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Jerry Angelo is an idiot

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:33 pm
by Shoalzie ... all-player

I'm not going to complain about the roughing call on Suh that lead to the Bears scoring the winning touchdown...I just find it funny that someone could watch that replay after the fact and still think that what Suh did was worthy of penalty. What he essentially did to Cutler was push him to the ground like the playground bully would do to the nerdy kid. From certain angles, it looked like a forearm to the back but a couple angles showed Suh lead with his hands and extended his arms to push him to the ground.

The league doesn't have it out for Suh...I'm not going to be that fan. Hochuli saw what he saw...but to say after the fact that he hit him with his forearm even though other replays show he didn't is crap. He got jammed on the Marion Barber hair tackle that was called for a horse collar...replay showed as much. Considering how much this team gets penalized...I can live with Suh beating the hell out of a player and getting 15 than I am with seeing a false start or offside prior to the play. All I ask is get the calls right. The league promotes physical play but is overly sensitive when it comes to deal out penalties and fines (James Harrison).

An aside...I credit the Leos for hanging in with their third string QB starting and VandenBosch inactive. This team is probably not going to finish with more than 3 or 4 wins after its all said and done but they do play hard and compete better than past teams. I would hope that if this team can iron out the dumb penalties and get some luck with injuries, some of these close losses this year turn into wins next year...if there is a next year.

Re: Jerry Angelo is an idiot

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:49 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Absolute horseshit call. Just fucking brutal.

Re: Jerry Angelo is an idiot

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:05 pm
by Shoalzie
The pussification of the league continues... ... 049/sports