The military.
Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:54 am
Boots about to get a bit shinier. Uniforms more pressed. And the marching will have a little bit more precision.
They'll be the same kick ass people as they have always been.Q, West Coast Style wrote:Boots about to get a bit shinier. Uniforms more pressed. And the marching will have a little bit more precision.
actually, blowing him in the barracks shower might still get him in hot water. Telling everybody how he blew him in the back of his car outside the local gaybar last night will now be kosher.Carson wrote:Great.
Now they won't kick you out for sucking another guy's dick in the barracks shower.
Your beatdowns will continue.
Lucky Pierre?Jsc810 wrote:
I know you're a nuclear weapons-grade tard, but Christ, try not to try so hard.smackaholic wrote:nice yob to all you fukkers in washington that pushed this through without serving day one in the military yourselves.
You mean like John Kerry, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mike Mullen?smackaholic wrote:you can tell the fukkers that never served.
Not all were dismissed for fraternization.smackaholic wrote:Are you guys aware that at least 17 Navy ship COs have been sacked this year over fraternization charges?
You're right. The majority were though. There was one case of a female skipper getting sacked because basically she was a miserable cunt who abused the shit out of underlings.Smackie Chan wrote:Not all were dismissed for fraternization.smackaholic wrote:Are you guys aware that at least 17 Navy ship COs have been sacked this year over fraternization charges?
Yeah, they were kinda good and stuff.PSUFAN wrote:They say it made Sparta stronger.
smackaholic wrote:I am fairly certain that a considerable majority of congress that voted for it has not served.
I am also fairly sure that a number that a number of those voting for it, know it's not the right thing to do, but, they don't want to piss off the PC police.
Are you guys aware that at least 17 Navy ship COs have been sacked this year over fraternization charges?
And yes, I realize that none were likely homosexual type fraternization, it does show what kinds of problems result with mixed sex crews. Adding openly gay men will worsen things since, not only will they share ships, they'll share sleeping quarters.
Not really. Even if the military certifies that the repeal of 10 USC 654 will not impact readiness, morale/good order and discipline of the force, sodomy is still punishable under the UCMJ.Carson wrote: Now they won't kick you out for sucking another guy's dick in the barracks shower.
I suspect you aren't very aware of this: ... urvey.htmlsmackaholic wrote:I am fairly certain that a considerable majority of congress that voted for it has not served.
I am also fairly sure that a number that a number of those voting for it, know it's not the right thing to do, but, they don't want to piss off the PC police.
Don't be 100% sure about that. Ever hear of the Eddie Mac? A Knox-class frigate out of Mayport back in the day. It had earned the nickname "The Love Boat," apparently because a former CO had been relieved due to fratnerization (of the sexual kind) with a crew member. This was back in the day of single sex crews, and during the period where homosexuality was banned in the armed forces.Are you guys aware that at least 17 Navy ship COs have been sacked this year over fraternization charges?
And yes, I realize that none were likely homosexual type fraternization,
Sorry, but I don't see how service members being openly gay will "worsen things" because they'll be "sharing ships" and "sharing sleeping quarters", since gays have been serving for years and sharing ships and sleeping quarters. How will this make things worse?Adding openly gay men will worsen things since, not only will they share ships, they'll share sleeping quarters
How utterly patriotic of you. May the first North Korean you meet do his duty.poptart wrote:
With any luck, all three.
Ah, so you are just exhibiting your sense of Christian charity.poptart wrote:I'm not in favor of any U.S. serviceman ending up in a coffin. But we have three in front of us in that picture. It's a done deal. All other things being equal, I'd prefer those three be three of the fruits.
{DISCUSSION POINT}If you take men down to their base nature(especially 20 year olds), which is to seek out females to have sex with, then it goes to follow that gay men in there base nature would seek out males to have homosexual sex with. Adding the opposite sex in situations where sexual intercourse is not permitted adds unneeded sexual tension. Without any members of the opposite sex, there is a common sexual frustration. Not so with the gay male soldier, as he is able to at least partially satisfy his base sexual nature by being in constant contact with those that he could fill his needs with. A common unspoken frustration is not there with the homsexual soldier, and thus resentment.The intellectual ignores all human desires in the viewpoint that any thoughts, desires or feelings can be controlled or rationalized away.{/DISCUSSION POINT}Mace wrote:Sorry, but I don't see how service members being openly gay will "worsen things" because they'll be "sharing ships" and "sharing sleeping quarters", since gays have been serving for years and sharing ships and sleeping quarters. How will this make things worse?Adding openly gay men will worsen things since, not only will they share ships, they'll share sleeping quarters
I'm demonstrating that I know what the purpose of the military is.BSmack wrote:Ah, so you are just exhibiting your sense of Christian charity
I'm sure someone said that to Truman as well. Turns out he was right. It will also turn out that Obama was correct.poptart wrote:I'm demonstrating that I know what the purpose of the military is.BSmack wrote:Ah, so you are just exhibiting your sense of Christian charity
It's not a social experiment, assclown. It is SERIOUS fucking business.
It falls in neither category. As mvscal already stated, it is not as if men are going to be blowing each other in the barracks shower stalls now that DADT is soon to be a a thing of the past. At least not with any more regularity than they already have been.That which enhances the ability of the military to carry out it's purpose should be embraced.
That which detracts from it should not. Take a guess which category fairies runnning free falls under.
for the umpteenth time, there is a ginormous difference between blacks and gays, or women for that matter.BSmack wrote: I'm sure someone said that to Truman as well. Turns out he was right. It will also turn out that Obama was correct.
go re-read what he said. he said guys blowing one another would still be a violation. he did not say it would not be happening. fortunately, there just aren't that many gays in the population, so, it will be a smaller headache than bringing in women has been. and if you think that hasn't (and continues to be) a major headache, you're a dumbfukk.It falls in neither category. As mvscal already stated, it is not as if men are going to be blowing each other in the barracks shower stalls now that DADT is soon to be a a thing of the past. At least not with any more regularity than they already have been.
No shit. It is a LOT easier to stand out as a woman or a black man. Yet the millitary adapted for the better. They will again.smackaholic wrote:for the umpteenth time, there is a ginormous difference between blacks and gays, or women for that matter.
And I didn't say it wouldn't be happening. I said it won't be happening with any greater frequency. Learn to read.go re-read what he said. he said guys blowing one another would still be a violation. he did not say it would not be happening. fortunately, there just aren't that many gays in the population, so, it will be a smaller headache than bringing in women has been. and if you think that hasn't (and continues to be) a major headache, you're a dumbfukk.
I'm sure they will but I'm less sure on why they should have to in the first place. This will cause headaches for unit commanders and NCOs. That is inevitable.BSmack wrote: Yet the millitary adapted for the better. They will again.'re now an honorary member of WBC.poptart wrote:
With any luck, all three.
How about because we live in AMERICA. Isn't that enough for you?mvscal wrote:I'm sure they will but I'm less sure on why they should have to in the first place.BSmack wrote: Yet the millitary adapted for the better. They will again.
Link?alleged military historian wrote: Yet the millitary adapted for the better.
anti-american, homophobe, odd number chromosome havin' REAL military historian wetback wrote: I'm sure they will but I'm less sure on why they should have to in the first place.
dammit, mv, just read the fukking constitution, you half wit. it's right there in article...uhhhhh ...I mean ammendment #.....uhhhh, i can i get a lawyer troll in here to help me with this. i forgot which section says serving in the military is a right.How about because we live in AMERICA. Isn't that enough for you?
Having women doubles the available pool of recruits dumbfuck. I think that makes up for any logistical challenges.smackaholic wrote:Link? Women is the military is an added logistical burden. This is absolute fact. Not even arguable. Beyond that, there is the drama that comes with mixing the sexes in such a situation. This is not arguable either for anyone with more than 4 functioning braincells.alleged military historian wrote: Yet the millitary adapted for the better.
You're not familiar with the equal protection clause?dammit, mv, just read the fukking constitution, you half wit. it's right there in article...uhhhhh ...I mean ammendment #.....uhhhh, i can i get a lawyer troll in here to help me with this. i forgot which section says serving in the military is a right.How about because we live in AMERICA. Isn't that enough for you?
I'm not sure if you're a racist. I am certain that you are an unreformed bigot who is hiding his bigotry behind worn out and out dated arguments. The future is now. Fucking deal with it.I guess it is a good thing we have blacks though. Trouble is, if you look at who's fighting where, you'd think Truman didn't do shit. A whole lotta white farm boys up front getting shot at and the brothers doing their part to see that said honkeys are kept in ammo and chow. Yeah, I guess this makes me racist on top of anti-(fag, woman, etc).
If we held them to the same standard, it might help. We don't. We lower the standards because that is the only way the great majority of them get in. Also, we are a nation of over 300 million. During WWII, we had less than half this pool and stood up a force of well over 10 And a handful of chicks in the rear doing stuff they are good at. They weren't on ships, other than maybe hospital ships. They weren't anything close to being in forward deployed units.BSmack wrote:Having women doubles the available pool of recruits dumbfuck. I think that makes up for any logistical challenges.
Once again, irrelevant.How about because we live in AMERICA. Isn't that enough for you?
What does the equal clause ammendment have to do with national defense?You're not familiar with the equal protection clause?
I'm not sure if you're a racist. I am certain that you are an unreformed bigot who is hiding his bigotry behind worn out and out dated arguments. The future is now. Fucking deal with it.
BSmack wrote: You're not familiar with the equal protection clause?
You are a fucking piece of crap.poptart wrote:With any luck, all three.