charge and you had better just go along with the flow or get steamrolled. In the movies, this would be where Jimmy Stewart would get up and make his big speech. In reality, this is when the wingnuts who thought they were going to change Washington will find out how screwed they are.
You are a complete idiot. I mean that in all sincerity. Have fun with your strawman, dumbfuck.
Just switch "Boehner" with "Obama" and "Tea Party" with "Democratic Base" and you have all you need to know about B_Dullard.
I'm just trying to figure out who on the Republican side thought this victory was anything more than one small step in the right direction. I'll leave the grandiose magic wand waving to cock-swallowing pantloads like BSmeg-gobbler.
I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.

I wonder how that's working out for him...

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:58 am
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:I'm just trying to figure out who on the Republican side thought this victory was anything more than one small step in the right direction.
Rand Paul wrote:Republican Rand Paul heralded his victory in the Kentucky Senate race Tuesday as a sign of the Tea Party's vigor.

"We've come to take our government back," he declared in his victory speech. "Tonight there's a Tea Party tidal wave and we're sending a message to them." ... ns-senate/

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:01 am
by Mikey
Nice to know they have some "vigor".

Wolfman may need to borrow some at his age.

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:01 pm
by Truman
BStatist wrote:
Hand-wringing Liberal Newsie wrote:...A vote against raising the debt limit means the government could run out of money. Will fiscal responsibility look so appealing if the government essentially shuts down?
...In reality, this is when the wingnuts who thought they were going to change Washington will find out how screwed they are.
I'll play. And a government shutdown is a bad thing why?

Apparently the Tea Party message doesn't translate well into Liberalese. Did it occur to you that those newly elected wingnuts of yours might just be looking to take measures to lower the debt itself rather than raise its ceiling? :meds:

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:52 pm
by BSmack
Truman wrote:I'll play. And a government shutdown is a bad thing why?

Apparently the Tea Party message doesn't translate well into Liberalese. Did it occur to you that those newly elected wingnuts of yours might just be looking to take measures to lower the debt itself rather than raise its ceiling? :meds:
The real deficit hawks will be either flipped or marginalized and business as usual will continue. Boehner has already made it clear that the debt ceiling WILL be raised. What about that are you not getting?

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:02 am
by Truman
Well for starters, you trying to connect Boehner to the Tea Party is like L-Tard trying to connect the Israelis to the Nazis.

That's what I don't get.

Tea Party Conservatives may be Republican, but not all Republicans are Tea Party Conservatives. What mvscal said: The last election was a good start. If Boehner does indeed put the debt ceiling to a House vote, I wouldn't hold my breath expecting those newly-elected wingnuts of yours to discard their convictions any time soon if I were you, B. And Boehner best watch his ass come the Ohio Republican primary in 2010 if he does indeed intend to operate the House as business as usualm.

Oh, and you didn't answer my question.

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:10 am
by BSmack

I'm not connecting Boehner to the Tea Party. I'm telling you that Boehner is there to inform the Tea Party folk that they have had their fun and how it is time for business as usual. Enjoy the last few moments of your faux revolution.

Re: The Tea Party is already starting to lose

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:14 am
by Truman
Truman wrote:...If Boehner does indeed put the debt ceiling to a House vote, I wouldn't hold my breath expecting those newly-elected wingnuts of yours to discard their convictions any time soon if I were you, B. And Boehner best watch his ass come the Ohio Republican primary in 2010 if he does indeed intend to operate the House as business as usualm.
We'll see.