We will come for you.
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:07 am
The CCCP is forming an ultra-secret, paramilitary wing. Sleepers cells will be organised and manila folders will be shipped containing "targets of interest".
CODENAME: People's Igloo Liberation Front, or PILF.
Even top brass at the CCCP must be kept in the dark.
P.S. Due to budget cuts, we are asking operatives to supply their own cyanide capsules. And don't try and fake it with a cough drop, because we'll know, okay?
P.P.S. ~ Please, don't jam up my PM box with requests. Agents have already been selected.
end communique
CODENAME: People's Igloo Liberation Front, or PILF.
Even top brass at the CCCP must be kept in the dark.
P.S. Due to budget cuts, we are asking operatives to supply their own cyanide capsules. And don't try and fake it with a cough drop, because we'll know, okay?
P.P.S. ~ Please, don't jam up my PM box with requests. Agents have already been selected.
end communique