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More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake...
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:51 pm
by Onions
Around 500 dead birds have fallen from the sky in Louisiana, found scattered along a quarter-mile portion of highway in Point Coupee Parish, the AP reports. The discovery is approximately 300 miles south of Beebe, Arkansas, where just days earlier thousands of the same species of birds also fell from the sky.
Initial tests conducted by biologists on the red-winged blackbirds and starlings found in Arkansas revealed that the birds suffered internal injuries that formed deadly blood clots. Countless explanations have been speculated, from intense high-altitude weather like lightning or hail to disturbance from fireworks. Disease and poison were determined to be far less likely causes, though full test results won't rule them out until next week.
"There was probably some physical reason, but I doubt anyone will ever know what it was," Thurman Booth, Arkansas' wildlife services director, told CBS.
The latest occurrence of more dead birds turning up in Louisiana only compounds local residents' worries, as in the week prior to the Arkansas blackbird mystery, 83,000 dead drum fish washed up along a river about 100 miles west of Beebe. Wildlife officials claim the incidents are not related.
A Kentucky woman also reported finding dead birds in her yard Monday, though numbering far less in the dozens.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:54 pm
by Goober McTuber
jsc got his pilot's license?
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:10 pm
by Onions
bible belt & hollywood's suckers
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:34 am
by Trampis
The governments doing some experimentation in the south. Sound,microwave,,satelite, some weird shit going on.
Add in Chupacabras, China shooting off missles on our coast, whales beaching themselves, Jerry Brown getting re-elected.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:28 pm
by Onions
To add to the mystery, 50-100 jackdaws, a bird species in the crow family, fell dead in central Sweden late Tuesday night, English-language Swedish news website The Local reported Wednesday.
"We do not know what the cause is," Skovde police commander Tomas Ahlgren said. The birds fell in the city of Falkoping, which is southeast of Skovde.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:55 pm
by Onions
VICTORIA — Horrified nature-lovers at Goldstream Provincial Park watched as the Goldstream River turned bright green late Wednesday afternoon.
The fluorescent green colouring appeared to start about 500 metres on the Victoria side of the entrance to the park and, over the course of an hour, the substance flowed down into the environmentally sensitive estuary.
By 5:30 p.m. the river, known for its dramatic salmon runs, eagles and other wildlife, was back to its normal colour.
Ministry of Environment teams were immediately sent to the area to investigate and members of Langford Fire Department collected samples for analysis.
No dead fish or animals had been found by early evening.
Earlier in the day a fountain beside Veterans Memorial Parkway in Langford also turned bright green, said Langford Fire Chief Bob Beckett.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:58 pm
by Goober McTuber
Flash Forward.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:27 pm
by Dinsdale
Papa Willie wrote:can you really think of a better place than Arkansas to try it out at?
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:35 pm
by Dinsdale
Papa Willie wrote:
Get somebody to pump your gas for you.
33 degrees and raining... sounds like a great plan.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:03 pm
by Goober McTuber
Dinsdale wrote:Papa Willie wrote:can you really think of a better place than Arkansas to try it out at?
What's the difference?
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:38 pm
by Dinsdale
Papa Willie wrote:Still - my state isn't telling me "You're too inept to pump your gas".
Mine either -- they're saying "tweekers needs jobs, too."
My state did just crank gas taxes up $0.07 a gallon, though, which may be a referendum target, since we're rapidly becoming one of the poorest states in the country, due to the libby transplants declaring war on business. No one is allowed to build anything, no one is allowed to make anything, and only hipsters are allowed to sell anything.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:05 pm
by Onions
Dinsdale wrote:Papa Willie wrote:can you really think of a better place than Arkansas to try it out at?
how about maryland and new zealand?
The Baltimore Sun reports that an estimated 2 million fish were found dead in the Chesapeake Bay, mostly adult spot with some juvenile croakers in the mix, as well. Maryland Department of the Environment spokesperson Dawn Stoltzfus says "cold-water stress" is believed to be the culprit. She told The Sun that similar large winter fish deaths were documented in 1976 and 1980.
In New Zealand, hundreds of dead snapper fish washed up on Coromandel Peninsula beaches, many found with their eyes missing, The New Zealand Herald reports. A Department of Conservation official allegedly claims the fish were starving due to weather conditions.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:07 pm
by Dinsdale
Onions wrote:Maryland Department of the Environment spokesperson Dawn Stoltzfus says "cold-water stress" is believed to be the culprit.
Link to "global warming" in
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:19 pm
by Dinsdale
Fuck that, conspiracy theories are more fun.
Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A shocking report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) states that one of the United States top experts in biological and chemical weapons was brutally murdered after he threatened to expose a US Military test of poison gas that killed hundreds of thousands of animals in Arkansas this past week.
According to this report, John P. Wheeler III, Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, D.C. from 2005-2008, when he became the Special Assistant to the Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Logistics and Environment, was found brutally murdered and dumped in a landfill, and as we can read as reported by the Fox News Service:
“Delaware Police are investigating the apparent murder of a former Bush official who also championed the fund-raising effort to build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the Mall in Washington, D.C. Wheeler’s body was found in Wilmington on Friday.
According to police, somebody initially reported that the body was dumped out of a refuse truck, which would have been coming from Newark, onto the landfill. Newark Police spokesman Lt. Mark Farrall told Fox News that nobody had reported Wheeler missing before he was found.
The Wilmington News Journal reported that Wheeler was last seen riding an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington, Del., last Tuesday.”
Wheeler’s military career included writing one of the most important manuals on the effectiveness of biological and chemical weapons which led to his being hired in 2009 as a consultant to the Mitre Corporation, whose aviation system development department, the GRU reports, is at the forefront of creating the computer command and control systems used by the US Air Force in their fleet of aerial spraying planes. [photo 2nd left]
These aerial spraying planes, this report continues, are based at the Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas that over the past few months have been involved with ‘test dispersants’ of poisonous gasses in the Afghanistan War Theater using chemical weapons stocks obtained from Iraq and held at the Pine Bluff Arsenal, also located in Arkansas.
Important to note about the Pine Bluff Arsenal, which calls itself “America’s Arsenal”, is that it is one of the World’s most specialized munitions and chemical-biological defense products and services bases which Russia had previously accused of not fully reporting the chemical agents removed from Iraq, between 2003 and 2008, and taken to the US for testing and subsequent destruction.
According to this report, the US relocated from Iraq to the Pine Bluff Arsenal an estimated 63,000 metric tonnes of the poisonous gas Phosgene that is described as one of the most feared chemical weapons ever used due to its ability to literally cause the lungs and respiratory system to explode.
Nearly immediately after Russia accused the US this past summer of not fully destroying Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stockpile the Pine Bluff Arsenal began an ‘accelerated’ disposal programme injecting it deep into the ground in central Arkansas, but which, unfortunately, since this past September, has caused over 500 minor earthquakes to occur raising the concerns of their local population.
More frightening, however, is the claim made in this report that the Americans have also begun shipping ‘massive quantities’ of Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stocks to Afghanistan where when used they will be able to say they had nothing to do with it, and believe no one will be able to prove it either.
Important to note about Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stocks are that they are no longer able to be made by any Western country, including the United States, which makes its value as a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) incalculable, especially in a war situation like Afghanistan where the enemy forces are firmly entrenched in hostile terrain.
To the direct reason for Wheeler’s murder, this report says, was this past week’s transport of Iraqi Phosgene poisonous gas aboard a US Air Force KC-767 tanker aircraft from Little Rock Air Force Base enroute to Afghanistan that shortly after takeoff had a ‘critical malfunction’ of its aerial spraying computer directed command and control system over central Arkansas causing the deaths of thousands of red-wing blackbirds.
According to US reports an estimated 5,000 of these birds were killed outright and were quickly removed by US Environmental Services workers wearing hazmat suits and gas masks. Another US report states that cause of death to these thousands of birds was “trauma in the breast tissue, with blood clots in the body cavity and a lot of internal bleeding” which this GRU report states is consistent with Phosgene exposure.
Even more chilling than this incident is this GRU report stating that it was the second “accidental” release of Phosgene poisonous gas in as many days, as the day before, this same US Air Force KC-767 tanker aircraft also had a “critical malfunction” causing a release over the Arkansas River that killed over 100,000 fish.
Upon Wheeler discovering what was happening with Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stockpiles, this report continues, he traveled from his home in Delaware to Washington D.C. where he openly confronted and threatened to expose the Pentagon and White House Officials responsible. Being a Vietnam Veteran who was responsible for having the famous memorial to that war erected, Wheeler was more than knowledgeable about the United States massive chemical and biological attacks in that conflict and had vowed to not let happen again.
Sadly, but all too common in the United States these days, when Wheeler threatened to go public with what was happening he was targeted for death, and as a “sign” to anyone else thinking of going against the regime, had his body dumped in a garbage pit for all the World to see.
Today, another great American was murdered in an effort to save his country from destruction. Sadly, his death will go barely noticed; the American people seem no longer to care as they continue to seek their solace in their propaganda media lies rather than confronting the brutal truth about the monsters they have let rule over them.
Any time you can incorporate two big news stories into one conspiracy, it's golden.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:25 pm
by Onions
VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. -- Thousands of dead fish were floating in Volusia County Tuesday. They were all in Spruce Creek in Port Orange. The fish kill is unusual because it is warm, according to people who live along the creek.
It's been a week since there were freezing temperatures, but there are fish lining the banks. Some said it's the worst kill they've ever seen; thousands of fish lined the twists and turns of Spruce Creek.
The sheer number of fish and the smell were both overwhelming.
"It was fun last night trying to sleep with the smell going on," said resident Sunny Morningstar.
"Even with your windows closed and everything?" WFTV reporter Jason Allen asked.
"Yes, yes," Morningstar said.
Buzzards and pelicans flocked to the site Tuesday and swarmed above the water. They filled trees and private boat docks and waited at the water's edge for an easy meal.
Kayakers on the creek told WFTV, that during their five-hour paddle, they'd seen fish around every bend and it appeared to be one of the most extensive kills they had seen.
"This looks a little worse than last year, at least this area. I don't remember this being that populated as it is this time," resident Mike Kovach said.
The Fish and Wildlife Commission was aware of the kill. A representative said it started last week. The representative blamed last week's cold temperatures and speculated the kill wasn't growing, but that winds were causing fish to just pile up.
Most of the fish were mullet, ladyfish and catfish, and not the valuable sporting fish called snook that died in mass during a cold spell last year.
Residents told WFTV the fish kill is big enough that it's attracting brown and white pelicans from the beach, which are birds they rarely see this far inland.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:53 pm
by Dinsdale
KC Scott wrote:when does the accidently released nerve gas turn the population of the small Arky town into brain eating zombies?
About 140 years ago, I believe.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:37 pm
by Dan Vogel
As someone who loves and respects nature this is awful. These reports of mass animal death are coming from around the planet. Whatever the findings are it is no doubt a result of man's actions. We harm the planet and animals in so many ways it is sickening. Polution of air and water. Destruction of forests and other needed enviornments. The arrogance of man is sickening. You can look at this board if anyone wants any evidence of that. This is a pity. Just a terrible pity.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:49 pm
by mvscal
Dan Vogel wrote:it is no doubt a result of man's actions.
Really? Are you sure about that? Do you need reminding of what a real man made disaster looks like? I
was looking for something to do this weekend. I was thinking of popping by for a little loose primal frenzy on everyone you hold dear. Why don't you have the missus make me some of those small finger sandwiches I like. That'd be great. Oh, and don't forget to stop for beer on your way home.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:20 pm
by Atomic Punk
Onions wrote:Around 500 dead birds have fallen from the sky in Louisiana, found scattered along a quarter-mile portion of highway in Point Coupee Parish, the AP reports. The discovery is approximately 300 miles south of Beebe, Arkansas, where just days earlier thousands of the same species of birds also fell from the sky.
Last I've checked, Arkansas is a "fly-over" State.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:13 pm
by Dinsdale
That's nothing -- this fall, hundreds of thousands of dead salmon washed up on riverbanks in every corner of the U&L... it's the apocalypse.
Re: More birds fall from sky, 83,000 dead fish, earthquake..
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:14 am
by Dan Vogel
mvscal wrote:Really? Are you sure about that? Do you need reminding of what a real man made disaster looks like? I was looking for something to do this weekend. I was thinking of popping by for a little loose primal frenzy on everyone you hold dear. Why don't you have the missus make me some of those small finger sandwiches I like. That'd be great. Oh, and don't forget to stop for beer on your way home.
You are one of my least favorite people on this message board. Even if a person is dumb or wrong it doesn't elevate you at all by trying to degrade them. My own children have been taught that and act more mature than you do. Sorry to have to point it out to you but your continud behavior made it naturally happen this way.