No charges filed in the ND "rape" case
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:10 pm
Hey Fredo, any thoughts on this now?
From the St. Joe’s prosecutor:Screw_Michigan wrote: Nothing to see here at all. Just a reported rape that the school built a report on over two months time, but didn't bother alerting the St. Joe County Prosecutor's office until the Chicago Tribune came calling. Yep, nothing more than just axe-grinding by some hack who hates ND.
You are as pathetic as this rapist you're covering up for. So, for the 2010 season, ND is responsible for almost as many deaths as it is football victories. Nice football program who's junk you ride. Faggot.
So yeah, it was a fucking smear job by an anti-ND hack at the Chicago Tribune. No rape occurred. I wonder if we will see a retraction by the Tribune or ESPN? Nope. Because most everyone who works in journalism is sensationalist scum. Papers and reputable news outlets have ceased reporting the news, and have tried to become TMZ and create it. Nice profession you chose.Charging Decision Made in Seeberg Allegations
South Bend, IN
Our office has concluded its review of the investigation into the allegations made by Elizabeth Seeberg
concerning events occurring on August 31, 2010 and September 2, 2010 in St. Joseph County, Indiana.
The reports on this matter were prepared by Notre Dame Security Police Department (NDSPD),
who investigated the allegations made by Ms. Seeberg and presented these reports to our office
on November 17, 2010.
Together with deputy prosecutors from my office, we have reviewed the police reports and conducted
research into Indiana law on several issues raised by this investigation.
Further, we met with the parents of Elizabeth Seeberg and their attorney on December 1, 2010 and
discussed with them much of the contents of the investigation.
There were two separate allegations made by Ms. Seeberg against two separate individuals, both of
whom were students at the University of Notre Dame and one of which who was also an athlete.
First, there was the allegation of Sexual Batter/, specifically the touching of her breasts. Secondly,
there was a complaint about text messages received by Ms. Seeberg. She never made an allegation
of rape nor does the evidence even suggest a rape occurred as some media outlets have mistakenly
Our office has declined to file criminal charges against either of the two individuals named in this
investigation, and we decline to identify these individuals as they are not being charged with any
The investigation by NDSPD included the collection of evidence and the statements of event
witnesses. This includes two statements from Ms. Seeberg, statements from the two suspects, and a
statement from a female friend, all of whom were present during the evening of August 31, 2010. Only
Ms. Seeberg and the student-athlete were present during the alleged battery. Conflicts exist among
the witnesses' accounts of the events given to the police. Subpoenaed cell phone records are
inconsistent with parts of the complaint itself.
Police also recovered the text messages of September 2, 2010 between Ms. Seeberg and the student
who sent them. The content of the text messages sent does not rise to the level of a criminal act as
defined by Indiana's Harassment statute. The student subjectively believed Ms. Seeberg's complaint
was false and therefore he had a legitimate purpose for his text messages.
Our review of these two criminal allegations and our decision not to prosecute either of them is based
upon the evidence as well as the likelihood that Ms. Seeberg's statements-as a consequence of her
untimely death on September 10, 2010-would be found inadmissible in a court of law because of
evidentiary rules involving hearsay and the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Crawford v. Washington,
541 U.S. 36 (2004).